No Teleport Ladder Season

But those farming spots are not related to bots either as humans farm them too.

What do you want to say with that nonsense? Everything a human farms a bot farms too and they will always move on to the next best option, no matter how much you “change” those.

Thats why ur post are useless, bots farm Meph Dia Baal atm 10x faster than any human.

Shenk Pit even Travi and etc arent that super effective spots compared to Meph Choas Baals so w/o Teleport BOT LADDER would last longer.


PvP would also be better, more tactical and strategical than DBallZ Tele spam fest, most times supported by auto aim LOL.


You are a rude prick. You should learn how to talk to people instead of being toxic to the community especially since if you played the game since launch means that your a old bitter man and not a child. You whine about preexpansion twice and then answer your own stupid idea and state that teleport will still exist. Keep your comments to yourself.

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Not as useless as you. You are just making nonsense up and you actually have no clue about botting.

And this shows that you actually have no clue about the game too.

And you even top it with more nonsense

Botting aint going anywhere, we all know that. But again, removing teleport will slow them down and keep the market under saturated for longer. Even through a slower leveling/exp grind they won’t be as strong because they will need to do baal runs to get to 99. It bots are only 80-85 because they are skipping baal they will be missing alot of extra life and skills which will lead to more deaths

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This would be amazing. It wouldn’t even have to be the default, they could launch it as a parallel season running at the same time as regular season, only thing is it would attract an entire new playerbase of enjoyers of D2, as well as existing playerbase may either play the no teleport season exclusively or in addition to the regular season (sorta like how WoW has Hardcore and Season of Discovery, players play multiple ways, or enjoy their niche, playerbase grows, engagement increases, more fun is had…everyone is happy)

I love this idea! I think they would have to do something for the sorc though since we would be removing her skill from that season.

A parallel season where the sorc is missing a skill? oO

You started nonsense thinking changing Teleport wouldn’t do anything then bring up farming spots that are not related to teleport or botting at all so it’s a different exploit to discuss. Also claiming that game is dead so there’s no point fixing anything then why even post here?

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The parallel season idea is intriguing. What about a split season where one ladder exposes TP as a standalone skill in every classes’ tree, while the other ladder has TP completely removed (skills, charges, and runewords) — leave the CTC in the occy just to annoy people.

I love the idea of themed ladders. I would actually come back from single player for that.

You could have a lot of fun messing with the meta with themed seasons. Things like phys damage perks for a season, no runeword seasons, party-only areas (areas you can only access if in a party of x or more), etc.

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This statement alone invalidates the rest of your post. You could also just learn to play the game

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I know reading and understanding written text is hard for some people, but it’s never to late to learn proper reading. If you can’t follow simple conversations, please stop posting in public forums.

Right now I want to believe that you just have the reading skills of a 1st grader, but I also consider believing that you are just plain stupid.

I make it very simple for you.
IF you remove teleport! → Then bots will farm spots that are easily reachable, farmable and rewarding without teleport.

IF you remove those spots too!! → Then they will move on to the next best spot. They don’t care. They run 24 hours, while you stop farming after 30 mins.

I never claimed that. Stop making false accusations and work on your reading comprehension.

I should stop answering braindead monkeys…

Yeah you should take a break from forums. Your post counter is pretty high and doesn’t look like you’re enjoying it anymore.

Likewise I think you’re stupid for not agreeing with OP points that would clearly improve the game and change it to how it was intended to play.

Your “arguments” against changing teleport are just more broken aspects of the game that could get fixed. Farming those no tp spots or grinding to 99 is boring with or without teleport existence. Farming p8 solo while others afk is just dumb and broken too but that’s a matter of builds damage, not teleport.

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Yep. Or as someone else said, give it a 10s cooldown for that parallel season. Besides, since 90% of players play sorc for season anyway, before any other characters, for 20 years now, I think we can handle one time where 90% of players play any other class but sorc.

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My postcount wouldn’t be that high if people like you would just actually read and understand text instead of making stuff up.

I take back the 1st grader, because obviously your brain is stuck in kinder garden.
It clearly wouldn’t improve the game on a objective view and even less on the subjective level, since what ever you think was “intended” was never true in over 24 years. Teleport was in the game right from the start.

That is your personal opinion and nobody cares about you. People have been playing this game with teleport for 24 years and enjoyed it, so it clearly is a “YOU” problem… who would have guessed…

It’s ok if you are a noob at the game and you don’t enjoy it, but maybe it’s just time for you to move on to something else like D3 or D4? They both removed the teleport known from D2 and replaced it. Probably more your games.

Instead of a flat-out removal of Teleport for a season, I’d instead be willing to entertain a “Teleport fatigue” mechanic, where you can still teleport as fast as you want, but at the cost of the mana per teleport going up exponentially. The only way to avoid the mana cost increasing is to not cast teleport so quickly, and the way to let the teleport fatigue wear off is to stop teleporting.

This would have a few balancing benefits:

1: It’d stop people from blitzing through the map without any risk or worry. With the mana cost rising from teleporting too quickly, they could wind up in a middle of a fanatacized+might pack of Moonlords. :grimacing:

2: It would prompt people to use Teleport more sparingly as a tactical skill during combat. (both PvE and PvP)

3: It would somewhat help those without teleport to stay with the group. (Yeah, this is something the Teleporters should do, but you know how that works.)

4: (Sorc only) It’d give incentive to put more than just 1 point into Teleport.

If the overall consensus is that people like the idea, it could then become permanent.

Does someone force you to play a sorc?

Sure it was but Spirit, Insight, Stealth with its faster cast rate, Enigma, unlimited mana pots, increased screen resolution etc weren’t you noob guy.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that would like to try Teleport changes or are you assuming I have multiple accounts here? You stated before that game is dead so what people are fine with Teleport? Oh right, botters.

Sorcs Teleport should be replaced by Ball Ligtning (FBall range, FOrb speed, pierce) 30lvl skill, Nova synergie.

Teleport should be available in Enigma and new lvl ~95 small charm.

Enjoy new non Tele spam fest real ARPG ladder
