Paladin and Sorceress dominance for 10+ years

I thought about a casting delay which reduces per skill as well, but I think in practice, these suggested changes will mainly only affect game progression/speed runners and non-casters using enigma… and not so much affect paladins and sorcs (especially lightning) that get plenty of +skills, which offset any downsides of only having a 1 point investment in teleport.

Still wondering if there’s a smarter solution…

Yes, i’m in to nerf paladin, an overpowered character gives lack of creativity/diversity.

  1. SMITER :
    1 out of 2 smite hit is based on attack rating (and that hit has a chance to be blocked in pvp)

    25% of Fire, cold and light immunes turn immune to magical damage instead
    and this all over the game. This will also help balance other classes !

  3. AURADIN : ok for better damage but for same radius make it from 150% to 5% at circumference proportinaly

  4. FOH : no more enhancement. Get back 1second cast delay for same target.

  5. Teleport random cooldown 0-1sec ? Or male it consume a % of mana !
    Should be consuming stamina as well

But again… if it’s “too easy”… that’s because you’re playing one of the best characters with the best gear for that activity… again… a “you” problem. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that everyone thinks like you do.

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Who said buff it passed hammerdin? I didn’t.
I think there should be some fine tuning to many of the unique and set items. I think its horrible that spirit runeword basically invalidates every caster item. Sorceress weapon progression goes from leaf → spirit → hota. Every other weapon need not apply. Every runeword needs at least one unique/set item equivalent.

Occy usually makes an appearance between Spirit and Hota.

I meant as opposed to buffing other characters to extreme levels to achieve balance.

Unless you actually want classes to remain unbalanced…

There is none, many mods tried to fix Teleport and all failed!

PD2 was so close, but still wrong Imo.

Personally, my favorite “fix” would be debuff mechanic aka big reward and big risk; for 1 sec after casting -100% to light/fire/cold resistances and -100% to damage reduce, both decreasing by 2% per +lvl.
Sorc has Energy Shield which absorbs all dmg (exc poison) so it fits naturally as pre Energy Shield skill.

no its not. this is the same logic as apple blaming their customers for their shortcomings in their products. you are just trying to rationalize you wanting to play overpowered classes. in a competetiv scene people will use all the tools available to him to be on top. if he wouldn’t, he wouldnt be giving his best shot at it and the competetiveness loses its meaning.

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A fairly easy fix would be to restrict it to LOS. You would still need to explore like every character, but you could jump around.

I’ve also suggested replacing the “costs less mana per level” with:

  • Cool down that decreases per level
  • Low starting range that increases per level.


Just add Diminishing Returns mchanic cuz Teleport is movement skill so should be affected too :slight_smile: How it would work? I think -frame break point per Teleport cast if you cast it again before cool down ended; 1sec CD, then this CD is accumulating per break point numbers eg first cast is 105 (1sec), next 63 (2sec), 37 (3)… to max 5 secs so it would eliminate Teleport spamming, ofc you could spamm, but on lower break points.

Where? There is no competition in this game. If someone is jelly that another person has an item they want… they can just trade for it, or farm more… it’s not a competition.

are you really so much in denial? ladder is there for competition, pvp is there for competition, etc.


And there are people who don’t care about either of those. It doesn’t mean that they are in denial. Personally, if there was never a ladder, and they removed PVP, that would be just fine. And I’m sure plenty of others would agree. This game is a PVM loot hunting game… you can agree or not… but it doesn’t matter to me.

A progressive cooldown sounds like a new mechanic that hasn’t been implemented yet. This certainly wouldn’t be an easy fix, even if there was a lot of support for it.

never said that. but you said there is no competition in this game. thats jst plain wrong. the people you describe just don’t care for competition. and i’d say that is not the majority. look at the people here complaining about ladder not being up 5 months after the game released. look at the amount of people complaining about the effects of the bonemancer’s changes has on pvp that result from bonespirit’s damage increase.

Personally, if there was never a ladder, and they removed PVP, that would be just fine. And I’m sure plenty of others would agree

i heavily doubt that. but why not make a poll. ask a simple question:
“would you like it if we deleted pvp and ladder from the game?”
see how that turns out. i bet a 1000 euro not in your favour.


You have not provided any creative way to resolve your arguments issue. You just vented and wine with no real solutions. Not saying you are wrong, but you have not added any real value to this conversation. Just giving you my feedback.

That is what my initial response was :slight_smile:

Because I don’t care how other people want to play… because it doesn’t affect me… due to the complete lack of competition. See how that works?

If someone else wants to play a hammer pally and destroy the game, that’s fine… because it has no impact on how I play. If everyone and their cat want to play sorc, and skip most of the game, again… doesn’t affect me, so why would I care?

if everyone at the olympics want to use doping, you would be angry if you were participating in the olympics.

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Well sure… because that’s a competition, and you expect it to be fair. However, this is not a competition, because I’m not racing someone else to get loot, or fight the minions of Diablo…

That’s a “you” choice though.