P8 slider or ban from games you make option

gotta open your wallet then. or find a friend who has loaders. i myself play p5. :wink:

Just pointing out that you dont have the ability to handle your feelings well enough to discuss subjects that revolve around your autonomy being based on how you behave.

Not ā€œthrowing it out thereā€ people who say they have cancer or some type of condition are not ā€œthrowing it out thereā€ ā€œThe sky is blueā€ you are conflating your emotions with reality. What id like is less attention from people who want to be victims themselves who are jealous of people with real problemsā€¦ Thats obvious right? Thats what my post says. I have a genuine reason to not participate in the eractic tendencies of people who are too anal and fixated on degrading other people. Please keep up or dont get involved in discussions here or just pretend to block me again

This post is about implementing mechanics into the game not solutions to the problems the lack of the mechanic causes

Keep ostriching that proves my point :sunglasses:

You got it.


Dont unblock me this time :+1: and dont write checks with your mouth that you cant cash.

100th repost, CoC :zipper_mouth_face:

Im 38ā€¦i did 4 level 99ā€™s season 2 and one 98. I was number 1 on xbox and 37th globally on pc i started 3 days late. I know the second comment probably isnt related to me or this post but ok.

Ive done over 10 level 99s ive still never personally found a jmod or Tyraels might, the stuff ive found while grinding in pubs i give away. My characters are geard im just intrested in the 99 aspect of the game.

Oh man did i call it a diatribe about why your ā€œmoralityā€ makes you a victim.

I like playing with players that dont have neurotic tendencies about intentionally dissolving runs, that includes people that force you to use passwords because of their behaviour. Ive done over 800 runs consecutively where i myself am the catalyst for the runs by teleporting to baal and maintaining the players count so i could level in the terror zone. Always the people i am supporting dont like the people that try to dismantle the runs

thought you ignored me as well? You are underestimating how badly griefers are addicted to being tormented emotionally and mentally its all to obvious who you sympathize with. Keep quiet on my posts and dont troll

Clearly in bottom 20th percentile of all players, just above Bravata

Please keep the post constructive dont have a tantrum

Wheres the tantrum? Solution is get good, strong players control bad players in games.

You cant stop anyone from unpartying and killing the stuff taking the xp. Because of the delay in how the hostile mechanic works. You are just sticking your fingers in your ears and going lalalala and saying obnoxious stuff. Thats a tantrum. Dont say neurotic antagonistic stuff then expect and explanation when you get mad. Let me know if you need this explained to you again. Just send your phone number ill call you to see if you can maintain this neurotic act in reality

You need more d2 skills

You need less excuses

Is this an alt of Bravata?
Honestly op sounds even more unhingedā€¦
Another begging for handouts post from the entitled bunch.

What did i say that was unhinged? How is this begging? Could you say this statement to my face being its related to nothing thats happened or been said? People are trying to be condescending and insulting, im just talking about a mechanic that would be good for the game. if you empathize with them trying to be co dependant emotionally just keep that to yourself. Im not involved it that.
You understand???
How did you become a victim in this?

You are coming forward with the same disingenuous request, entitled and lazy players kept on asking for over 20 years.

In the same spirit I will reply with the same answer people like you have been receiving since the dawn of the millenium:
"/p8 cheat code will never come to Battlenet. There is Single player for that. "

Keep on grinding ! :pig:

You mean that the /p8 ā€œcheat codeā€ will (probably, having nothing to do with you or what you think) not have itā€™s paywall removed on battlenet.

Buy or pirate additional copies of d2r! Work-around (by stated design philosophy the work-around should be implemented to the ui like shared stash!!)

BTW /players command should come to bnet to make the game better for everyone (except leech and troll who want to be carried or harass others). Itā€™s the least Blizzard could add after blatant false advertisement and deletion of the legit multiplayer option where /players command was usable.

Keep on bot-tle netting!

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Blizzard already answered this. Single player has the /players function. Bnet does not and will not.

And NO /players 8 for online is not needed or wanted


How is this a disingenuous request?
How is this ā€œunhingedā€?
You still didnt answer how this is ā€œbeggingā€

Do you have any level 99s? Have you ever placed top 50 ladder?

Seems like you are just blabbing with no experience or knowledge.

So if you want to just say something poiintless and insulting that doesnt have anything to do with this topic, just keep your mouth shut

It is wantedā€¦they answered that question like 5 years ago one time. Its not evidence of whats ā€œneededā€ in the game. It probably wouldnt apply to you unless you do baal runs or play in a way thats reliant on a p8 mechanic

This is really the way this convo should be framed from now on. /players x already exists online, itā€™s just behind a multiboxing paywall.

It especially gets under my skin when hypocrits who aggressively oppose this idea are themselves multiboxing. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a blessing or a curse that Iā€™m old enough to remember when hypocrisy was actually considered a bad thing instead ofā€¦ not considered at all.

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OK, so instead of just ā€œgiving inā€ and wanting the same benefits that multi accounters have, why not suggest ways of limiting the multi accounters?

Hereā€™s a thought:

Make drops and experience gains fixed to /players 3, regardless of how many are in the game. The difficulty curve with more players remains unchanged.

This would bring multi accounters down to where single accounters are. Also, game sniping for drops would be a thing of the past. It would shift the focus of multiplayer to actually wanting to play with others, instead of taking advantage of others.

Multi accounters would then be forced to run bots in order to keep their advantage over single account holders when it comes to drops, putting their accounts at risk of the seldom used banhammer.