If this releases like that, bear it’s just a fun build, not even half of what he used to be, at least in power terms. If i’m not wrong, i swing at 9 frames with 100ias etomb. Was 5 before. With fireclaws phys oriented, charged the maul and then fireclawed, this build killed faster in my setup than fury (had like 11ks physical +13 fire and stun, 5 times a second), at least i liked it better, even with the slow movement, old fury wolf is kinda simple building, bit boring. And i didn’t had to suffer the “spirit died again” lol. Bear works no spirit just fine, has more skills to spent points (werebear and maul are same or more ed than how).
If bear is slow attack speed, nobody gonna know how good is fireclaws, wolf don’t make a good user of that skill, since he doesn’t have enhanced damage nor stun, instead has life leech and run walk. You don’t leech any with that poor physical damage, even with 100% leech. There is no reason doing same amount of fire damage (lets say 13k) over 13ks of physical (easily achieveable with fury). So not only bear builds are halved in power and just fun builds now, but fireclaws is also diminished (let’s say wolf can get same speed as old bear, but lacks the 10k extra physical of having maul charged, plus the stun on maul and shockwave, the 40 liberated points you only can use in armageddon or summons, which are tiny damage or utility vs stuns and like 600 enhanced damage of maxing werebear and maul, which would be the way to go with a fireclaw bear, in my opinion the 6 shael fireclaw setup was always the bad setup, half damage and no leech, for a shield in a bear, which is so bad at fbr and fhr).
Funny thing is that this was an unknown build, and then everyone it’s excited it’s got some love/buff, cause they didn’t know the build was so good (mine was 24k 5fpa), ignorance is bliss lol.
TLDR : If you want power don’t play Bear. I’m gonna reroll to wolf, gonna love picking up some thundermaul base and getting absurd 4 frames or 3 whatever they are even 5 frames with no ias on items lol, but bear is gone byebye for sure. You don’t trade half attack speed for some defense or uninterruptale in this game, attacking slow and no aoe in this game can be just a fun or quirky build ( but not a goal end build, that’s for sure), which is good to have before anything, problem is we had something else before which was powerful, just unpopular/unknown and slow moving, but fast killing for sure it was.
Diablo 2 Resurrected: Druida Oso, Garras de fuego + Destrozar - YouTube Some chaos sanctuary gameplay of mine. I kill fire immunes faster and the new full physical build ( 80 points synergie+20 fireclaw so the physical part its only 1 point), which tells how much worse got.