Login queue explaination: a hoax

According to PezRadar:

To address this, we have people working on a login queue, much like you may have experienced in World of Warcraft. This will keep the population at the safe level we have at the time, so we can monitor where the system is straining and address it before it brings the game down completely

The HELL offline player needs to wait in an online queue ever? The game does not launch without BattleNet running and logged in. This means a D2R could only be run already logged in. Just like WoW mentioned: you won’t go through log in process if you run the client from within BNet, the BNet will share the token with the WoW client.

Reference to the WoW is a hoax itself: in WoW there’s no offline playing mode. In D2R there is. How could an offliner affect Blizz servers load? No way. Just remove that ripped logging in step from the game launch itself and put it there in the online game mode only.

I understand you want a game client running to check the genuinity (so that torrent-based client fails to start for the check failure). There’s no need in a queue for that: just share the login token from the BNet app to D2R just as you made with WoW, let the D2R make a simple request to ensure the token is valid and piss the HELL off of my offline characters.


Press escape on queue screen. Problem solved.


The big dialogue that says “Press Escape to go offline” is the key.

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Oooh boy…
(escape key)

That said, it should allow people to play offline while they are waiting on queue.


Tried with Esc. Tapped it several times, though I was only 2nd in the queue and the queue’s run forward fast enough. Esc didn’t work for me.

There’s also no need at all to queue prematurely just at the D2R start. There’re people like me who never want to run online. The queue must be only in the online ladder and the online ladder must not be the default screen to start the game at.

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isnt it funny how blizz was so worried about people robbing them and pirating d2r and then robbed us all blind


this company is on the brink of death and instead of repairing their reputation they decide to scumbag their last remaining customers by dropping this :poop: and refusing refunds.

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If you never want to play in online mode, you will need to either turn off your internet connection before starting the game directly with the D2R.exe file (don’t use the launcher), or you need to block access to the internet for D2R.exe through your firewall (and start the game directly).

If you don’t do at least one of those two things, the game will connect to battle.net.

All of that said, you will still be required to log-in to battle.net at least once every 30 days to re-authenticate your license.

ETA: There are no queues if you don’t allow the game to connect to battle.net.

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That’s just a workaround for the broken behavior. This workaround still requires additional messing with other way to run the client every once in a while. Won’t do. The thread is not on how to cheat blizz' ways to destroy everything making just a reskin for an old good game it’s all about things are already broken and should be fixed by blizz back

They robbed us? Interesting. I payed 40$ for a game I have played well over 100 hours of. I used to pay 50$ for console games I would finish in under 48 hours… while q times and bugs are annoying, I definitely don’t feel I have been robbed.

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I paid 60$ for a game I finished in 15 hours top.
I swear some D2 fans are the whiniest gamers in the genre.

If we offline players need to be connected to Bnet to play offline, then it’s a problem. Or do you thing the game disconnects you as soon as you click the Offline tab?

Yes people. Offline players keep holding a connection even if they don’t play Online.

Now imagine you have 5 available connections. You have 7 people wanting to play: 3 offline, 4 online. If the 3 offline people log and get connected to Bnet only 2 Online people can connect, the other 2 will be put in a queue.

well LOD plays better than d2r so yeah u got robbed homie… i paid 40 bucks for new servers… ifi knew this was how it was gonna be i wouldev just kept playing plugy… ive played more d2 than u and ur other commenter combined… if u havent played LOD in passed 2 years then dont comment thanks have a good ole day

When your playing a offline character your not making database calls to the global database. The authentication servers are not the problem, it’s the database servers.

Lol, maybe… but I started a new holy grail sorc about… 9 months ago. Was only short 6 items when d2r launched. I also played diablo 2 so much right before lod released, that in 108 degree LA weather, my cd (yep cd) spun up during a tomb run, overheated, and exploaded, shooting cd shards out of my cd room drive and into the inside of it. So trust me… I have played plenty of diablo 2 and will comment on it to my hearts content.

Does cross progression not apply to offline (That’s a serious question I don’t play offline)? Either way an offline character wouldn’t be on their database so how would that be the issue?

Do what you want. Stay miserable.

Thank you very much for your permission. That’s very important to me.

Meanwhile, with the Herculean effort of two extra clicks, I’m playing the game, anytime I want, with no queues.

Implying I’m always waiting in the queues, yeah? I’ve got the Q only twice, both not at the time I usually play. My playtime seems to be out of the server's out of slots timespans. Though that’s still the stupid decision to autoconnect a user to online ladder even if the user doesn’t want to and didn’t asked to. And the stupidity of that decision does not depend on the amount of clicks you yourself need to cheat that.