MF makes game less fun - Remove it from items

MF doesn’t work on chests or clickables. Also your wall of text is ridiculous.

The only thing that matters for chests and clickables is the TC level. For example, when you open an LK super chest, imagine a dresser with 20,000 drawers that randomly open 20 and you get whatever is inside. One of those drawers might have a Ber rune and 2 of them might have a sur. Of course with such terrible odds you’ll never get all of them to drop at once, so the number is probably greatly higher than 20k metaphorical drawers.
That is sort of how it works and the same with regular chests except it is far worse odds.

It is the same regarding item quality drops. It is literally completely random but if the TC is high enough it is possible to drop any item that falls within that treasure class from a chest.

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it does actually.
It does not work on super chests however

I googled : diablo 2 does mf work on chests

Result: As of the 1.03 patch, Magic Find only affects the drops when a monster dies. It has no effect on chests, barrels , or other containers.

That was for old D2. Did they change something in D2R?

I am pretty sure it doesnt. It used to work on chests but it was changed somewhere in pre 1.10.

timecode 21:43

mf can go as high as 1k? seriously? thought it topped out at 400