Paladin and Sorceress dominance for 10+ years

Except its not what I want, its about what I think would be better for game.


And I think you’re wrong… so who’s “right” then?

Nerfs are never the answer. Boost the other classes.


The biggest balance changes that are needed are toward melee characters, especially the Barbarian. Base item damages could be buffed for starters, but more needs to be done. I still advocate for adding a 4th skill tree to every class. I think this would allow for a fun addition to the game, opening many more build possibilities, and allow them to buff melee through the use of new skills. I mean the barbarian doesn’t exactly have many fun, viable attack options at the moment.

I would rather they bring up other classes/builds (without making them all feel the same).

Can you explain why it is wrong? Currently are some builds kind of OP, able to farm game on players 8. You agree with that i guess right? Well if we want to make other builds great, do you think its good idea to make them just as OP? OP in a sense they can farm game on /high player setting? Group play will be joke, difficulty of game will be joke. So I think its much better to choose some level of power and bring all builds to that level, some buff some nerf.


Sure… some builds can farm on players 8. And some can do ubers. Some can’t. It’s not like everyone is stuck not using those characters/ skills/ gear.

Plus, everyone seems to forget that those characters can do that with the best gear and spec they can… but those same characters would be slower/ unable to without it…

This isn’t a competition of one class versus another… every character can finish the game with crap gear on players 1, or solo online…

There is also nothing wrong with people wanting to be powerful in the best gear and destroy the game at it’s hardest… then they can start working on other character to get them to the same spot. The problem I see is that some classes may not have a spec/ gear loadout that would enable them to do so… so those classes need some buffs to be able to …

Teleport cooldown with hard points in skill to reduce the cooldown. Teleport now is a 1 point wonder that provides way too much mobility. Remove cooldown at 20 hard points?


Yea… that’s a good way to get people to quit. The problem with skills like Teleport and the like is that there is no real benefit to putting more points into it. It should only be a one point skill, or should be a synergy for other passive skills.

Nerfs are never the answer.


This is exactly what is it tho, why do you think so many people paly hammerddin, javazon and blizz sorc? Because these builds are OP, people prefer to play OP builds to have advantage. And now they cant properly buff unused stuff because people demand that new or previous not so good builds are suppoosed to be able to do same as hammerdin or blizz sorc on /players 8. If they do that, difficulty of game online will become joke.


Sure. It’s almost like every class besides Sorc has to grind through Normal and NM without teleport. Its no wonder everyone quits in droves before reaching hell.

People will always gravitate to the most effective and efficient ways to farm gear… that’s a “you” problem, and not a game problem.

Nothing is forcing someone who doesn’t like sorc/ pally/ zon to play those… they lose nothing by not playing them… but they seem to think that, because they can’t get loot as fast, they are.

I mean, I can go kill cows with my frozen orb sorc… or I can swap over to my javazon and do the same run in a fraction of the time… do I want to maximize my killing of cows for loot/ runes, or do I want to enjoy doing it more with my sorc… the right answer is different for everyone… and there is no “correct” answer.

Um… so play a sorc then? Again, this isn’t a game problem, it’s a “you” problem…

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Glad you caught the sarcasm and proved my point.

Your “good way to get people to quit” strawman has no legs to stand on. The hammerdins would be forced to use Sorceresses if they want peak mobility.

Sorceress dominance for 21+ years

fixed your thread title for you.

And Hammerdins for 19 :rofl:

1.10 was a love letter to the Paladin class.

it just gave them enigma the patch didn’t really buff hammer relative to monster buffs. But that mobility mixed with removing white rings and ith weapons from physical classes sure did make hammerdins look much better.

but yes they have been very strong for a long time though still nothing compared to sorc because they require an up front cost unlike the sorcs.

1.10 also introduced Synergies, added more ranged mobs, and raised monster health. Added 20 overpowered runewords of which included Spirit for which the shield can only be used by Paladins starting 25.

They also added ignore resistance for Undead and Demons for Blessed Hammer and gave it synergies for extra damage. One of the hammer synergies is literally Vigor to gap the bridge to Enigma…

It’s amazing how nostalgia hides reality.


Sorc could have no skills except teleport and it’d still be top tier. Please give teleport an 8s CD.

This is how you turn the game into D3, though.
Buffs that never power creep past hammerdin? That’s good.

Which in turn is a game problem.

Casual players that have zero care for competitive play will be fine, but anyone that wants to play this game and compete in some even small way (ie, the entire ladder player set) then of course those players are going to gravitate towards characters that farm more efficiently, which the differences are not even close.

Nerfs are definitely warranted, otherwise the end game will be too easy.