No is not. i can play 10 hours and only kill pindle and meph. i can also play 10 hours. do cows/chaos/pit and so on. Its not about hours played. it how you use the hours you play
I’ve played on and off since I was a kid… Idk I think I was twelve when I first got it. I started shortly after lod release because I remember getting it for Christmas. Before that I would play Diablo 1 with my older brother on playstation.
I FOUND my first jah in d2r. I found my first ber in d2r lod, but many years after it’s prime.
Usually I play multiplayer where I can trade, so I don’t actually need to find the specific items I’m looking for. As long as I learn what items are valuable I can trade for them.
I only play offline if I feel like making a weird build with the help of a hero editor. Like ctc bow sin or something weird. I don’t need to rely on in game drops, they are just fun to find and use.
So in the end it doesn’t matter because I can ultimately aquire gear that is worth multiple ber or jah without every finding one myself.
I think that is the growing consensus in this thread is that finding high runes yourself is super rare. The primary way that many (assuming not SSF) get high runes is though trades. Even the OP said
Remember to add. that the first 3-4 days i found 2ber-1jah-1Lo-1sur- 2-vex-1ohm1-cham all solo. no trading. so if i keept playing insted of tradig. i would be fine. If you can get this in 3-4 days. the rune drop is to high imo
I’ve found 4 Lo a sur 2 vex and at least 3 ist runes in addition to the jah I found all in d2r. It just feels like rng to me.
I’ve never found an soj, but others obviously have so it’s not an issue as long as you don’t artificially handicap yourself by not learning how to value items and trade them to other people. Which is a core element Diablo 2 multiplayer and if you refuse to interact with the community you can expect a more shallow online experience.
If you’re SSF then you’re pretty much doing the single player thing I described before, no?
People had enigma after 24 hours playing solo. You just doing somthing wrong.
som people stop because they say it is to hard to get gear/Hrs. i quit because it wa to easy
Do you understand how RNG works? A player can get exceptionally lucky and have a high rune or 2 drop with little playtime. That is not the average or typically experience.
Your argument is that some people win the powerball lottery so it is easy to win the powerball lottery. That is horse hockey. I keep explaining this to you. Drops are RNG governed by a binomial distribution. In this thread I showed that given a hypothetical situation that 10% would find a specific rare item in less than 100 hours (the lucky ones) while the bottom 10% will take more than 2100 hours. Even if disagree with the time, this calculation clearly shows a 21X range between the top 10% and the bottom 10%.
In another thread, someone claimed to have played 10K-15K hours of D2/D2R total and have never had a cham rune drop. It is RNG, some are lucky, some unlucky.
Yeah truth is trolling to you eh, the guy making up crap to smear the game is obviously on the level… perhaps if you played the game over the years youd know how the loot drops are.
SOME people had them, either through shear luck, playing non stop, botting or trading. None of those are proper metrics to judge the loot drop rate on, let alone neef it.
Why do you keep using your personal experience as a reference on how the game is for thousand of players?
You need a good 10k runs to have a reliable rng experiment from X farm strategy, the same goes for player experience
One benefit today is the ease of using maxroll to look at drop rates for all items as a function of monster/unique/boss/chest where you can vary the players in party, mf percent, game difficulty, etc… As such, you can make decent estimates (there are always underlying assumptions about monster density/type, kill rate, etc…) about what to expect and its variance.
Also, there are youtube videos of here is what was found from X runs of this or that.
Obv reportet for fake Qoute and trolling… Everyone know your making random stuff up. Stay bad. just like you found NORTHING of valuve doing you 50Runs… Making up things.
can you prove you ditten found many HRs and bis gear?
Non of you can prove that.
The odds of rolling runes17 is 14/130 if the killed monster rolls Act5Good TC, the odds of getting a zod from a runes17 roll is 1/5171…
You know where im going…and op still want us to belive his experience is the average experience for a good farmer