Necromancer skill synergies suggestions

I would like to see more synergies with the curses tree. I also added a suggestion I’ve seen about the bone spells and adjusted the damaging bone spells synergies. Lastly Some of summoning skills have synergies with curses. I also remove the golem synergies with other golems because it made this thread shorter and also I think other change need to be done to golems to really discuss synergies about them.

Amplify damage
Dim vision
Iron maiden
Receives bonus from
Amplify damage +5% taken per level
Receives bonus from
Amplify damage +5% taken per level
Iron maiden
Life tap
Receives bonus from
Amplify damage +2.5% taken per level
Receives bonus from
Amplify damage +5% taken per level
Iron maiden +33% reflect damage dealt per level (iron maiden effect)
Lower resist
Receives bonus from
Amplify damage +2.5% taken per level

Poison and bone
Receives bonus from
Bone wall +30% magic damage per level
Bone prison +30% magic damage per level
Bone armor
Receives bonus from
Bone wall +15 damage absorbed per level
Bone prison +15 damage absorbed per level
Poison dagger
Receives bonus from
Poison explosion +20% poison damage per level
Poison nova +20% poison damage per level
Corpse explosion
Poison explosion
Receives bonus from
Poison dagger +15% poison damage per level
Poison nova +15% poison damage per level
Bone spear
Receives bonus from
Teeth + 16% magic damage per level
Bone wall +8% magic damage per level
Bone prison +8% magic damage per level
Bone wall
Receives bonus from
bone armor +10% life per level
bone prison +10% life per level
Poison nova
Poison dagger +10% poison damage per level
Poison explosion +10% poison damage per level
Bone spirit
Receives bonus from
Teeth + 16% magic damage per level
Bone wall +8% magic damage per level
Bone prison +8% magic damage per level
Bone prison
Receives bonus from
bone armor +8% life per level
bone wall +8% life per level

Skeleton mastery
Raise skeleton
Receives bonus from
Skeleton mastery
Summon resist
Iron maiden 15% damage per level
Golem mastery
Clay golem
Receives bonus from
Golem mastery
Summon resist
Raise skeletal mage
Receives bonus from
Skeleton mastery
Summon resist
Blood golem
Receives bonus from
Golem mastery
Summon resist
Iron maiden 10-15% damage per level
*Golem would need other changes to make this have any effect
Summon resist
Iron golem
Receives bonus from
Golem mastery
Summon resist
Fire golem
Receives bonus from
Golem mastery
Summon resist
Raise skeletal mage 31% fire damage per level (essentially holy fire aura see paladin)
*Fire golem would need other change also not exactly how fire golem’s fire aura
Receives bonus from
Skeleton mastery
Summon resist
Life tap 10% damage per level
*Revive should get other changes as well

Skill changes would also be required but I was trying to keep this thread shorter so I’ll just give a short summary.
Poison skills need the poison bug fixed first. Also I think they should adjust poison damage and make duration much shorter with essential 3 tiers 0.4 sec, 2 sec, 5 sec however enemies poison can be untouched.
Clay and Blood Golems would need their skills to affect their base damage and not their off weapon increase. The golems should also have their base attack speed increase from 31 frames down to 20 to 24 frames
cold mages should be removed remove bodies from unintentional being exploded because of the cold damage.