Two hand weapons except sword and spear have FPA of 17f, which grants you 6f. With changes to FC synergy, one definitively should throw those points to Maul, and should play as a fire/phy hybrid build.
Why doesn’t my 3 shael Tomb Reaver feel like 6 frames if that is the case?
Unless there is a breakpoint I’m just missing. Was between 70-90% ias from Maul+items in addition to the 120% in the weapon. Really need that calculator.
EDIT: Warren has updated his calculator from what it seems. 130% ias needed for 8 frames with 3 shael Tomb Reaver. 480% for 7 frames. If this is true. It certainly feels like it - so I think it could be accurate. Although I do not know how the Maul attack speed increase factors in.
@Tengaku When has a Blizzard-made calculator ever been a thing?
I love the “Weapon versatility” aspect - and then we are forced to somehow get Fana into our builds to try and mitigate the nerf.
Do you know where I can contact him except post on github? I think I found some bug in that calculator.
If we assume that:
- Wereforms are using the frame data from manform’s 1-handed swinging attack
- The EIAS cap is indeed raised to +150
- The vague statement in the patch notes, “increased speed between attacks by 40%,” really means “we cut the rollback from 100 to 60.”
- The formulae for rollback attacks shown here h-t-t-p-s://–diablo-2-resurrected-attack-speed-calculation–fps-ias-fcr-fhr-fbr–weapon-attack-speed-calculation–explained are correct. (I can’t include links apparently…)
Then we get the following:
- Hit1 FPA =
= 4 - Starting frame for Hit2 =
= 4 - Hit2 FPA =
= 2 - Starting frame for Hit3 =
= 3 - Hit3 FPA =
= 3 - Starting frame for Hit 4 =
= 4 - Hit4 FPA =
= 2 - Starting frame for Hit5 =
= 3 - Hit5 FPA =
= 6
So that’s 4/2/3/2/6 (17 frames total).
Interestingly, the breakpoint is at exactly +150 EIAS.
(I know Tegaku knows this, but for those who don’t EIAS = skill_IAS + ((120*gearIAS)/(120+gearIAS)) - base_weapon_speed
Conveniently, I had a single-player druid with +143 EIAS that I could swap the gloves to hit +150. Quick and dirty testing shows that (a) there is a breakpoint somewhere between 143 and 150, and (b) the swing times at the faster breakpoint are uneven. (Both are clearer too see in legacy graphics mode.) Also, it felt fast enough that I could believe it’s 17 frames. (To test properly would require modding so we could measure against next-delay timers or mana drain or something.)
The other curious thing going on is that I couldn’t spot a moment where Fury was clearly interrupted by the block animation. But that might have been because I wasn’t getting hit in the first place (high defense and making everything dead/in hit recovery before it could hit me) or because I was too focused on looking for the speed difference that I failed to notice the blocking. So, it’s possible that Fury was made uninterruptible by an undocumented change, but more testing is needed.
Is it confirmed that wereforms in PTR2 are using different frame data based on what type of weapon is equipped? Traditionally they’ve used the frame data from one-handed swinging regardless of the actual weapon type equipped.
1 handed swing should not give you 9??
It should be (FramesPerDirection+1)/2
aka (19+1)/2 = 10
9 would be correct for polearms:
(17+1)/2 = 9
There may be other scenarios, that AnimSpeed is played faster than 256…
All serial attacks:
Last/Paw attack:
=ceiling(FramesPerDirection x 256/Floor(256x(100+EIAS)/100))-1
I dno, yours setup seems most interesting pr now. I have splashed it into excel and will test all breakpoints i can visual see. We would need a good connection, a fast pc and a frame pr frame recording program to verify this 100% xD
Some people testing on d2r new patch now found this:
Polearm -10WSM
Werewolf lvl 25: 71 SkillIas
30ias: 8/4/4/4/4
40ias: 8/4/4/4/4
50ias: 8/4/4/4/4
60ias: 8/3/3/3/3
95ias: 7/3/3/3/3
I dont know for me both ur formula and the one increasing animspeed has different breakpoint. THe animspeed one gets 3 frame serial at 48ias with such setp as well as initial/paw/last frame is 7… I dno how accurate their testing was either. Its hard to see with theese fast attack speeds.
Anyway, to answere your question above this post:
And here are how they used to work:
The old formula was using the human shape to delay the animspeed of werewolf, however this delay became a speedup to animspeed with the use of a fast wepon and mass amount of wepon ias. Like this:
Shapers has 1 human animation speed and 1 shaped animation speed, both are handeled when it comes to calculating attack speed.
So here we need to use full formula. The human shape makes a change in AnimSpeed.
Frames pr Direction and AnimRate:
AnimRate & WeponBase: Ref. h-t-t-p-s://
So AnimRate here does vary by wep and class. Usually animrate is 256, but it may differ, like forexample assa with claw/claws its 208.
WSM IS INVERTED IN THIS FORMULA!!! (WSM * -1) prior to using it.
NU WereWolf: 9
NU WereBear: 10
- For the wolf and bear forms the A1 (right paw swing)and A2 left paw swing) sequence are their normal attack length WereBear=12, WereWolf=13.
- For the S3 sequence (biting attack animation) the lengths are WereBear=10, WereWolf=10. (sound of bear is 13 ^^)
- (MadeUpWord–>)AnimRate1 = 100, unless chilled where it becomes 50. Im unsure about how the rest of the slow acts, if it’s directly subtract to AnimRate1, or if it is a subtract to WSM or SIAS.
Anyway, it should work the same. But if max slow ammount is 100(chilled + 50% from either skills(golem/hf) or items(Gleglaws etc). If the total ammount of slow can be more than 100, then i would assume
that: Chilled subtracts to AnimRate1, SkillSlow Subtracts to SIAS, ItemSlow subtracts to WSM. And that each is max 50%. But this is just guesses, hope some1 can explain me the max values of slow.
Shape Formulas:
Delay = [256 x (WeaponBase) / [(weapon ias+wsm+100) x AnimRate/100]]
Anim speed = [NU x 256 / delay]
Speed increase/EIAS = [120 x ias / (120 + ias)] + skill ias + wsm *(IAS is both wep and gear as usual formula)
FramesSerial = {256 x 7/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100 x Anim speed]}
Frames WolfPaw = {256 x 13/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100 x Anim speed]}- 1
Frames Biting = {256 x 10/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100 x Anim speed]}- 1
Frames BearPaw = {256 x 12/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100 x Anim speed]}- 1
- Fury use FramesSerial for his 4 first attacks, then WolfPaw for the last attack.
- AnimRate for Werewolf/Werebear is not listed as 256, but we use 256. AnimRate for human shape we use the listed for AnimRate and WeponBase.
Example: Assa Wielding a claw: AIA1HT1 – WeponBase(Frames pr direction) 11 – AnimRate 208.
The reason why serial attacks had 7, is due to the fact fury had 100% rollback, as well as using the werewolf paw frames per diretion as referanse which was 13.
So for serial attacks it was:
Ceiling((FramesPerDirection+1)/2 x 256/floor(256 x (100+EIAS)/100))
Since werewolf frames always was 13 nomather wepon this was always 13 for inital paw attack and 7 for serial.
However weponbase changed the delay via human shape framesPerDirection.
Also the base frame of druid should be 16 right? Cause thats the human fists framesPerDirection.
I believe wepon class still matter.
1 handed swing should not give you 9??
You mean the action frame? I just copy/pasted the frame data from Amazon Basin: h-t-t-p-s://
Also, isn’t everything using the same frame data (1HS) in wereform? It would be a change if they were not. (I’ll try to test this in a few hours if I have time.)
(Does anyone know why sometimes I can include links in my posts and sometimes I can’t? It’s quite annoying…)
I edited my responce above, notifying you here via quote.
And about the links, i assume they block other pages tagged by “gaming” or smt as they may compete in the market.
Amazon basin is not updated for d2r i think.
It used to use the werewolf paw frames per direction.
But now it dont anymore.
Now it follow druid human shape, which has several depending on type.
BOW - 16
STAF - 17
1HS - 19
1HT - 19
XBW - 20
2HS - 21
2HT - 23
All with animspeed of 256
Amazon basin is not updated for d2r i think.
I used it for the human druid’s frame data. Specifically that 1HS is 19/9.
After testing, I conclude that Fury is using different frame data when you change weapons. (I tested a WSM 0 bow versus a WSM spear, and the spear was quite obviously slower.)
I’m still not sure about whether Fury’s been made uninterruptible. I was able to observe some block animations, but I failed to spot any blocks that were unequivocally in the middle of a Fury. I only seemed to be getting block animations between Furies. I’d appreciate if someone else could do some more testing on this.
Damn, great for wolves but the bear attack speed is dissapointing. They used to be fast as hell with fire claws. Hopefully it’s fixed.
Some one should write a bug report or something then.
im not very good with ss druids, but that mean that a grief+stormshield is now viable or he will still stop fury, if block?
They could add Maul Skill to beast that would be cool and while they are at it give wolfhowl fury lol
Well thats the
Base frame and the action frame.
However serial attacks used to use:
(19+1)/2 = 10
But who knows what blizzard decided to do this time.
Anyway, my pc is to slow to test this accurate. And im not well versed in recording and counting frames on the recording.
It would be optimal if some1 could test all EIAS from 0 to 150 and accurate measuring fpa and their breakpoints.
Then formulas would be easier to find.
- Make char in d2lod
- Hero edit it:
- 2 x survival and dual leech charm with massive ar bonuses and survival stats. (makes testing way easier, if ultimate defense and dr etc u can have loads of cows to test vs or just fallens/zombies etc in hell)
- All quest, difficulty and acts
- 4 x 1ias scs
- 1 x 5ias sc
- 4 x 10ias scs
- 1 x 50ias sc
- 2 x 100 ias sc
- 1 x great maul (no other stats than possible -requirements% and AR.)
- 1 x simular warschyte
Copy savefiles from c:/users/user/documents/d2lod save folder into d2r save folder also located under document.
Start up char in offline mode d2r ptr.
Skill lvl 1 werewolf, lvl 20 lycan, lvl 20 fury.
Lvl 1 werewolf is 20 skillias, great maul is +20 wsm. This equals 0eias.
Then use this formula and test every eias break u can reach with ur 0 to 299 ias.
Floor(120*ias/(120+ias)) -
When great maul not can reach any higher eias, u swap to warschyte, and or increase werewolf level to test the higher eias breakpoints.
This would give us all eias breakpoints, and then you actually only need eias formula to find breakpoint with any wep. However it would be easier to locate fpa formula.
Maul skill wont help much.
Werebear reach max 6 fpa with 2 handers(exception are 2handed spear and 2 handed sword)
And only 7 fpa with 1 handed weps…
Bow i think is max 6 fpa as well.
Assas is max 5 fpa.
They can add 1000 skill ias to maul, it wont help as eias break ends at 150 anyway.
And 7% increase to damage pr lvl on werebear skill + Uninteruptible + some more defense at the cost of loosing 2 fpa attack is a baaaad trade off that makes bears even weaker than before…
They want to make a slow but power full bear, so far we got a weak slowpoke which would require at least double OUTPUT damage if it gonna justifice 2 less fpa break.
Also reaching 150eias with forexample eth tombreaver is blood hard. (break is 143 though)
Even a -10 wsm base is only at 129 eias at 20000 ias when not including any skill ias.
So you need to charge up maul to even reach max frames…
Lets assume he use a beast cadeuce, which max can reach 7 frames on 138 eias.
But to reach 138 eias with -10 wsm and 29 skill ias he need 566ias.
If any1 can test this, it would be great:
Greater maul or any other +20 wsm maul.
75 ias.
75 skill ias from werewolf.
If it has:
5/3/3/3/6 then rollback from 100 to 60 is changed.
If it has:
4/4/4/4/8 then animspeed plays 40% faster.
I did this test myself.
Greater maul: +20 wsm
Werewolf: +71 skill_ias
85 ias
For me it looks like:
Aka 40% faster played animation.
60% rollback instead of 100% would give:
But it dont look that fast for me…
Nice im not used to watch legacy mode because of lags, what breakpoint you think it is?
It feels a lot like standard 4 frame tombreaver build for me. But ofc its been a month or 2 or 3 since i played my werewolf on d2lod ^^
I have my friend who played fury druid for many years to check both of our videos, we have come to a conclusion that both video are showing 4f attack speed