Make it harder to get High runes

So you blame me for giving away ALl my gear/runs/charms, so i cant show. but you cant prove that you dont find many Hrs and Bis gear. its easy. you all got plenty. you just want more and more… The easy way.

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Short of providing my account information/password that I will not do for obvious reasons, what evidence do you need to prove that I have no high runes from drops yet (I have no high runes period)? I have a mule named runes where I keep my runes would a screenshot do? I have no enigma. I have no infinity. My best runeword items are made from low/mid-tier items such as spirit sword/shield.

People have many acc. ther is no way you can prove it. so just like you say. if you cant prove it. its obv not true.

There is one big difference. I was not the one who claimed that HRs drops are too easy and that I had 3 enigmas, 2 infinities, 3 hoto, 5 jah runes, 6 ber, 7 sur -20X other HRs etc… that were all given away for free earlier today.

You are saying its to hard. i say no it is not… so how doo you prove you dont found many Hrs and bis gear? You cant… so by your logic. you have found alot

The drop rates are published here. Do you think that these numbers are wrong or fabricated? Is it a mass comspiracy that I am in cahoots with maxroll to exaggerate the drop rate odds?


Diablo 2 Resurrected D2 Drop Calculator -

Do you think it is a lie that the odds of Diablo dropping a ber rune in a solo hell difficulty is 1 in 55,140?

Do you think that it is a lie that a regular cow in a hell secret cow level will drop a ber rune once 1 in 730,549?

Exactly! Neither you can prove maxroll, silospen, atma and germandropcalculator are wrong when it comes to how low the drop rates are in this game

How Cow do you have you have to kill do get a ber on avg? or how many Cs runs do you have to do to get a ber on avg?

You already have your answer. Please read.

i dont think its a lie. i think you are lying about what you get. so you can ask for better drop rate so you can get more. since you cant prove what you get. in your own logic. you are lying. You are known for making up random stuff, to fit your needs. so yer…

I do not need to prove anything to you. The drop rates are published.

We know in a solo game the odds of a ber run dropping from aa regular cow in the secret cow level at hell difficulty is 1 in 730,549.

Whether you or I say that a ber rune drops frequently or infrequently in a cow rune, the drop rate is known. It is 1 in 730,549.

The truth is the numbers are published and self-explanatory.

So you want prove. but dont wanner give it…

You want money, but dont wanner work for it… Gat you

A gave you proof. The drop rates are published.
Diablo 2 Resurrected D2 Drop Calculator -

You gave me no proff that you ditten found many Hrs and BiS gear. So by you logic. you found ALOT… Stop trolling

True or false:

To the best of your knowledge and from the maxroll website, the odds of a ber rune dropping from a regular cow in a helll difficulty secret cow level is 1 in 730,649?

To make it even easier here is a scceenshot.

True or false- You ditten prove, that you ditten found many Hrs and Bis gear.
Stop the trolling

I asked what evidence you needed for proof and you said that there was none I could give since I might have multiple accounts. I already offered up screenshots of my characters and my sttash. As such, there is nothing I can do to provide proof that you will accept.

Irrespective of whether you or I are lying, the act remains that he drop rates are published. Do you accept that the drop rates published at maxroll are accurate?

Read the first thing. Stop the trolling

you cant prove anything. i told you this many times. stop the trolling thx

I find it funny that so many ppl claim to find like 4 HR a day and claim like thats normal. While streamers who play like 20h a day the first weeks find maybe 1.


Let’s work this through.

How many cows are in a cow level about? Do you think 500 cows is a reasonable estimate for an average?

How long does it take to run a hell cow level? (Getting Wirt’s leg to completing the level)?