List of issues or QoL suggestions that need implemented

it’s not so much a fact of it can be done now i think what darling wants is it to be more accessible, the average player atm cant just go into hell and farm diablo and baal for rare essence drops. (hell i would say the average player isn’t even in hell yet)

those of us who can farm the bosses can respec easy but also those of us who can do it are not really going to be respecing that often.

I am torn on if it would be good or not to make it easier on the one hand it helps the people who need the respecs more but on the other it makes specs more trivial so it’s hard to say.

I honestly preferred no respecs at all. Added more fun to the game to have to level up a new character to do a new spec. I also thought it was more fun to save points while leveling so the final build would work out. Made it challenging.

Here is an example: never played amazon and i wanna try it out. There 3-4 good builds on the internet, which one do i choose? And why would it be a problem to play bowazon today and javazon tomorrow and then switch again for the fun of it?

Like this i need to go to hell first, get really good gear so i can kill those bosses and pray for good luck to get a drop. It takes a loooong time until you reach that point but it won’t help my lvl 1 to 70 amazon. So, its only a reaaaaly late game option and it is still very restrictive

I agree, but my thoughts is that servers are very bad, should be first priority for the cloud and network engineers at blizzard.

They can’t even get servers right, I’m starting to feel like QoL improvements are going to be a pipe dream.

Hopefully after servers are fixed, we can see some game improvements.

At this point I’m not holding out hope. I figure it’s going to take them-at a minimum-at least a month to get these server issues in a better state. My guess is it’ll take long enough that once they’re done fixing them they’ll just drop work on the game altogether.

This is probably true. The suits at Activision told them they have X amount of time to create D2R and they have to release it. Well, they did that and we got a piece of garbage as a result. I’m betting those same devs are saying “You have X number of days to bring this project together, after that you’re working on something else”

So when we reach that deadline, D2R is dead in the water if they haven’t finished their work.

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Would love a search filter for stash like PoE, and stackable runes/gems so we know where they all are lol

Added some more suggestions for QoL changes to reduce griefing, make inventory management easier, and help reduce unnecessary hardcore mode frustration due to changes from the original D2.

I know we are quickly approaching the end of ladder season 1 and a few outstanding suggestions that the gaming community could benefit greatly from:

  • Hardcore Mode - a game setting “Always allow friends to loot body”. We have been trying to be diligent about doing it in each and every game, but ultimately, it is forgotten in that one game that the person was overwhelmed by events and all is lost. I think it is good to keep the existing button for general use, but allowing friends to auto loot without having to go in and recheck the button every game, would make a difference.
  • Increase gold pickup radius a little. Currently, the character has to stand almost directly on top of the loot to get it.
  • Allow gold pickup while pally is charging past the gold. This would be WAY COOL!
  • Uber diablo - I have been playing this game and Diablo II quite a bit, but never been in a situation to kill uber diablo. Can this be something that happens more often? It feels like it is a controlled activity that then forces people to use the D2jsp site to save and save and save in order to buy an Anni small charm. Just a thought.
  • Great job on the other improvements. Much more fluid game play in the areas improved and it is noticed. Thanks for that.

just enough so that you swoop up all the gold drops while you stand in the baal wave packs. and a nova sized gold pickup just after teleport.

more clones will spawn at the beginning of next ladder season probably. it’s not very lucrative to spawn clones when a ton of players got plenty of Annihilus stashed.

  1. A stash in every zone so you never have to go back to town.

  2. Different stash tabs but instead of useful items that could stack (like tokens and gems), it’s only grail items.

  3. Eth armors get destroyed on mercs too, that way we can just remove ethereal items more or less, less clutter.

  4. Crank up any high rune drop by 100%.

Thank you for listening Blizzard.