Meteor not very usable on console

Anyway, you done making a fool of yourself yet kiwi or do you need a beat down?

I only have one account, I don’t know how many times I need to say it. If anyone is acting like they run these forums it’s you, you don’t add any value at all to the community. Most of responses on posts are immature at best.

I’m deeply sorry you find anything I post on the forums as some sort of slight against you, if I had realized you’d take it so personally on every thread I wouldn’t have posted.

So sorry nibz, please forgive me.

Wutever loser, you speak for no one. Save the apologies for your funeral.

Im here enjoying the show too, so i can assure you its not just one guy. You handled this one poorly.

Yay, another account to bite my dust. How many more?

You’re delusional man. Wish i lived in austrailia tho, its cold af here.

You should live there and lick his pickle.

I dont know, he dont seem like my type. Something about you tho…

Oh, you like my fist eh?