Not very fun watching a player cheat to get rank 1 on the boards

Yeah sure dude, it was designed to have “fillers” too.
Completely ignored the fact that they abuse FGs (and even real life money too). You also ignored the “friends” that are “helpers”; go to your favorite streamer and look how the “viewers” gave him Jah, Ber, Shako, and how he is asking for anni.

To you it’s not, to me and many people it is. I guess some people don’t worship streamers.

Edit: I actually went there (for a few mins, had to close it) and they just gave him an Ohm too. Diablo II Communism at its finest. All for him to tell the giver “good find, that’s a good boy!”.

There are things that can help. For example, player x command and personal loot.

Good news for you. There is a game with personal loot. Its Diablo 3. Go play that.


Good news for you, there’s a game that is D2 with no changes. It’s called D2 1.0. Go play that.

See how smart that sounds? Adding personal loot transfers D2 into D3 magically lololol!! Can you define personal loot please?

Or you know, you have a auto player X with personal loot in diablo 3. That is exactly what you are looking for. Why don’t you go play that. Not much farming is needed either. They bitc slap you with loot left and right.

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Diablo 3 does not have player x command though. Are you not understanding basic concepts of Diablo II but are here to argue?

Define personal loot please. Personal loot means “bitc slap you with loot left and right.”? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Diablo 3 does not have player x command though. Are you not understanding basic concepts of Diablo II but are here to argue?

It does scale based on player in game but there is no disadvantage of playing solo.

I didnt say personal loot = “bitc slap you with loot left and right.”

I said it “bitc slap you with loot left and right.” so you dont even need to farm.

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I am still waiting for you to define “Personal Loot” because you were so against it, and it would magically turn D2 into D3. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

People have been talking about it for almost a year now and you never stopped to actual learn something.

For the record player 8 already exists in D2, it’s just available right now for abusers like mentioned before. D2 Communism players and those who pay-to-win for “fillers”.

:man_facepalming: WOW. And that’s no different than asking for that stuff on traderie or ‘’ even u and I could go live on twitch and do the same thing. Its not 2000 anymore there away more ways to find players to trade with and streaming is one.

Not all streamers us JSP Mrllamasc doesn’t he trades item for item hats not cheating no matter how they get the items

Don’t care about streamers nor do I compair myself to them. These players are pros u and I are not. Big difference.

Same thing with tytykiller a POE streamer u and I not being pros have no chance in speed run race vs that guy. Same thing applys to D2R.

U say u don’t worship streamers seem like u do cuz ur compairing yourself to a professional gamer. Also sounds like u want some sort of solo self found mode.

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Personal loot = loot that drops only for you that other people cant see in the same game. Diablo 2 is build on FFA, first come first serve. If you are not quick enough with loot, that is on you.

For the record player 8 already exists in D2, it’s just available right now for abusers like mentioned before. D2 Communism players and those who pay-to-win for “fillers”.

Player 8 does exist, its called playing with 8 different people or have 8 different instance of the game running, nothing more nothing less.

False equivalence. There is a huge difference.
He is not trading, he is getting “helpers” giving him Jah, Ber, Ohm and much more. Please read my posts before responding to me.

They’re also abusing FGs (plain cheating) and even real life money is involved because you know, streaming is business.

And also all his “helpers” and “friends” don’t use it too, right? Come on, it’s common sense.

Good for you? Then why come here and discuss with me? I was discussing the video game and how this gives them an unfair advantage.

This is not PoE. I do not care about PoE. But if he does it same as in D2R, then he is also a cheater.

When did I ever compare myself to them?

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Diablo II founder already debunked this. He said if he had the chance again, he would go with Instanced Loot. Top 3 or so changes he wants to make to D2. It was technical limitation, not because Diablo II was built on it. (Source: D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game! - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums I can’t post URLs)
So how does that make D2 a D3?

I wonder why 95% of people are playing private and Hardcore is already dead. Maybe because the game punishes you for playing in a group and also for playing solo.

It’s a win for abusers only, those are the ones who are against ploot and px command.

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Ur complaining about players in a ladder team being at the top weather streaming or not. Ur upset ur not as good as them.

I am running solo on ladder im not complaining about not being on the top rankings.

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I am discussing the video game, its flaws, and proposed solutions. You’re being emotional defending your favorite streamer. See the difference?

Nice, have fun!

Idk why you would care what the founder said before? They also said diablo 2 was a turn base game so should we go back to that as well?

The game rewards you for playing in a group. 95% of the player play private in HC is because of PK. I dont know why it is such a hard concept for people to understand.

It’s a win for abusers only, those are the ones who are against ploot and px command.

Diablo 2 is a grindy game, if you are not willing to grind that is fine. Go play something else. The drop rate is fine the way it is. The more player = more spawn = more drop chances.

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Lol HC has always been a small portion of the community. That mode has never had that many players.

U also have to worry about getting PK’d this is why majority on HC play privite games.

Where is the source on that, that any of D2 founders ever said that?

Because of PK? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. TPPK is patched since forever, do you Hardcore? Even on Softcore majority of games are held privately. Explain that one please.

It’s good no one is asking to kill the grind, but making it more fair. Seriously, educate yourself on D2’s mechanics and people’s proposed changes before arguing.

No, it had players. But just like now, it’s always private games. Softcore has most games in private too.

Most games in Diablo II (Classic/Softcore/Ladder/Non-ladder/Hardcore) are held privately. Fact.

oops no you don’t. you want a ton of changes.

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I will give you some time to figure out what I meant. It’s not that hard I promise you.
Nah, I have no hope. It obviously means I will play the game as its current state but how does that mean I do not want changes? :rofl::rofl::rofl: Oh my.

What is your problem? Every single post of yours is delusional and inflammatory. Grow up child.