Lock Difficulty in Single Player

I swap between a few different characters in Single Player to farm different areas…as a result, I use both Nightmare (Andariel) runs and Hell runs. It is hard to get into the rhythm of clicking one difficulty and then swapping to another without making a mistake and choosing the wrong difficulty only to realize my map has refreshed because I chose NM to run LK and now I have to go find a new double campfire, near the waypoint, map tile. Or my excellent map for NM Andy resulting in 20 second runs has been flipped on its head because I chose Hell.

This seems a simple fix. Just give the ability for a player to lock in a difficulty for game creation in SP. Then I can do my 30 mins of Andariel, 1 hour of LK, and not give myself a mild heart attack almost clicking the wrong difficulty making me spend an hour finding a decent new map roll. I guess I’m not sure how accidentally choosing a different difficulty is somehow part of the game experience we want to retain. Am I the only one with these momentary brain lapses?

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before anything else

nerf LK

the meta should not be opening chests

I have no problem with someone mindlessly opening chests. This is the most boring thing you can ever do in this game
If you subject yourself to such terrible gameplay, some reward is expected.

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if one wants be entitled to not any, but the best rewards in the game, it should come by killing demons

Go and try to do lk runs in battlenet, good luck with calling it “meta”



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No seriously, you must be dumb to run lk battlenet

It’s definitely not a battle net strategy at all.
Multi box not even good enough you need a fixed map too.







“but it will never come to bnet”

people said the same about new RWs, new endgame, new uniques, meta changes and so on

so please, dont create a problem for the future, nerf lk

Lmao nerf everything! Remove everything!

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I’d consider someone dumb to run lk even at p8 with no static map

talked like someone who knows nothing about LK

even with 25% less loot bc of no static map, LK still is the meta farm

Not sure you know what meta means.
If it was meta everybody would be running lk in battlenet.

you clearly dont know what you talking about

No idea why you are giving me link about topics asking for p8?
“most effective tactics available”

If lk is meta people would go and do lk, people don’t go and do lk because it’s not meta.

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those who can, already do it
the dynamic map and random chest locations are not enough to make it not worth it in p8 multibox

Again, if you are willing to run 7 games in multibox and mindlessly open chests, more power to you

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You are concerned that blizzard will add p8 to battlenet?
I mean you can say it if that’s your concern. They already made it clear it won’t happen

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they never made it clear

if you are referring the “deep dive panel”, you should watch it again and pay attention to every word said there