[Main Thread] - Can not create or join games - "character is already in a game"

Tag: Casca#1602
Server: NA
Platform: PC

Been locked for 6 hours…

I’m having the same inssue since yesterday evening.

I cant join/create games, can’t play, non-stop getting the error, while all my frs are rushing through the game

Don’t you guys own single player? :wink:

Whopping 20 hours locked out now… feelsbadman.

Set us freeee!

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Bnet: BerofNard#2385
Character: Tharkifa
Platform: PC Windows 10
Servers: Europe

Same issue as everyone else.

BT: Scury#1267
Char: Scury
Server: NA

Battletag: MasterStoop#1125
Character: KiraGira
Server: NA
Platform: PC Windows 10

Been locked “already in a game” since 2 AM ET.

BattleTag: Giddeon#1666
Character: GiddeonV
Server: US
Platform: Windows 10
stuck for like 6 hours now

Stuck too…

Character: MF_Icicles
PC - Windows 10

BTag: Angrist#1867
All characters locked
Server: US
Windows 10

I’ve been locked out of playing for hours, my character has regressed levels, and even then it still wont let me log in saying that I’m already logged into a game.

I’ve tried alternate characters, making new ones, using offline mode, everything to try and fix this issue, but it won’t let me reset my profile.

PLEASE RESET MY GAME CONNECTION so I can log into my characters again, I have over 6 and all of them are being flagged with this message. I have been able to log in using a different battle.net account on the same computer, so I know completely that this is an issue on the creator end, please let me continue playing the game I’ve paid for more than 3 times now.

Bnet tag: INawatl#1890
Character: HamtotheWhamCam
Long blizzard customer for over 20 years

Very disheartened and saddened that I cant play with my family while they’re all questing

if hc is locked you can play sc and vice versa… so guess i am rolling hc… for now

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Character: Yomarro
Server: EU
Platform: Windows 10

BTag: BBnan#1267
All characters locked
Main Char: BBSmite
Server: US
Windows 10

? is that sarcasm not sure i follow

BT: Lurch#1719
Char: Lurch
Server: NA
Platform: PC Win10

character already in game error since early this afternoon (EST).

Please fix my character:

BattleTag: Krya#1104
Character: Sorchayek
Server: Europe
Platform: PC Windows 10

Btag: ShaSheer#2854
Char: LuciusMartelao
Server: EU
Platform: Win10

same problem as everybody else

18 hours without being able to play ``Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again´´

Character: Swarley
Server: Europe
Platform: PC

Please fix it

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