MF makes game less fun - Remove it from items

I would say the Thread Title is misleading, as Magic Find should not get removed from the Game, just placed somewhere else for a better Game experience.

Maybe a change of the Title would help People encourage to read the opening post. :slight_smile:

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That’s highly subjectove and goes to show you’re just playing the wrong game.

Nah objectively looking at it . A game forcing you to wear **** with nothing but MF and only has one Viable class (SORC) to actually MF (considering how rare enigma is) with is doing a terrible job at making the item hunt exciting.

Meanwhile essentially EVERY other ARPG doesn’t have this MF requirement and you can hunt gear on any class.

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You can still hunt gear with any class, Barb, Pally, Jazazon and Necro make great MF runners, with or without enigma.

While sorceress reches bosses fatser thx to teleport whe misses out on killing a ton of mobs that also drop stuff…

You’re not required anything, I personally dropped some of my best items with 0 to 100MF.

This may be true for single player but in multiplayer there is no shortage of MF’d items (uniques/sets) that you can trade for with runes and keys and essences that you can acquire with 0 MF (in fact you can farm them more efficiently the less MF you have instead of investing in raw damage / killing speed).

Run hell cows or chaos sanctuary, find runes, trade for what someone else has MF’d.

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Magic find is actually already a useless stat imo. As we can see after 2 months, pretty much all unique/set items outside very few ethereal/perfect/tc87 items have almost no trade value anymore. So “MFing” as it is is pretty much a waste of time now as runes are the only things that hold real value, except for some items that are basically a lottery chance of getting like jmod and some gg rares.

How many people completed their holy grail again? 1? 2 maybe? When you’re wrong you’re wrong.

A perfect griffin is still pretty expensive, like a perfect Eth Titan’s but sure, Shajo and other easy to find unqiues are not worth much anymore, that’s why ladder was fun in D2, maybe we’ll get ladder next year in D2R? Who knows.

That said, back on the core topic it always amazes me how some people advocate for fundamental changes on a 21 yers old game like “remove MF on gear”.

Does anyone still expect this game will keep being developped like PoE is? Like really? I would already be surprised if it gets as many updates as D3 gets and most people do consider D3 to be in maintenance mode. Hell the game is already sold at a discount after 2 month or so.

Don’t get me wrong, I had a blast from the past playing D2R but, let’s face it, it feels like an ancient game with modern graphics and no amount of patches will ever change that.

How many people completed their holy grail again? 1? 2 maybe? When you’re wrong you’re wrong.

Buddy, 99% of the player base isn’t dumb enough to even attempt a holy grail. I’m talking about general accrual of wealth, not some niche personal goal. I’m sure the majority of those masochists would be thrilled at the idea of making the task even more laborious, anyway.

A perfect griffin is still pretty expensive, like a perfect Eth Titan’s but sure, Shajo and other easy to find unqiues are not worth much anymore

I literally said, “outside very few ethereal/perfect/tc87 items”.

I’m not saying I agree that they should remove MF on gear by the way, I’m just saying its a fundamentally useless stat if your goal is to acquire more trade value/items in the long run.

Let’s agree to disagree then.

magic find is fine. the reason why everyone plays sorc when ladder starts is because of teleport and AOE like blizzard/orb/meteor. changing the magic find mechanics would not change which class is the most efficient at farming. people would still be using mainly a blizzard sorc because it’s simply the fastest and most mobile of any class until enigma starts showing up on the ladder.

that will never change unless blizzard does something drastic like utterly break the sorceress as a class

I personally run my hammerdin w 400 mf. Still has 9k hammers w only half an inv of 5% mf scs. So he clears very fast. Imho, any more than 350-400mf is overkill unless you can still 1-2 shot everything and clear farm spots fast. But that’s just me.

All the uniques in the game don’t feel the way that ber/jah drop feels though :man_shrugging:t2:

I completely diasagree, I would play different characters so would others i Know.

I know blizzard would not change it, I posted it to start discussion and see opinions.

Yeah but hammerdin is caster, exactly what i was talking about, melee character not only in most occasions clears game at a lot slower rate, but cannot simply afford to play with 400 MF like sorc of hammerdin.

I am running tunnels with 500% MF sorc just fine without any sacrific in clear speed basicly while i had to sacrifice my safety and dmg with my barb to have 250 MF.

so you would just switch to whichever class was the most efficient at farming?
so is your beef just that it’s the sorceress that is most efficient?

there will always be a mathematical optimum for anything in the game. there’s nothing stopping you from farming with another class. one of the most fun for me is a martial arts assassin with pheonix strike. not the most optimal build in the game, but moderately fast and tons of fun. a paladin charger is hilarious, bouncing around like an over-caffeinated ferret turned into a wrecking ball.

Sorc will still be most likely best for fidning items but my idea would shorten gap between meta MF characters and non meta characters. That gap is currently huge.

With having MF as passive stat based on lvl, you no longer need to have MF characters. All of your characters will be capable of doing MF. What will matter is only killing power. Sure currently sorc has advantage with teleport but other classes can also kill fast if they dont have to be concerned with having MF items instead of items improving their killing power.

If I will have lvl 80 Barbarian as my first char, I can use him for MF just fine and he will have 5x80=400 MF. Only what I need is killing power. Currenty if you want to play barb with decent gear, you need to start as sorceress to find that gear first. Or to find stuff to sell and buy gear for him, then you can play him. Now imagine every char is MF char and you no longer need special char only for MF. Then you can play what you like right away, because that char will be good at MF just like anything else. Yes maybe without teleport, but you dont need teleport to farm certain locations, you only need MF.

So can you MF with alibaba? or gull dagger? These are weapons but practicaly never used as weapons for MF, because your melee char will be very weak with them. While caster char only lose like +1-3 skills, not a big deal.

Good lock with that assassin to do MF runs. If you want to play many character builds at decent level, you have to make MF characters. Sure I dont have to, but then i play with trash equip and wont enjoy my char that much.

My friend runs a horking pit zerker barb. Just shy of 1k mf. Which is actually the best mfer in the game. So, I disagree.

Pit zerkers just warcry and their mercs 1-2 shot the rarespawns/uniques. 6ist pbs rather than 2xbabas although they work too. That’s how you do it.

I know that Find item barb can be best MF char in the game, maybe my example with barbarian was not the best as I could say Zealer instead or many other builds. But still, running pit zerker without enigma is not very effective, you must know that. And How did they aquired all items? 6 isted swords? Was their barbarians characters which they started with? I seriously doubt that.

im concerned about Redact3d mental health after hid brief explanation …

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you balance survivability for some more chance to find something → hc . Think its still kindof ok like it is. It has dimnishing returns, while blue remain more linear than unique.