Paid Bot Free Ladder?

Ah yes by, Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved. they meant all the negative things you ‘know’, like wretched server stability, mass botting, rampant RMT and spam … but also none of the good things you ‘love’ like the existence of a true LoD/Ladder version or any multiplayer variant that allows you to circumvent bottle-net or utilize the /players command.

Blizzard is complicit so basically Botting, RMT, and Advertising are allowed on Diablo II: Resurrected, a product the developers have no intention of finishing.

However, you are welcome to exist in the only form of multiplayer among these bot and RMT spawn. Because all other forms of multiplayer were, contrary to Blizzard’s advertising, stripped from retail. Enjoy your time in Non-Competitive Ladder.