[Main Thread] - Can not create or join games - "character is already in a game"

Same issue.

Account: Disgraceful#1201
Character: Dividends
PC - Windows 10
North America

Please help.

btag: bouilly#11913
char: FrozenTaco
server: americas

Btag: eMc#21347
Char: eMsi
Server: EU
Platform: Win10

Did actually anyone got fixed by posting this? :smiley:

BT: LazyMarsup#1957
Char: SummonSupial - Other Characters cant create game either.
Server: NA
Platform: PC Win 10

stuck for about 8 hours now

Couldn’t play all day.

This is simply ridiculous.

Go away for 30min for lunch and can’t connect for last 6 hours. From what I’m seeing here, I’ll probably won’t even be able to play for idk how long if not the weekend.

It’s about time this community gets threated better than with this horrible mishandled launch


Character: Ambassador

Region: EU

Platform: PC


BattleTag: Krya#1104
Character: Sorchayek
Server: Europe

BattleTag: Megadeath197
Character: ColdMastery
Server: US
PlatformPC: Windows 10

Char: machven

Stop treating streamers differently

Hey again everyone,

Thanks again for your patience while we’ve investigated this issue. The unlocks are still happening, but at this time we do not need any more reports of the problem. You’re welcome to post here if you’d like, but keep in mind that we are not manually unlocking these - there’s a system that’s running through them as fast as it can. The posts requesting manual unlocks are sadly something that’s not even possible for us in support, so we all have to wait for the developer’s new unstuck system to catch up (even those of us who work here and have the problem.)

Please note that posting duplicate threads for an issue that already has a sticky just serves to make the forum unusable for people who are having other issues. I totally get that this has been frustrating and we do want to get you all fixed up as soon as we can, but we also need to be able to use the forums to help with other problems as well.

I’ve also noticed that some of you have been curious about the refund process. While I can’t guarantee a refund, you can request this here.

I’ll continue to move other posts I see on this issue into this thread. If you’re wondering why your thread got moved into this post, this is why.


Almost 1000 replies… Imagine how many people are actually locked out by this, and they STILL don’t just reset the servers. Unreal.


BattleTag: RancidMeat#1155
Character: Nal
Server: Americas (was also playing on Europe though)

I also cant join a game on any character, even fresh ones.

None of the streamers are having issues so why would they want to inconvenience them with a reset… thats blizzards logic.

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battle tag: KengKeng#1152
char name: BrotherXuan
region: NA

hope it helps to narrow down the problem and please solve it

can’t play since you announced to “fix something” around 7pm cest.


Before i could join any game. i was mf’ing mephi with the autocreating mode. I wanted to share a WP to a friend and wanted to create a custom game.

After that, i wasn’t able to create or join any more games.

Only HC works. But SC doesn’t.

Yesterday, i wasn’t able to play 4 hours. Today it’s now more than 4 hours…

I am not sure anymore, if i will order diablo4 in future.

you messed up diablo3, wc3rf, and now d2r. My heart is bleeding :frowning:


Same issue.

Account: Siro#2616
Character: Siro
PC - Windows 10

No they were literally fixed right there on stream…

JFC can you fix the game please?


Think we need another server reboot Blizz.

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I can get on Xbox fine but pc i been trying for a hour now and cant make a game