Now that everyone but the RMT trolls and Multis have quit D2R

Now that everyone but the RMT trolls and Multis have quit D2R, it’s time to add a minimum players threshold setting to bottle-net games. This way real players who don’t simply use their wallet or want to live in a Discord cabal can have adequate access to the intended /p8 monster settings.

Awaiting 9k post forum residents and their multiple accounts to make childish 40IQ arguments about bots, character balance, ladder race, streamers, “diablo is about making friends”, as if pubs weren’t a complete barren wasteland between oceans of RMT advertisement games and spam.


So no public game can be made without a minimum of 4 players or they just won’t show up on the join list?

How would this help those you think it would .

I swear you hourly wagers just puff that vape cig and spout out whatever hazed induced nonsense comes to mind rather than actually reflecting on these nonsensical fantasies.


It’s best just to put Trollok on ignore. He’s a zealot noob who thinks that /players X belongs on, completely ignoring the fact that the games drop rates and difficulty were designed around playing it single player. Years of jealousy of those who abuse closed by running multiple accounts in the same game to gain a drop rate advantage took its toll on his mind, making him believe that players abusing the system is “the norm” and thus should apply to everyone, not caring of the powercreep that comes with it.


If we send Turlok, Bravata, clayclown, RandyBoggs, Stanner, ArchSeaWitch plus a couple other honorable mentions to Antartica with their own dedicated server, they will ensure p8 games together without bots! Everyone would rejoice!

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You’re still here… wait, you’re not playing the game… wait, then how would you know?

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They should or /players 3 should be the default ‘no drop’ setting if /players x is not added.

Lord…the toxicity from some of these people.
Get a grip and learn some manners.

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Condescension towards the working class while having worse reading comprehension than an American second grader, figures. No, mr 22 posts - surprise - you jumped to the wrong conclusion. ‘it’s time to add a minimum players threshold setting to bottle-net games’ meaning a game set to /p8 would have monsters scaled to p8 regardless of how many people joined the game on deadafbnet . ads . rmt.

TDJ with more information plunged from it’s nether regions. It’s designed for p1 because … you say so? Even though in single player it’s still emulating the server code, and in single player and every other multiplayer iteration besides bottle-net players could freely set the /player count? Oh, because you said so? Okay then. :clown_face:

Were you one of the troll/multi who proudly talked about buying items, or one of the ones who admitted to using multi accounts to simulate the players command on bnet? Your banal flaming is interchangeable and unmemorable, sorry.

Currently 98 at a casual pace doing my best to ignore the flagrant botting, rmt spam, etc on the trash bottlenet servers.

I’d be shocked if more than two different humans have responded to this thread. These guys live on this forum to provide a 24/7 flaming service. They can’t help themselves to flame anyone who makes a suggestion of any kind here, and pile on with the alternate accounts they use primarily to simulate a higher player count on bottle-net.

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Huh? Not sure where you get your bs. I have happily admitted I own 3 PC copies of d2r and 2 copies on the switch in the past but where have I been going around and saying I am simulating players command clown? The most I can do is p3 and even then, I don’t care to do it makes no difference to my experience playing. p1 or p8 everyone would still be crying about drop rates.

And if you think my comments about not caring if people want to use $$$ to get their items equates to me buying items with $$$, then it proves my point you’re nothing but just a pot stirrer. You’ve been a clown since day 1 on these forums and nothing you’ve cried about have ever been changed.

:yawning_face: Thank you for confirming again that you’re just another multi-troll-flamer who lives on the bnet forum for the sake of being toxic and arguing that Blizzard fixes none of their mistakes.

All that from the multiple copies I bought so I could play with my fam. Wow lol… You truly have problems. My 2nd account has like 3 posts on it from launch year and my 3rd account has zero posts. Shall I post them in this thread? The switch accounts aren’t separate so sadly I don’t get a 4th or 5th forum account.

The solution like I said, let’s get a gofundme and set you, Bravata, clayclown and friends with your own dedicated server in Antarctica sounds like the only feasible solution.

:+1: Don’t forget to back yourself up on another account here if you haven’t already. Everyone else is the problem, just buy a few more copies to simulate that /players command , would be horrible for ‘the economy’ if it were free.

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Yes, I am reveling in my p3, all these godly drops all for me, none for that poor noob Turlok

I am happy to share a HR with you. Perhaps all this angst is because you have bad RNG…

My stash and inventory are better than yours. Looks like you aren’t using your extra accounts very well.

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Exactly, I don’t use my 2 extra accounts! It was originally for my wife and son to play with me! But lemme guess, you’re still gonna cry! Last chance for a free HR.

Appropriate theme for this thread:

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Its best you try to stop gatekeeping

Discord cabal well said. The same discord cabal you can hear theme screaming at their moms in the backround because they didnt bring enough dipping sauce back from mcdonalds. Or they openly brag about stealing stuff from people.

If you are multi ing keep the mouth closed like i taught you

You’re utterly desperate, no one replies to your threads and comments and you’re still trying to find more threads to reply to. Your responses on this forum literally telephones what kind of neurotic snowflake you are. You seriously need to see your therapist wayyyy more often!

In a couple of hours your new ban will commence.
Enjoy the time off, and begone back under your bridge, toxic troll.