Once again I post a list of proposed changes I would like to see.
Increase stash/shared stash tabs, at least another 30 tabs, so we do not end up with 1 main character and 19 mules. The code for additional shared stash tabs already exists (we have 3 shared tabs), and it should be a very easy change.
Increase character limit, again it should be an easy change to make.
Improve skill sets for come classes, to provide (additional) feasible builds. eg Bowazon should be Hell viable without Faith, and adding skill points ought to make a robust difference. My trapsin sailed through the acts until Hell act 2/3 and then hit a brick wall. My Sorceress runs circles around my trapsin with same +7 - +11 skills gear.
Sound mute keyboard shortcut, eg in WoW it is CTRL-S
Stackable gems and runes in the stash (not in personal inventory)
Improve drop rate of high runes - this will help reduce bots, players playing like a bot, or buying runes with real money. I have personally traded my runes for gear, and have only self-found 3 high runes, all at Ohm and below. I am highly suspicious that many of the items/runes I have accepted in exchange for gear, are actually botted.
Provide a “Relocate Minion” action for all classes, to be able to pull the Merc out of his sleep, or out of bad situations. Currently possible with a TP, but very laborious.
That’s very subjective and highly dependent on the time you’re willing to spend on the game. I’m ignoring efficiency (the only variable the depends on the player) now.
Otherwise droprates are just a funtion of time. Spend more time, get more items.
The question is : How much time should a player invest to have good equipment?
The last time they answered this question the main player base was in their early 20s maybe. Now the average player is about 30+ and definitely has less time at hand.
I’d say talking about higher droprates is reasonable.
Whatever happens is fine for me.
edit: I’d support your points 1,2,5 and i’m neutral on 3,4,6
I agree with 1-5, not with 6, drop rates of runes are pretty much perfect and increasing chance would not decrease botting. It would probably increase it as now you cant farm them that well with botting.
The logic is that the very low drop rates are discouraging for an average player, and then the only “players” remaining in the game, are the bots. Which is what happened in 2000, and what’s happening now.
Improving rune drop rates a bit, might encourage and retain more “average” players.
Because currently the game is void of players.
Anyway, this is JUST ONE item in my list and we should not spend so much time discussing it here
Being able to hoover everything up changes the game/combat dynamics, whereas being limited in your shared stash and having to make mules, is just an inconvenience / QoL issue.
I am happy with the drop rates of runes. I play about 2 hours a day and got a fully equipped hammerdin. And i am not even trading anymore since it only shortens the fun, the game is very very fun until you have all your items. After that the fun starts over when you gear a new character, would be kind of boring if i would gear my characters any faster than this tbh.
Amazon for sure is viable in hell. There is a difference in viable and actually dominating it breezing through mindlessly.
I recently cleared it with a bowa using only insight, remaking it in better bases as they dropped.
Bowa is not on hammerdin level but it is far from unplayable
It’s a server space issue, not so much a coding issue. What is needed more is a way to search through all of your items while not in a game. This will help locate items that would otherwise be gathering dust so that you can move them.
Even better, make this feature available via a website.
Your suggestion doesn’t make sense. Bowazons are far and away already viable, even before 2.4. Nerfs are needed for certain S tier builds and buffs are needed for under performing ones.
Drop rates for runes are fine. It’s rare (yellow) items that need buffs in the mods that it rolls and the cube recipes that help reroll rare items.
I do not use the lobby, so I let others who understand more make suggestions about it.
They cannot detect all the bots, I am sure they would ban them otherwise.
Rubbish. My Sorceress does 5x my Bowazon’s damage, other things being equal. Act I and Act II mobs are bullet sponges for the Bowazon, you sit there firing like an idiot, might as well go smoke a cigarette in the meantime. I challenge you to build for me a Bowazon that can clear Act I/II mobs quickly, let alone Act 3/4/5. Let’s see what gear you come up with. We can put it in Single player and test it.
Unbelievable you even believe this.
Where are you proposing all these items are stored? Sure, give me 30 stash tabs first, then give me a search function.
You’re not just basing this off the character screen are you?
What is your bowazon spec and gear like?
Did a solo Chaos players 8 in under 4 minutes challenge in single player a few days ago.
They store character data in databases for online characters, the storage is not infinite and larger databases are slower to scan through.
I’m not saying this change is not possible, and I personally would like to see more character slots, but it’s not as easy as a simple configuration change either.
In the current allocated character slots and shared stashes. The browse/search function will be incredibly useful right off the bat.
You want enigmas to be as worthless as annis or something?
Droprates are perfect! It’s supposed to feel amazing when you finallywork up to enigma! You mess with droprates and the balance is ruined, and if you find a crazy good item that’s worth a fortune what are you gonna trade for? When 40 bers are worth nothing?
This is a seasoned forum gold seller’s typical post. Whoever objects to increased drop rates, in my opinion, is a botter or forum gold seller who wants to make money out of diablo. Because a standard, ordinary Diablo 2 player, does not care or know about d2jsp or ebay and certainly does not use the game as a means of making money.
Unfortunately there are not many such players left.
For your reading comprehension, I did say the Bowazon needs more powerful skills as she is not viable in Hell Act 1/2, let alone Act 3,4,5. Not without Faith. I clearly wrote that.
Your response is to show me a video with not only Faith, but also Pride and whatever else you got one there. This is Jah, Ohm, Cham, Sur, Lo and maybe more I can’t be bothered checking on.
The idea is that a Bowazon (and Trapsin and other builds) should be viable in Hell with ordinary gear. Not 1 in 1e6 gear. For example the Hammerdin or Lightning Sorceress can do it with +7 (more or less) skills and much easier to find gear.
I theorycraft and also use maxroll, and I am astounded that I can get a GM bow with +3 and it makes no perceivable difference - the innate class skills are just too weak on their own.
Yeah… Act 4 Chaos run, not only done with players 8 but also done so as a “full clear” in 4 minutes or less.
It’s not hard to extrapolate from there that completion of hell on players 1 is more than in reach for much more budget gear. I am thinking your build or perhaps play style is the issue here.
So, what is your bowazon’s stats, skills and gear?
I havent played a bowazon since maybe 1.09 , but I have always wanted the Valkyrie to be like a iron golem or act 2 merc that can equip crap on it , anyway I get what the guy is saying and what you saying too , they do require higher end gear compared to other classes and builds, but they are not alone, there are other builds/classes in the same boat.
Forget other classes for a minute and just compare them in basic gear to another build in their own class like Java, its night and day.
The word viable varies from person to person. People just want to murder stuff like hammerdin in basic gear and the reality is there are not many builds that can do this.
The way I see classes or builds is if you have to use another class to gear it because they are to under powered or gear dependant then they need to be looked at. You should be able to start from scratch with every character, and you can with a Zon you just go Java. Is that good enough? I don’t know tbh as its not my class and I’m biased.
I don’t like nerfing stuff but if you have some classes that are so OP compared to others, especially in a game where you are asked to start over again, then you get the bat out.