Lost Hours of progression

Agree. Please give us some kind of blue post saying something. Like if I play an alt what happens since storage is shared? Will it mess up a possible restore? If not restore is happening then fine, let me know so I can play the game.

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Same here, no error. Killed Baal, got victory screen, upon returning to main menu character is 7 levels down mid Act IV. Would be nice to know if restore is possible. Or even if it is safe to just continue playing without fear that progress would be lost again.


so do I. I lost my progressā€¦ It just waste my time.
they can fix it? But too may people said same issue.
so i think they canā€™t restore our characterā€¦
They donā€™t seem to have the ability or the will to do thatā€¦


Here to say I got boned as well. 3 hours gone and good gear too


Lost 6 hours. Feeling so helpless. My friends who kept disconnecting saved their characters, so their lost progression is maybe a couple of levels, where mine is 15 levels.

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Same, I spent hours solo playing act 5 today and cleared all of it. I killed baal, went through the portal, it said congrats for being slayer. Sends me back to char selection screen, down 6 levels and back to where I started at the start of act 5ā€¦

The game didnā€™t crash, I clicked the progression portal like YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO DO!? WHY DID I LOSE PROGRESS IN AN RPG !?!? Blizzard makes us play online and cant even have stable servers to save progress?? Are you kidding me?!?!


Same here.
Played hours from act 1, found some runes, finally get items for runewords . was so happy when finally got 19lvl to use items with runewords

the game didnā€™t crash, i just saved it and went out. and when i got back to game i find out that my progress and runes was lost, iā€™m lvl 14 again

it is very dissapointing, iā€™m afraid that same thing can happen again


Never hurts with details. Anyway, could be that the generated solo lobby is the issue. Our MP game was based on one of those.

Happened to me, after the patch. I was not playing during the patch.

Same as the above. Iā€™ve lost around 8 hours of gameplay from last night.

Woke up today and went to check my character. Progress was lost, with all gear and everything. Seems that my last active save was when i started act 4. I was at the end of Act 5.

Possible repo steps.

  • Was playing with a friend and i joined his game.
  • At some point we both afk-ed a while.
  • At some point his game crashed. He left his own game and came back to it.
  • At some point i left the game and came back to it.
  • He left at the begging of ACT 5 and i continued without him

Donā€™t know the exact hour the patch was pushed but i can place my Act 4 Start at around 9 PM CET

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same problem. rolled back from a5 to a1. wtf?

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It is ridiculous how this product was released. I kinda can understand servers issues at launch, itā€™s a minor thing compare to problems that our characters continue lost progress.
It is totally unacceptable, especially on the third day after launch. As for such huge company with I believe unlimited possibilities itā€™s a shame to have these issues.

I was rolled back from 45 to 31. No errors, no disconnects during the play. Logged off normally and saw lvl 31 in the main menu. Didnā€™t log in again yesterday just in order not to brick my char completely. But at the same page today, not a visual glitch, really lvl 31 and all the progress gone.
Donā€™t know how they are going to fix the situation, still no blue posts under these topics. Very disappointed


Same problem from 24 to 13 beginning of act 4 to act 1 w t f

Same here, almost done with act 2 and got rolled back to beginning of act 1, lvl19 to lvl9ā€¦ I aint hyped anymoreā€¦ :frowning:


Same here. Got to act 5 and about level 28 or so and signed off for the day. Signed in this morning and am at start of act 2

MY character was Deleted aroudn 16:00 EAST 25/09/2021.

Save and exited the game to jump on another game for a short durationā€¦
come back and it was no longer in my online Selection.

Is there any change thesee LAZY developers to answer the problem since it passed 24 hours allready???

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Same here. Lost hours of play. I feel so cheated. Months of testing and still there are game breaking bugs. We just went back to days of ERROR 37 and ERROR1.

12 hours and not a peep from Blizzard.

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That is exactly how it happened. The patch seemed to roll back our characters.