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Blizzard devs incompetence destroyed the lobby and the game create/join tab so much that even flex seal couldn’t fix all the damage they’ve done


This game list is absolutely abysmal.


will you quit bringing that BS into threads.
i can’t because the stupid games list wont LET ME

if u want to freaking play solitaire then go play single player… they have your /players 8


Nah fam the game 100000% needs /players 8 for people.

I don’t have any friends that play d2r and its impossible to do the things you need to do with 3+ in game.

Try to join games to solo mf and you get cussed out
Try to make private game 1 player literally find nothing all gd season.

People cry about JSP but you cannot get mf groups without JSP in todays diablo


Are you playing hardcore ? if so it would be fun to play with you :wink: i don’t mind starting a new char just killing stuff walking around no tele just fun !

There’s bug in 2.4 when some games are not visible.

Workaround is in this thread:

“When creating a game just unmark all the 3 checkboxes “Level Difference” “Item Spacing” “Friends List Joining”.”

It’s pretty much single player or priv with friends the way they currently have it. It’s terrible. I miss LoD’s social features for sure…

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LoD had social features??? I don’t recall that when I played back in 2002 when 1.09 came out. My social features were walkin’ down to my roomate’s dorm and saying you want to run some baal?

As for needing help with infector on normal… yeah he’s a butt and you don’t have many options as a 27ish assassin… especially if you’ve done the ‘meta’ thing and gone fire traps.

Chaos certainly kicked my butt a few times when I was soloing with my Sin… so you’re not alone in that regard.

Uh yeah /f m and /w worked way better in LoD. The channels were also way better for finding baal runs etc. Played in ~2005 though haha. Not a fan of how they screwed with private channels in the remaster.


Maybe join the split mf runs then, there are allot of them and usually 1 or 2 in the list, those games are meant to solo mf in multiplayer.

Neh you n̶e̶e̶d̶ want it, the game doesn’t.

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the reason why people who farm like that are frowned upon is because one…you ruin any chances of that group continuing in that game causing them to create a new game when they to the point where said farmer farmed…2nd it creates it more difficult to kill…ive seen multiple games named split mf-xxx,u mf i chaos-xxx…so instead of invading other people made games so you can achieve your /players 3,5,7 loot go make/join split mf games

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How does setting game difficulty to /p8 prevent you from playing with others? Are you suggesting such a command would prevent others from joining the game?

As for your inability to find anyone, are you playing classic? Non-ladder maybe? HC ladder seem to have at least some activity in all acts in all difficulties for now at least…

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unfortunately they didnt implement the IP problem fix and the chat commands are gone basically, not like in LOD anyways.Unfortunately for all of us that wanted to let this game get big each day they dont fix the ip issues the more players they lose.New players to this game that cant find games to play in are going to leave.Its already happened,the lists are much shorter and games that even show up have been open for hours.Ive joined games where it said 6 people were in it and the game was dead.I really hate to say this but I know its the truth cause I love D2, when d4 drops we will have a diablo game full of players again even if the game doesnt live up to the d2 name.I played d3 when it launched and even though I didnt like the game nearly as much as d2 I could always find people to play with

guaranteed i know more about how mfing works than you. I have unlimited FGS lol

I play the same game you do and trying to play public games and get mf done is just terrible.

Come to my split mf game ill have half of it cleared before you touch your spot. It’s just silly at this point to have to mf in private solo games.

Not only that but come to Hardcore and try what you’re talking about… You will either be dead in the first couple games or leaving 99% of them.

The thing is

Player command on bnet would most likely have a beneficial effect on party play

People wouldn’t be forced to play with eachother, therefor people that do actually wanting to, which mostly likely would end up being more pleasant adventures

Ie: your game consist in completing act 2 hell and forward and a dude joins to kill mephisto

With p8 that dude would just do it alone, not engaging in a toxic behaviour induced by lack of game mechanic

People would then be more prone to create games and join games if they know the probability of having an a-hole ruining being greatly reduced

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My friend most players are using 3rd party communities such as discord or jsp to host and join private runs. These runs are superior to pub games. They run longer, no harassment via hostyle or abuse, and positive coop play. I like many dont waste my time with pub games.

The current lobby system for me is also not working to get some trading done. To me that is also a big part of this game. Finding items and knowing other people are interested in them. I already was at point that I hardly pick up stuff anymore.

Today I will make a trading account on traderie and hope that sort of works. For now, I just solo level up till 93 and be done with ladder, I think.

The build I am playing is great a new fury/fire build not possible before 2.4. However the whole ladder experience so far feels like almost 100% solo self-found… but then online :angry:

I have the same issue, i made a chara on Non Ladder and cant find a SINGLE person to help me on Normal. trying to kill bosses and sadly i cant

Absolutely catastrophic conclusion!

P8 for solo will make it even worse, because that is for most players the last remaining reason to meet other players - while I personally would not call that “playing together” - it’s mostly split-mf.

In generall that is what happens, when players don’t need other players. They have an own bo barb, echant sorc, immortal merc, enigma teleport, …
You give them “online P8” then even the last bit of multiplayer is dead.

In the past I made several suggestions to enhance real multiplayer:

If P8 would “break” D2R because everyone would use it, then aren’t you suggesting that everyone wants it? Very odd to fight a feature so hard, because everyone wants it lol.

Or, most wouldn’t use it, only those that play solo in the first place. Again, you aren’t affected. The ONLY people that would SUFFER from player commands are the parasites that snipe the bosses of games where people are trying to play in a group.