Feedback is feedback , you’re free to leave feedback as well just as the OP is .
When the intention is to up screw the game for others, while getting to have all you want anyway, the opinion is garbage and not worth expressing.
Don’t use it if you don’t like then OP. This change sounds awesome to me and will be very welcome.
Even if you’re right , i’m not really the person who can ultimately decide this and neither you are .
I get what you’re saying .
We can have our opinions and that’s it .
I really don’t understand how optionally removing one extra menu interaction (keypress/click) ruins the game. Streamlining the UI to make it very slightly less carpal-tunnelly seems like a good thing to me, but people who flip out over trivia like this? Let them DEL their Lv90+ toon and ragequit. They clearly are beyond reasoning with.
You act like pvp was balanced in the first place. If anything this puts pc players back on par in this aspect with those that play with a gamepad.
It’s a very welcomed change in my books.
P.s. if you don’t like it…don’t use it. Let’s not limit the game here just because you want to play a extremely dated system restraint.
By your logic to keep game original, Consoles should be required to use a mouse and keyboard to play.
and these types of players like indian here enjoy spit in their food
3 syllabes: OP - TIO - NAL
You don’t have to use it if you don’t like it OP and ALL modern arpg use a s killbar, none use the dated D2 system.
I encourage you to do it. Play the real D2.
And players like you need to be caressed on their face whit a chair
Of course, and I can speak out against any opinion and point out the stupidity.
makes me sad that they have to change and make game easier cause of slow dim wits
a skillbar does not make the game any easier, it just makes the control more modern.
lmao it does make it easier tried it the other day on console its faceroll
because you can use a skill by pressing a button instead of pressing a button to use a skill? Males no sense dude.
i have 6 buttons to smash instead of 2 and im pretty sure you can abuse timings on spells
YOu are pretty sure or you tried it? Because I am 100% sure you can’t abuse anything, it is just more convenient for players that are used to skillbars.
i have tried console…its very diff and i have seen youtube vids on spell timings i just think it can be exploited more on console
Different does not mean easier.
please feel free to share, I’m legit interested eventho I tried and see no difference in timings.
You think ok, now let me tell you how it is, all spells have internal cooldowns, you can’t teleport while using a Pally aura and it is exactly the same gameplay in the end, theres nothing to abuse.