Twin stick shooters are fine because of… twin sticks.
Keyboard/mouse controls are comparably MUCH worse, and those games generally don’t even require the use of face buttons. Much like why 3D shooters feel kinda of awful on console. worse aiming, and any time you need to use a face button you each need a hand like a crab, or to stop aiming.
I’m sure console enjoyers will like PoE 2 with a controller plugged in, but I fricken hate WASD + mouse for top down games. I mean who emulates old console games on their PC and doesn’t plug in a controller? If it was just that I wouldn’t mind, but the problem is I’m fairly sure point and click isn’t going to play well with movement + attacking.
End of the day I’m a Morrowind guy, not a Oblivion/Skyrim guy. PoE 2 is being designed for console ultimately, and as a PC gamer, it’s not my cup of tea. PoE 2 isn’t being optimized for it’s best experience with click to move, OR with WASD. It’s being designed with controller in mind. And frankly I think ARPG is a horrible genre for consoles. Looting is just awful.
I mean D1 had a console port way back in the day. And it works okay emulated with WASD… but WASD is no replacement for modern 360 degree movement in a 2D plane. Which I can do with a mouse… but not 4 keys…
I mean ffs all they need to do to make mouse work with back kiting is make a keybind to move you in the opposite direction of your cursor. Bam you have way more control without click micro than you ever would with WASD.
The “twin sticks” the name comes from is from arcade machine. They were directional arcade sticks, not analogs. And the way they work on PC is completely different from gamepad games. Look at Hotline Miami. I don’t think you understand how wasd movement actually works in that sort of PC game. It’s not pure wasd, it’s wasd + mouse, where the character points to where the mouse is pointing at, and wasd just strafes (like you would in a FPS game). You could move just pressing W and moving the mouse around and the character would move exactly the same as if you were holding lmb on click to move, therefore, click to move is basically the more limited option.
I mean I get the idea. I also generally hate moving one way, and shooting another in games. Hell the only game I can think of where I’m okay with that is mech/tank sims.
You also mentioned hero shooters. Guess what, I thought Overwatch was an awful game. Why? The controls lol. I like shooters, but I like OLD shooters. Like take me back to Unreal 99/Quake 3 Arena era or before over anything they make today. I’d much rather play Doom 2 again that touch Overwatch with a 10 foot pole.
I mean I played Battlerite, and I never liked the movement in it either. Killed my hands after a couple hours. I couldn’t imagine trying to grind out level cap in an RPG cycling through wasd every second for 150 hours… I’d much rather kick my feet back, play with the mouse hand, occasionally tap a keybind or two, and watch some youtube semi reclined.
Hell there is a reason my 2 all time favorite MMOs were DAoC and GW1. Both had systems that let you take your hands off WASD to hit keybinds mid combat. Hell even WoW did. You just had to tap left mouse, or jump and spin turn. Beats turning your hand into a pretzel so a boss doesn’t 1 shot you.
This should be proof enough for you guys that there’s truth in the claims that the code is not feasibly maintainable.
Coding standards were not as modular as they are today, the systems that built the original D2 were intertwined and cannot be easily modified without breaking connecting pieces and causing unintended side effects.
Sure it’s technically possible, but it’d be economically prohibitive. And for what? A game that doesn’t generate any further significant revenue?
It’d be best served by the original team who wrote the code and are familiar with its inner workings, and getting that whole team back together is never going to happen. Expecting a whole bunch of new people to make up a team and learn the code to the degree they can build add-ons and avoid where it has its hooks in other areas that will cause negative side effects… is expecting a bit much.
Why not just let it go, guys. Let the game rest and retire in peace. Enjoy it for what it was, what it is and stop expecting it’s going to have a second tour.
It’s no wonder the company completely ignores communicating on this forum, it’s filled with people who keep chasing a pipe dream and beating a dead horse.
You literally had to circle strafe in those games or you’d die against any decent player so I don’t get it. It’s the exact same mechanic. Or did you play Doom with only turn controls?
Updates happen even without money in mind when it comes to other studio’s, the whole is money is not there the update won’t happen parrot… only from blizzard fans.
Or those who understand how capitalism works, or how a publicly traded company works, and of course how GREED works. But call it whatever you want, whatever puts your mind at ease.
no man’s sky improved there game for 8 years for no charge and additional optional DLC, but go ahead… explain your insight and knowledge on a blizzard forum about capitalism and business as if you know anything buddy.
Who cares if a company is public traded stop acting like you know something, humans don’t work as one blob of mind, as if bug fixes or small updates cannot be pushed by developers because they simply care… HELLO?
Like i said as if you know anything, you hang on this forum 24/7 with over 10k in comments… internet troll, stop giving reaction to my comments for the sake of sounding smart and starting childish discussions and after reporting them because someone stepped on your little ego.
The funny part of this little conversation is that I was pointing the finger at Blizzard for not doing much with the game because they are greedy. I guess maybe it was a bit too subtle. But whatever dude, take your anger out on me instead.
10862 posts man has no capacity for following the thoughts of others , instead just parrots fake reddit knowledge.
Yes the WASD update was talked thoroughly by the board members of blizzard… because business and capitalism allot of money at stake right there… HIRE TheDarkJedi-1970
There is nothing wrong with WASD movement. The issue is WASD movement plus hotkeys without the ability to use mouse movement while you activate said hotkeys.
Example with DAoC. Moved toward a target as a melee, hit E to stick as you get into range to take your finger off W for a second to hit 6 to Slam. Now Run 90 degrees to their right with w and mouse to then hit F to face and get off a side style. Or when you need to hit ctrl + 2 to pop and RA you can just tap autorun
It’s not that PoE2 has too complex of controls, it’s that they are too simple and limiting compared to other hotkey heavy games which give you multiple ways to control. Basically because “modern game has to work on consoles.”
Yeah I’m not a blizzard fan, particularly with how they’ve treated women over the years.
Just being realistic. You’re expecting things of the old blizzard seemingly without realising that the new blizzard is not the same as the old blizzard.
Updates happen even without money in mind when it comes to other studio
New blizzard doesn’t do things without money in mind. New blizzard is activision wearing blizzard’s skinned face, parading around pretending to be old blizzard to people like you who refuse to get with the program and instead keep stamping their little feet about how they want things to be.
Find another way to get your entertainment needs met, man. There are so many other games to play.
LOL nice projecting, but no, the whole blizzard is not blizzard message has been going on since what the last 10 years, what makes you think otherwise about blizzard or people being left out about that. Also, i don’t want big updates to the game, just basic bug fixes, so nice projecting all around. Again, for small fixes they don’t need to shill out a lot of money… only give a crap which they do not… has nothing to do with money or me not understanding it because its not the same blizzard whatever parrot you are also on about, stop repeating each other so much thinking you have some big deep argument, stop parroting wannabe i know my capitalism BS thinking everything is money while mostly its just giving a damn and being present knowing what they are doing in the first place, patch 2.8 shows you they have no passion left, diablo 4 shows that too that’s why i did not buy it to begin with, it screams where not there anymore.