Missing Characters / Unable to Create Games - September 26, 2021

That’s A ditto here. Disco’d and mah little Necro is gone…

Characters usually reappear after creating a new one

Same here…

I would like my character back.

Level 70 Necro, just disappeared when I was trying to create new game.

I lost my characters as well after logging in this morning.

Same boat here, she gone

My paladin too disappeared just now

My lvl 49 Sorceress is gone too :frowning: I just made the Spirit rune word, so can I please have my character back.

i had a lvl 22 druid last night and now it is deleted :frowning:

same here…
Lost my Barb char after I got an internet connection error and restart the game

just wanna say that mine too is missing. maybe they’ll reup when this maintenance ends.

Blizzard give me back my characters or give me a refund

I just disconnected after killed mephisto on nm… No biggie, ill just log back in game. Get an error message about my char and decide to restart game. Restart game all my charecters are gone… If I dont get my charecter back ill simply stop playing. I had level 63 Javazon and just got Titan’s revenge drop for me an about hour ago if I lose that Im not happy with Blizzard at all.

Same here… Sorc lvl 59 is gone… i’ve played earlier in the day… seriously Blizzard begin to fall… i prepaid the game 2 month before the released… damn… its sad. !

my 78 paladin disappeared!!

Same for me all my characters are gone, maintenance say it should only affect people to be disconnected not all your character might disappear and you wont be able to make new character…

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I just got kicked off the game. When I get back my 60-something Sorc is gone!!! This better be temporary!!

I tried to log in and I get a blank black screen with the D2R logo on the bottom right side of the screen? Can you fix please. Thanks

37 necro, literally just finished normal mode, go to start nightmare mode directly after and met with “cant find character on server” so i restart my game. all chars now gone.

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I was just playing and got a disconnection error message and then told I couldn’t join the game because my character could not be found on the server then I logged out and logged back in and it was DELETED.

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