New item and a Fresh ladderboard won’t help to prevent quick Repetition boredom. If there is no new activities to do, ladders flat fast. The game needs news Additional content oriented ladders/event/activities

Probably, influx of newer players. The people that are asking for pvp on the forums are GM players and likely not the people that are pking you in game. Is what I would say.


No one actually cares about pvp lol! Maybe adding a hard scaling end game with progressing hell and better / higher affix drops so like your always questing for gear! Most people laugh at d2 pvp it’s really sad and adding something to the season lol!


team deathmatch… now where have i heard that term before :smiley:

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gg git disqualified son

lol its pretty common though man you just need to take some more classes and you will learn how to use your brain.

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In the interview with mrlamma they are down to add endgame content to the game.

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No one cares, as he’s replying to people who want pvp lol. You can plug your ears and keep repeating that but it doesn’t make it true.

Thing is what I propose isn’t much additional content but rather using what already exists

For 20+ years the original D2:LOD has had players still playing ladder along with many playing mods and is still going strong. All without any new things to do for ladder or even non ladder and SP.

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This is such a wrong and self destructive way of thinking

Imagine a tv manufacturer thinking like that “for 20years our black and white tv was beloved by customers why improve to colour tv”
“Our antena tv had success a couple decades ago, why go analog aux cable”

“Our catodic tube tv has been decent for years, why go plasma or led”

“Our cable tv is fine.why make them smart for Netflix and others”

D2 was supreme 20yo ago, it gave it its golden letters, but without improvement it’s only doomed to decay over time compared to new stuff

What do I have to get technical for you to see what the spirit of the post was saying? Did you miss out on what wasn’t there?

The OP is saying that instead of what 2.4 is doing they need to have new stuff to do. So focus like a laser beam on adding 20+ years of new things to do each ladder season, Totally forget about balance changes and anything else that isn’t brand new stuff to do.

My post is saying that making balance changes that are done right along with the rest of patch 2.4 will be able to hold our attention till they are at the point where they could add new stuff to do if they and the majority would want it. And that majority is just here on the forums. It has to be from all places where D2R has a presence.

I do believe that with more builds, making the other mercs more useful, adding new rune words, plus everything else will hold our attention just fine till they decide whether or not to add new stuff to do.

Now do you understand me Mr. Watson.

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I’m not saying to scrap the new stuff, it’s just that it’s like eating candy when you are starving rather than having some meat

But you can have meat alone and not starve

You can have meat and candy and not starve

But you are most likely gonna starve eating a few candies

2.4 needs new items but also something to use them for

Since new viable builds should open up after 2.4 then those are builds that a lot of players may have never played. Playing a build you have never played is something new. Getting the new builds done right along with the other new stuff will help if they ever do add in new stuff to do that won’t go too far as far as being seen as a totally different game.

So I would say get the ladder and the new stuff done right first before even thinking about adding any new things to do. So they are taking 2.4 in the right direction. It is not like a ladder season will cause D2R to go bust without something entirely new to do.

Again the original D2:LOD is proof that the ladders for D2R if done right along with the balance changes and new items will help make the game feel fresh enough to hold our attention till they can start considering adding new stuff to do.

Adding new stuff to do is all based on the majority of all of the players that are not only here on the forums but also all other places that D2R has a presence.


There is still nothing new to do with those new builds…

Write the same phrase 10000x times… even if you change the font, you still wrote it 10000times

If you eat the same thing ever day for the last year with a fork and now use a spoon… it’s still gonna be the same food

This game needs side dishes and new spices, it needs new ways to cook that meal


Not true at all. Over 60% of players polled (on a poll started on these forums) show interest in PVP. It was 62% the last time I checked.

Back on topic, there certainly needs to be more than just RW’s and ladders, but the rebalancing of underused builds will certainly help.

I’d like to see PVP specific events, like 4 teams of 2 players all rushing for D Clone / Anni, coupled with super difficult PVM content like maps, where MF is much higher but the monsters are insanely difficult.

Honestly, those two things coupled with constant balancing, ladders, and new items every ladder will work to keep this game fresh and well populated.

If they really want to see it explode, though, they’ll expand on the PVP Arena type modes beyond my example, and you’ll see an insane amount of growth in the playerbase. It’d end up streamed and viewed constantly, with people theorycrafting and testing in the PTR, before putting it to use on the live servers.

Yeah man, 2.4 is a step in the right direction, and I’ll personally play ladder like crazy just to try out new builds that have never been optimal (or possibly even viable) in the past.

I definitely want to see both PVP and PVM specific content in the future though. If done right, I really think D2R could be as big as LoL and have a massive PVP scene. The combat is deeper than any game I can think of, in terms of the sheer volume of mechanics involved. However, it’s quite shallow in terms of viable strategies and builds. But they can switch that up with future balancing, as well as modes.

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Great idea now here this Blizz you will have to delay the ladder till you can get 20 years of addition content as if Blizz North still existed and added it till now. All alongside a ladder and the other changes. Now that might mean we have to wait for ladder for a few years, but so what without all of that new stuff no one at all will play ladder right Mr. Guru.

Now do you get the point. I am wanting them to get what they do have planned done right before even considering adding in new things to do, that is if they ever do. Still not sure how many players would quit if they did add in new stuff to do. Not saying I would quit or not just not sure how many would. How vocal will those ones that could leave be. If not very, then you can expect the changes to go through.

The trouble of a silent response is there is no way of knowing if those new stuff to do could hurt not only D2R with those leaving but the rest of Blizz’s titles could suffer as well.

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You are talking like they would have to build whole game on top of the already existing one… nope

Those are quick and easy to implement things. It’s like adding a solarium to a house

It also could be done one at a time per ladder. First ladder they add pvp ladder, then they add bounty ladder, then holy grail, then Hell+

A delayed ladder is eventually good, a rushed one is bad forever

I see you are still missing the boat. I want them to get what they are working on done right. There are many things they are changing and some additions in 2.4 that I want them to do right. If done right the new builds and rune words along with ladder and the rest of the changes would hold our attention till they can either work on adding new stuff to do or decide not to according to the feedback given.

I am not 100% certain how adding new stuff to do will be for the game. Sure for ones like you it is a must in 2.4 because as the OP said it is a fail without new stuff to do. What the new level 85 areas are not good enough. Along with playing different builds that now will be viable that weren’t viable before isn’t something new to do. I say yes it is something new to do.

I am not saying for them to rush anything. Just do what you are working on correctly. Truly listen to the feedback on the PTR. Hopefully they can get all of that done right.

I highly doubt they would add what you would want them to add. That is unless they are placeholders to give me an idea of what your thoughts are. Sorry but when adding in new stuff to do to existing content it is harder than you think.

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It makes me laugh when people claims the 2.4 changes are massive… they are minor changes compared to what could/should be done to improve the game

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So you have seen all of the new rune words. You have tested the whole thing withe the merc changes along with all of the balance changes and know that it will work out fine. Plus according to you you are a master programmer that have made dozens of games like D2:LOD to know that it is super easy to add a ton of new stuff huh.

Well Mr. Guru you might be surprised how hard some of that stuff is to do if you had to do it yourself. Plus they also have the changes to the servers that will be tested first in the PTR before patch 2.4. That is why I want them to focus on what they are doing to make sure that they get that right. Then I might trust them to do a whole lot more in the future. Have to take small steps before taking giant leaps in order to get the job done right the first time. Instead of oh well this is another lesson learned that we need to keep working on to fix it.

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Once again… few skill tweak, merc rework and new items don’t create new stuff to play

There is almost nobody left playing the game because there is nothing to do, nothing fresh nothing endgame

And on top of that the ladderboard race showed everybody how boring and broken the road to 99 is