Need to nerf paladin and etc


D2 needs a lot of nerfs.

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other classes can clear eldritch naked faster… zon in about .2 seconds…

in the second half of the clip he’s running around with gear, chugging, and struggling so hard on cows he had to cut before even killing anything on screen… wow he found a unique item. gratz on the iceblink wow nerf plz.

The only point in this game nowadays is to create your own challenges/restrictions.
Like solo self find with a hardcore melee character.

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Yeah those saying more difficulties should be added should try playing that.

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or buff the other underperforming classes


This is called “power creep” and we’ve already seen how it works in the Assassin case.


Many skills need nerf.


  • Smite maybe, when people kill Uber with basic gear
  • Blessed Hammer drop symmergies to 10 or 12% per level
  • Conviction begin at lvl 1 with -10% resist and cap to 125%
  • Fist of the Heavens Switch the % in synergy, more lighnint help the lost of Conviction
    |Holy Bolt: +7% Holy Bolt Damage Per Level|
    |Holy Shock: +15% Lightning Damage Per Level|


  • Lightning Fury
    We can hit more than 20 target hard, so what nerf number of target to 6-8 and/or damage

  • Charged Strike
    Hit a bit too much on solo target drop back the synergy to 10% or completely remove 1 synergy skill


  • Martial Art nerf only Mosaic rune world and we are good
  • Trap are good and with the nerf on Conviction and Corpse explosion we probably near the target. I haved an idea to change the synergy of Fire Blast with lightning trap and Shock Web with fire trap so we can use two different element.


  • Poison Nova are the only to much powerfull skill but only when you use a Death Web.
    So only drop the poison bonus on DWeb and the skill will become good
  • Corpse Explosion hit hard too maybe reduce the % or the physical dmg


  • This class probably need only buff, nothing to nerf here


  • I dont think druid need nerf at this moment


  • I keep the harder one for the end :slight_smile: I think we can have less synergy already have like only one plus the masteries. So we spend 60 pts to Max out one skill and we have 40+ (We have 100pts skill at lvl 89 with all quests done) to put in another elements so we will have less trouble with immunities.

Cold Mastery
Drop the % or change to up domage and dont drop resistance anymore

  • This skill need a nerf; small one on Blizzard, Static Field, Lightning and Nova at high lvl.
  • And the famous Teleport, add a Cd, a number of charge that augment with the lvl of skill, teleport only in a view line like barb jump can…
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디알못 멀더영상을 , 이 신성한 북미포럼에 올리다니 ;; 샤코 떨궈놓고 아이언골렘 소환시도하던놈인데

Necro - I’d additionally nerf most of the curses. They shouldn’t be one point wonders.
For example, Amplify Damage should start with -10% physical res only and have a linear progression.

This is why I’m glad clueless noobs aren’t in charge of balancing the game.

Cold sorc doesn’t need a nerf, it’s already outclassed by her other trees with endgame gear, it’s just a good starter.

Martial arts is complete garbage without mosaic. Suggestion: make all finishers move not consume charges, make charged up skills have a bigger duration (e.g. 30-60 sec). This way, you’d still have to charge skills from time to time, but your power spike would still be very significant. Btw, nova sorc clears faster than a mosaicsin, every ladder there’s a sorc rank 1 not an assassin.

Lightning fury is only really good in very high density areas like cows, so she struggles with some terrorized zones. She doesn’t compete with top specs for experience, so she’s good as it is, a niche farmer.

Blessed hammer is good, but again, not as good as a nova sorc or even as a mosaic sin.

If anything, I’d start looking at faster cast rate breakpoints and buff/nerf some breakpoints so all classes can utilize enigma just as well. For example, amazon could use lower fcr breakpoints.

The only cold sorc we talk its Blizzard and for me they need only a SMALL nerf and at high level only. But when I see A feral druid, frenzy barb, ZEAL Pal to kill 1 mob during other build kill 6-8-10 in the same time, but OK we dont want remake all the game…

For MA we said samething thing Mosaic are too insane and MA suck without this. So we need change/remove Mosaic and boost MA not nerf.

Lightning fury and a bunch of other build arent good in all Terror Zone I dont thing if they dont hit less than 20+ target that will a rly big debuff I like the idea of this guy for MA
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Blessed hammer is good, but again, not as good as a nova sorc or even as a mosaic sin.
Its why I sugggest nerf on all and can be a small one.

If anything, I’d start looking at faster cast rate breakpoints and buff/nerf some breakpoints so all classes can utilize enigma just as well. Yeah for PVP its really different. Why always enigma and teleport everywhere and every build… personnaly i dont like this idea. The fun its not to tel tel tel kill a boss and start new game. Walk and kill all big pack and elite on the way, open chest…

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Definitely. It’s silly to kill most difficult endgame bosses with act 1 nightmare gear.

I like where Wind druid is at. Nerfing top builds to this level would be good change of pace for the game.

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