Yep, still gotta walk up to it to start though. I figured it might even have some super niche usage in free games so you could just throw stuff directly out from your stash instead of having to load up your inventory and move away each time.
I am failing to see the link between the patch notes and some of what is expressed in this thread. Has anyone checked whether these exploits are really in the game, and whether they only appeared with this patch ?
Apparently they fixed these issues somewhat, but this WASD implementation was seriously a terrible idea. It simply doesn’t work. I am all for WASD in ARPGs, I had the best time playing Hades with that control scheme and I’m really lookign forward to the twin stick shooter gameplay in PoE 2, but those games were actually designed to be played that way. Shoehorning directional controls into a game that was never meant to have them and not considering at all how the actual gameplay is going to work just seems like a really weird move to me, especially since they are okay with adding that to the game, but not something actually useful like a loot filter. I dunno man, just let the dead horse die at this point.
I just don’t get the appeal of WASD movement. At all. It’s so much harder t hit keybinds and move at the same time. Also it’s not like WASD is an analog stick. You can move in exactly 8 directions. It just feels so awkward.
PoE2’s whole move and attack at the same time thing if anything just makes me less interesting. Because I’m willing to bet click to move will feel awful.
You can spam force move and a bound directional and stil move while holding an item. Its awkward but works? Not sure what to do with it. You can have stash open but wont interact. Whoever added this was wfh and used AI
Is there a video of this somewhere? I want to see for the luls. Even if you wait to post it after it gets patched so it doesn’t get abused, I just want to see.
Have you ever played twin-stick shooters like Hotline Miami, Robotron or Geometry Wars? That’s the idea. Basically third person shooter gameplay where you rotate with the mouse and move independently with WASD. Allows you to do things like circle strafing when playing ranged classes, shoot while walking backwards, and so on. It’s really nice. It’s not difficult to hit keybinds either, they just will be bound differently (like they usually are in hero FPS games). You are not limited to 8 directions, the way it works is that you can use the mouse to rotate in a circle (like mouselook in a FPS but in a 2D plane) and the wasd keys to strafe.
Of course, absolutely none of that works in D2 and that’s why the implementation of wasd in D2R was complete garbage and useless.
I played the demo on the last Exilecon and it felt normal. Both control methods seemed viable, wasd was more suited for the mercenary and ranger for example, but melee felt a lot better on click to move.