There’s no fix, some peop are still waiting since 48h to be able to play the game they paid for, and they still can’t log in. This is a known issue, even in classic D2. Same bug happened in Beta, and still there in official release.
You just have to pray and maybe in 24h+ you’ll be able to play for few hours untill your char get stuck again.
D2 “Failed to to enter game. This character is already in a game on a server”
How to deal with it?
I love paying 40 dollars for a 20 year old game and being unable to log in and actually play it.
Char: Pwnawegraphy
5 hours and counting still locked
100% unacceptable I and several others reported this during beta and it’s still a major issue. This bug is super critical and has high severity. Your team absolutely dropped the ball and you should be ashamed.
At this point you should be paying someone for the weekend to sit here and go through the replies one at a time and unlock them.
I’m locked as well currently, was baalrunning and when I wanted to join a new game I got stuck.
Platform: PC
Character: ThempNecro
- What time you originally got stuck offline 1:00pm est
- Your time zone - EST
- What Platform you’re using (PC/Playstation/Switch/Xbox) - PC
i was baalrunning aswell, i tried to join the game called telebaal-22 and it froze my game when i joined then i shutdown d2r and retart, tried to join that same server and i was then stuck …
Bug character still on server
ACCOUNT: thahammer99#1774
CHARACTER: mf_machine
character stuck in a game
got stuck at about 10 am this morning
pacific time zone
pc platform
Well got back in did 3 Baal runs and am locked out again.
I’m locked too … Can’t do anything online …
Battletag : #1926
Account: Demak54
North american server
Character : Orgassmatron
Do something plzzzzzzz frustrating
cannot join a game with a character already in session, just make it auto kick a player who hasn’t moved in 20 minutes…
Character stuck for a while now
sorc - tdotgoon
north america
now no charater exist when logging in
help all my charaters are gone now
After being finally able to play (waited almost 24h) I’ve managed to clock maybe an hour and am stuck again since ~20:00 GMT+1.
All character disappear now … ???
Now im pissed
Same here - but they said there will be Maintenance on the Servers this afternoon.
logged in all characters gone
PC, EU, 20:15
Same … hopefully they solve this quickly, and without rollbacks. Wouldn’t like that at lvl78.