Low level sets and uniques even with the 2.4 updates are still virtual toilet paper. By the time you even find an entire set you have outleveled any hope of usefullness.
Instead of fostering running through the game in continuos fashion to hunt useful items we are forced to run on the hampster wheel of making countess games until we get those stealth, insight, and Leaf runes before we actually decide to try to progress.
Lets look at the amount of set items vs the stash space. It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to figure out the only stash space available for sets is located on the garbage truck.
Im not asking for Diablo 3 set item numbers that require a welding mask to even be near my monitor. But at least give us SOME reason not to instantly want to flush low level set and unique items down the Charsi toilet.
High level uniques used to be great. I remember a time finding a lidless wall was a reason to do a tapdance. Now the only thing fun about it is the THUD it makes on Charsi’s forehead as I hurl it at her like Captain America after pounding a can of red bull. The game is now just a race to get your Spirit or pheonix Runeword.
Please make uniques great again. Buff unique items to be fun to find again.
Here is one idea, Add +1 charge to infernostride so any character can charge to give a mobility in the mid-high leveling phase. Or as just an option to enigma.
Please post on how you would change an exsisting unique item to fit its name or lore. What skill or change would you add.