Partial refund for lost time, items, characters?

Has anyone ever got a partial refund from Blizzard for lost time ? I personally never submitted one from my years on WoW for major extended server downtime or anything but I feel like this is completely justified for people who spent 4 to 6 hours of time to get their characters wiped completely or rolled back. Especially considering this is happening to even offline single player characters. Honestly the only way I’ll play this again is if Blizzard officially acknowledges they messed up and gives me $10 or $20 back.


guess ur not going to play this again then :smiley:


this is the most hilarious post I’ve read today


Why ? I’ve been to at least 3 movies in my life where either a technical issue or emergency happened and they stopped the showing mid-way through. Want to guess what I got back? My money.


This is not the movie and you are not limited to the time you can spend on it or session dated to a specific time or date. You bought the game, you can play it even 3 years later without having to pay another cent, does it work the same with movies? No.


Blizzard has basically stolen time from people though…time = money. Simple.


You are stealing our time…plz give us money


Can’t tell if you are saying that to me or Blizzard ? Lol. I personally didn’t charge you to read my post : )

Average game time for a D2 player per year is about 1800 hours. The game lasts an average of 20 years before it is renewed. You paid $40, and lost 5 hours out of a potential 36,000 hours over a 20 year lifespan. That makes you entitled to $0.0055. You’re welcome.


Here is your main problem…I never lost character progress or items from original d2, now I have, what’s your answer to that ?

Exact same answer.

Math doesn’t lie.

You’re entitled to a refund of up to $0.0055.

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Oh boy are you for real?

I’m going to have to jump straight to the popular theme of why do you people like being corporate shills and simping for blizzard ?

Source please, how many people still play D2 for 1800 hours a year.

The average game time for a “d2 player” - What are you even smoking

How many people in the entire D2 population has played non stop for 20 years?
How many people in the entire D2 population has logged 36,000 hours?

Your math is not based on the average player, its based on the sweatiest possible neckbeard in the world.

Whatever you’re smoking I need some of that

How did you turn a year into a week? That’s a very big gap.

Yes I am a real human. Nice to meet you.

Edit:this was replying to LightningYu

Source please, how many people still play D2 for 1800 hours a year.

The average game time for a “d2 player” - What are you even smoking

How many people in the entire D2 population has played non stop for 20 years?
How many people in the entire D2 population has logged 36,000 hours?

Your math is not based on the average player, its based on the sweatiest possible neckbeard in the world.

Whatever you’re smoking I need some of that

How about you answer the question?

Where is your source?

You are literally making things up

Which question? The autistic question, the very autistic question, or the absurdly autistic question?

Lol typical,

Someone calls you out for making up random statistics to suit your agenda a nd the best your can do is just keep deflecting.

Here you go, answer this below

Source please, how many people still play D2 for 1800 hours a year. Where did you get this information? Or are you just making things up

How could I possibly know the exact amount of players playing the exact amount of hours over a period of 20 years?