Now that everyone but the RMT trolls and Multis have quit D2R

You sent gifs to me for around 4 hours until someone forced you to stop yesterday. Remember?

Im literally just keeping it real man. People over reacting in games needs to get regulated

So by sending simple GIFs for several hours while you telegraphed out all your insecurities through your poor attempts to appear you were poking fun of me makes you think this actually means something about me? The utter hypocrisy…if you think you spent the same amount of effort as me just posting GIFs from my phone as your drivel well this is why that back and forth literally proves why you have problems and why you’re crying on these forums. You’re a straightup snowflake with huge mental problems.


I dont have time for your excuses. Im discussing real topics here.

So be sure to keep your mouth shut next time you understand me?

Go see your therapist asap!

Look targeting peoples disabilities doesnt make you look calm or the bigger person. Keep your mouth shut next time. Dont approach topics you cant handle without having a meltdown.

You understand me?

Posting GIFs is a meltdown but all your commentary about my wife, my love for tennis, my kids, etc is not a meltdown and is evidence you have your life under control? Lmao, the hypocrisy. I take no pride in pointing out your mental problems over a gaming forum, in fact it is very sad to see the state of your problems so these are serious suggestions for you, you need to quit d2r and just focus on your therapy!

I see the reality check i gave you yesterday has helped you learn not to be as convulsive.

Let me know if you need more help learning to keep your mouth shut.

Ok that proves it. You are utterly delusional. That happened yesterday? That was 4 days ago dude, where are you in your head…? wow, your poor family and therapist…and the fact that you keep trying to shut mouths on a forum is pretty indicative of some brain damage…

Just seems like you have alot of excuses for when i express good opinions.

dont sit here and act like insulting my disability when you lose an argument is taking the high road. Let me know if you need me to shut that mouth again

Me too, although I do jump into WSK TZ runs (can get darn near 1/2 a bar in an hour that way), otherwise just on cruise control with Zoo Druid


Your delusion is so palpable

Your excuses have no place in real conversations.

You better keep your mouth shut.


Lol shutting mouths on a gaming forum :laughing: so sad and delusional

Whats sad is your tantrums when someone has to put their foot down and tell you how it is.

You understand me?

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Uh oh hes going back into hysteria mode

Send a gif if tennis isnt a real sport

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The hilarious part of this all, I just need to post a GIF and it reveals everything about you!

Send a gif if you enforce sharia law on your wife