Mac Support - Why Not?

I’m incredibly confused why Mac support was pulled from this game. Why not just allow Mac Users the old graphics ONLY and let them play with other people on B Net? The changes made to this game were not substantial enough to cut out Mac users considering the old graphics still existing the game.

Or just give us a Diablo 2 Classic that plays on the same servers. Seems ridiculous.

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Blame Apple for being such a garbage company to dev games for.


The App Store pretty much entirely counters your statement. It greatly lowered the barrier of entry for game developers and supplied them with tools. Your claim is entirely incorrect.

Edit: Activision is a billion dollar company. Blizzard had to change NOTHING about the base game except create a 64-bit version.

Classic D2 (2000) does not even support Mac anymore.

Apple has made decisions that are very unfriendly to game developers. D2R has never been planned for Mac. IF that changes, then I am sure they will. The current trend though is away from Mac support completely.

Yes, not supporting 32-bit operating systems is “unfriendly to game developers”. Okay. I do feel relatively badly for people who only run Windows and think it’s typical to run 32-bit applications in 2021.

There is a lot more to it than that. If you search you can find threads on this forum with long discussions about it. I will leave it to the Mac players in those threads to explain it to you.

Incorrect. If you created a modern 64-bit “executable”, it would run fine on the Mac.

Don’t blame windows for you overpaying for a garbage computer made by a trash company.

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I don’t think I blamed “windows” (I think you mean Microsoft?). I run Linux and Mac. Luckily, I use Lutris for Diablo 2. How’s your spy machine treating you by the way?

I entirely blame Blizzard for refusing to make changes that would cost less than 100k to make the game compatible on Mac.

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Ah yes companies should line up to make their games work on a platform with less then 10% market share… why would they waste there time and money doing that?

Hmm, 10% of sales still EASILY outpaces the cost of development.

Not according to Blizzard it doesn’t

I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that under 9.54% of all computers use mac OS.

And I suspect even fewer of those are gaming rigs.

Platform Share
Windows 87.56%
Mac OS 9.54%
Linux 2.35%
Chrome OS 0.41%

Maybe Blizzard can’t see trends because they’re too busy drinking while at work all day? The market share was FAR LESS when SC, WC, WoW, and Diablo were released natively on Mac… While running on emulation software during the PowerPC days.

Gotta love the smug linux guy.

You went with the unpopular choice for a reason. Now you’re dealing with that choice.

Why would any business try to cater to less than 10% of the market?


“You’ve run out of space on OneDrive, would you like to buy some more?”
Linux is infinitely less popular and yet I can play easily there.

Not sure man. Can you tell me why they did it in the 90s when the market was WAY smaller?

Why did a World of Warcraft Linux client exist?

Because Mac switched to their own custom CPUs as opposed to x86/64 and developers don’t want to special develop for a non existent market.

Most the Blizzard Mac support games came when Apple was using x86/64 like everyone else.

Because back then it was Blizzard North. They gave a sh*% about you.

This is true, but not good reasoning. Rosetta 2 exists which emulates x64 architecture to ARM. All they had to do was release an x64 version of the game.

Ok how bout this answer:

They can’t even support the windows version properly…why would they attempt to include Mac OS?