Patch 2.5 is huge buff to drops? I hope this dont go live in Season 2

The title, omg anyone readding Treasureclass.txt? :smiley:

I presume you mean under the Modding section?
Didn’t see it anywhere in the online stuff.

I don’t have a very good understanding of TCs but yes there are multiple looking into it, Pavke and Obliivescence are some Reddit users that are currently looking at it and sounds like there’s some interesting developments regarding Sunder charms and terrorized SUs. Hmm…

I was just looking into it, its insane. For example terrorized andy can drop Zod or tyraems might at lvl 96+.

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OK, she can drop it, but does that mean the drop chance is higher compared to Baal for example?

Tyrael’s Might drop chance from Baal according to Silospens @ P1&300mf:

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actualy it is, because andy hell is always quest bugged. and you can do her in few seconds compoared to baal several minutes long run.

Its not just that, its anything special, councils can drop anything now if terrorized lvl 96+

What about the countess??..because there was a thread with someone claiming she dropped 2 Jah in 1h.
I run Tower 2 days in a row terrorized and I couldn’t see any deviation from her usual drop patterns.
I know that 2h and approx 80 runs are not a big enough sample, but nonetheless…

Fair enough… But her area is only available for an hour at a time… So there’s that limitation.


Oh but there are super uniques everywhere…

guy was actualy right i guess, they possibly pushed that change sooner than they wanted.

let me check:

Countess at lvl 96+ have Act 5 (H) Equip C soi can drop any armor or weapon, so for example Tyraels might. She has runes 17 so she can drop up to Zod in her normal drop. But still only Lo in her special rune drop.

TL;DR - Sundering Charms are hardcoded to drop as a guaranteed special drop instead of being generated like other uniques, which means we do not know their rarity. MF will not affect their drop rate in any way.

Hmm… this TC stuff is over my head to be honest but looks like there’s a lot of interesting things to unpack.

It means they gave them special TC so they dont share it with gheed and their ilvl is lower now 69 instead of previously 75.

If she can now drop up to Lo in special table, up from Ist, then this is a gigantic buff to high runes drops overal. Very bad decision in that case, especially given the randomness of terror zones. If you miss the hour when she is terrorized, you will be left behind.
And in general, trivializing the difficulty of the game, by making high runes like 100 times easier to obtain.

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I think he might’ve gotten confused, Lo is her maximum regular monster drop.

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Well the countess special table is somewhat unexpected, the rest was already expected.
At least it was my main reason to dislike the TZ, all of a sudden even base act 1 mobs will be able to drop absolutely everything and the speed to kill them is hardly decreased, while things like Andy, Council and Cows will be insane.

oh my bad LOL, right she could only up to ist before in special rune drop.

my mistake guys, that still is the reality. Her special rune drop is still up to Ist.

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So special rune drop table is also buffed while terrorized from max ist to max Lo!?

No, special rune drop is still max Ist. I typed it wrongly. Her nromal drop is up to zod.

Desecrated cow king now can drop tc 87 items and double drop with “Find item” :laughing: