No Teleport Ladder Season

Long long time player of d2, have been playing for over 20 years coming back every year or so when my other games begin to slow down.

Can you please release a ladder season getting rid of the teleport skill, just for one season so we can experience it. I think by doing this these things can be achieved:

  1. Encourages party play, don’t sit in town waiting for a tp to throne to collect exp. Other classes and buffs such as oak heart, paladin auras, shouts and curses will be sought after to help in parties. This also makes us less reliant on mercenaries.

  2. Experience more of the game and engagement of areas and creatures with having to walk and clear more trash before boss/elite fights. Something like the Forgotten Tower you skip like 95% of the tower and simply just kill the countess for your rune.

  3. Makes more classes viable. Everytime I return to d2, I end up having to create a sorc as a first toon to MF and farm gear until I can get good enough gear to then start a paladin or can obtain a Enigma runeword. If everyone has to walk then every class can farm with similar consistency and allows people to play the classes they love early in the season.

  4. Slow down botting and over saturation of the trading market. Less items found, bots can’t teleport to avoid 99% of incoming damage and will be subject to dying more escpecially without party help. Changes runs from like 2-3mins to maybe 10-15mins which is what a dungeon runetime should be. Finding items would have bigger value and be more rewarding.

  5. Run/walk speed and stamina become more viable. Teleport completly negatives these two things

  6. Dueling would be more engaging and less a tele spam

I am open to hear what other people think. If you disagree with me please do it with your OPINION and in a constructive manner. But I personally think teleport is a broken spell and needs to be removed.


Won’t ever happen… Since it would interfere with botting, which is the only source of income the game gets now.

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HSh1t I would back to play that season xD

This game would be a lot better, aka real ARpg w/o Teleport spam fest.


i don’t agree with your mind set at all, no one is forcing you to play sorc first to teleport in any season, that’s a you decision. other characters find items just as good.

the idea is good but your justification for it IMO, is completely silly.

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Part of me sympathizes with you in that Teleport is arguably the best mobility skill in the game bar none. Yet the Sorceress was designed with the Teleport skill as part of her arsenal. Disabling a skill simply because it’s better than the rest is not the way to go about it. Furthermore, you’re not compelled to roll Sorceress at Ladder start. You can roll Barbarian, Paladin or another class because every class in the game has a part to play in a group. In fact, I enjoy 8-man groups with each Class represented because they can each bring something to the table.

It’s for that reason I’m against disabling Teleport. Is the Sorceress an awesome farmer because of that mobility? Obviously but to say it’s stupidly broken is ignoring the fact that other classes do just fine without it. When you play non-Sorceress classes a lot(like me), you accept it comes with no Teleport and mitigate it by using other skills(Harmony runeword ring a bell?). I won’t lie, I’d kill for a runeword or Unique with Burst of Speed as an OSkill(Hustle is meh in my book).


I’ve zipped through normal and nightmare pretty quickly with a Trapsin. The sorc is great and all, but she still has to spend time attacking, where as the trapsin just drops a few traps, runs around collects loot while the traps do the attacking, rinse and repeat for the next room. Hell of course is a problem especially starting out.

Burst of speed, and FRW from Stealth, Sanders/Nats boots, Peasant Crown… She can zip around pretty quick. Fade for the nitty gritty areas.

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No teleport isn’t even D2 lol. Every character should be using teleport from level 24 anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Then again at this point as long as Mosaic is in the game, I don’t much care what they do to the online play. They can make a nekkid season for all I care.

Fade is a great buff I won’t lie but I’d love to see an item with BoS for the Skill IAS. Hustle is ok but a 5% CTC on the Weapon for a level 1 buff is meh. OSkill is where it’s at since there’s only 3 sources of Skill IAS in the entire game(Frenzy, BoS and Fanaticism) and the Assassin has both Fade AND BoS in her arsenal. It’s why she’s one of the best starting classes for that reason alone. I agree Hell can be rough on her but it’s rough on everyone save for Magic users(ex: Hammerdin) or Sorceress(who can Tele away).

If you wanna get into hell and you wanna farm stuff at a quick pace, the only answer is a sorc at the start of a season. Yea I can make a barb or druid but they are so gear dependant and how many runs do you think a sorc can do compared to other classes? 3-1? 5-1? It is completely false that other classes find items “just as good”

Sorc’s best arsenal is that it doesnt need gear to kill stuff in hell so can stack more MF. It’s not just alittle better than other movement skills it is broken in comparsion.

Obviously a skill would be given to them in place of teleport. Maybe a flame trail that makes them run faster or even like an iceblock similar to wow’s mage because they can be very squishy


Imo Teleport should be high end game spell available in skill scroll like in D1 or unique 90lvl req Charm.

Teleport problem is Sorc is must have (later eni for others) and after getting 18lvl ppl just skip the game.

Sorc should be designed around Cold Armors, Warmth and EShield (removed Telek syn and perm ratio 1:1)

Although I agree with all of this would improve the early game, it is still not going to slow down JSPers or bots and would still result in the tele spam fest.

Like I said, not suggesting to blow-up the game permanently, but one season? Get some player feedback after the season and go from there…

Awful suggestion. Why would anybody want to play a ladder like this?

  1. Bots will just run Trav/Pindle/Eld/Shenk as they don’t need teleport.
  2. No one will go for 99 without teleport as it would be awfully slow and no fun at all
  3. People don’t want to party, they just want their solo p8 XP and drops nowadays. Game is dead.

I know the idea is coming from the wish to play together as a team, but just simply disabling teleport won’t do anything.

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Cool idea. Possible alternative make it have a 10s CD

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Ive played the game since it came out. This is one of the dumbest ideas. They have that already, play pre expansion.(Sorc of course will exist, im referring to Enigma) Stop wasting everyone elses fun/experiences because you want some lame drone play. THEY HAVE IT PLAY PRE EXPANSION. People like you are a joke.
Stop trying to change sh*t because you think things. Make your own game.
Omg a sorc can even teleport! REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME HOW DARE THEY

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Can’t thumbs dumb. So verbal thumbs down

Agree with all the points. There’s no need for it to be ladder only as we had 20 years of testing and there are stats that 50% of players pick Sorc for ladder start so should be clear for now that Teleport is broken. Removing the skill would be too extreme but some big nerf is needed.

Then it sounds like those farming spots are exploits that need fix too. Not related to teleport.

genuinely a fantastic idea but the Blizzard ai bots reading this automatically decided to stick with profits, and bot farms buy keys while you do not. sorry!

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Stats are subjective and just get abused to support whatever argument you want to use them for. Maybe 50% of people really like using teleport. I know I do. I mean like 70% end up using teleport.

I mean 100% of people breathe, I don’t see a reason to nerf that either.

I mean there are tons of ARPGs out there without teleport. Hell one just came out yesterday. They can go play that. There are mod servers with nerfed teleport, they can play though too.

And what’s next? Remove Pit, River of Flame, WSK too? Maybe even Arcane lower Kurast?
You can’t stop botting by design without making it unplayable for the players too. They will always outfarm humans in the long run. They don’t get bored by content, they don’t get tired. If you make the content hard enough so a bot can’t do it, you also exclude 99% of this forum and the playerbase.

They need LLMs detecting 3rd party. Everything else probably hurts the players more than the bots.

Imagine balancing game about bots and botting scene xD