use the command argument -resetofflinemaps in your d2r settings via the launcher, so now everytime you open a new game it will reset the map in sp aswell, if you found a good map leave the game turn off the command and go back to keep map.
You completely missed the point of the topic i guess
oh lol xD however maybe you can solve this by using keyboard shorcuts, when you press play press R for normal, N for nm and H for hell. But true beeing able to lock the difficulty would be good.
i guess youre completely right about that
i read singleplayer and the first thing that came in to my mind was solo online and not offline
gosh, all this trouble for nothing
they just need to make that when we press 2x “enter” we log on the last played difficulty with that specific char
i ve been using this too
I can mistype just as easily as misclick. And have, sadly…