List of issues or QoL suggestions that need implemented

Just going to start compiling a list of fixes or improvements I’d like to see. This is purely from a PC perspective, but if you’ve got console issues then let em fly. Italicized suggestions are from the community that seemed pretty reasonable to me. Overall, VV has done an amazing job with this remaster, but (and I hate to say this) it seems like they just farmed out the UI to some intern and called it good without checking it at all.


  • Add an option to launch directly to battle net (used to be a command-line option, unsure if this still exists)

Main Screen:

  • Allow players to arrange character list
  • Require player to type “delete” to prevent accidental character deletion from laziness
  • Bring back TCP/IP play
  • Remove 20 character restriction or at least double it
  • Create a difficulty selection dropdown below the “Play” button to streamline game creation
  • Add an option to re-roll maps when creating an offline single-player game
  • After creating a new character, they should be the default selected character when returning to the main menu
  • Add some sort of item search functionality so that we can tell which characters are holding which items

Options menu:

  • Add windowed fullscreen mode
  • Add profanity filter toggle
  • Add toggle to display player names above characters for in-game visibility improvement
  • Add toggle to automatically skip cinematics

Lobby features:

  • Decrease the amount of space between characters at the bottom of the screen to fit more in
  • Show character level and Battle net ID (optional) when hovering over a character like in the original D2
  • Remove your own character from middle of screen to increase chat box size
  • Add a few more default channels for things such as trading or class discussion
  • Allow players to search for games by using keywords
  • Add some sort of filter/sorting options to the game finder such as sort by player count, sort by time, sort alphabetically
  • Fill game name text box when clicking on a game in order to allow copy/paste
  • Make the refresh button actually work
  • Allow double-clicking functionality to join a game (may require disabling auto-list refresh)
  • Display game’s duration next to its name in the game listing for easy viewing without clicking
  • Remove games from the game list if populated only by AFKers
  • Auto-populate the name and password field with previous game info (that you created) in the create game tab
  • Make auto-refreshing of the list a toggle or time slider - it’s annoying for the list to refresh while you’re looking at a game’s info

In-game UI/functionality:

  • Allow resizing of chat box
  • Allow chat box customization so users can control which channels are posted to chat without having to manually switch between them (this is especially an issue since whispers create their own channels between players now)
  • Allow chat messages to display over other UI items such as stash tabs or character tabs
  • Create a special chat area dedicated to server messages that display over all other UI elements
  • Add a friend’s list tab with functionality similar to every other Blizzard game (it’s a complete hassle trying to find friends, message them, or join them using the awful dropdown box)
  • Allow sorting of friends, or at least prioritize friends currently playing D2R by placing them at the top of the list
  • Create a /channel command or tab functionality that allows us to select which channel we type to without having to use the clunky dropdown
  • Add skill hotkey functionality to KBM for fast-casting like controllers have
  • Add a force-move option to keybindings
  • Make the toggle minimap key work like it did in beta, where pressing it would display the left or right corner minimap and toggle between the two
  • Add an achievement tab/menu with achievements that already exist on Xbox and Playstation
  • Add scalable UI options
  • Add tooltip descriptions to the character stat screen so players know that ctrl+click will add 5 stats and shift+click will add all remaining stats
  • Give us more stash tabs, shared or not
  • Consider adding an item checklist for grail hunters
  • Retain current graphics mode (resurrected v legacy) between games
  • Create hotkey shortcut for ‘screenshot mode’ which hides UI elements
  • Update or add an option to /nopickup that still allows for automatic gold pickup
  • Create a fast-identify hotkey combo to ID items as long as you have an ID scroll in your inventory
  • Display item levels on item card
  • Using Cain to ID items should ID items in your cube as it used to
  • Allow item linking in all chat channels
  • Fix item linking bug that shows incorrect items when clicked
  • Make gold pickup radius slightly larger
  • Consider adding customizable loot filter colors (i.e. change potion text to purple or something like that)
  • Make the game do the math for us when trying to add gold past the stash cap (just max it out and leave the leftover on our character)
  • Holding alt should disable interaction with chests and shrines (“clickables”). If not disabled, it can cause you to stop teleporting if your mouse lands over a chest. This results in slower runs and hardcore deaths
  • Attempting to teleport out of bounds causes you to do nothing. Previously it would teleport you as close to the wall as you could. This was a more intuitive and hardcore safe way to go about it and is easier and less clucky to reroute your route.
  • Add /players command to online play to cut back on public game griefing
  • Change the way Uber Diablo is summoned. Current implementation is a mess of coordinated IP searching, game creation, DoSing, and requiring a currency that is no longer duped to hell as it originally was

Each and every single line is gold. Agreed 100%

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Most of this is pretty legit. Im not sure about the achievs / stash tabs (and any future bazzare additions), but meh. Each to their own desires eh.

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Great topic. Let’s not let it die to all the other trash topics out there.

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If any console users want to post issues I’d happily add them to the OP as well.

OP, I made a less exhaustive list of feature requests.

Go look over them and if you like any, add it to your list! Don’t credit me tho

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Where is ultrawide support

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They’ve replied on this topic and said it won’t happen.

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Go look over them and if you like any, add it to your list! Don’t credit me tho

Thanks, I’ll give it a look and make some additions.

Where is ultrawide support

I think ultrawide support would be fine for single-player, but definitely not multiplayer. Blizz has already addressed why this would be an issue, due to monster AI.

Gonna go ahead and bump this every single day. These changes will definitely improve the game


Thanks. Gonna do the same lol.

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Gonna go ahead and bump this every single day

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.

PLEASE NOTE: Users who troll, harass, or try to incite nonconstructive discourse will be suspended.

Uh-oh, sounds like you’re at risk too.

Maybe I missed it, but can we please have it save /players and alt loot name toggle? So it persists between acts and games

I have no intention of bumping this topic with irrelevant or non contributing posts.

My replies will be strictly related to the topic at hand or replies which address me directly.

Feel free to reply to this stating any disagreements with the stance I’ve taken, and I will be sure to reply to you within the following business day. I encourage you wait wait until roughly 12 hours from reading this reply to submit your own reply.

Thank you for helping me help you help us all.

Would be really cool if a blue replied here and said “Hey we’ve submitted this list to our engineers and development team and they’re considering them”

Imagine that level of community interaction. I’d feel like a kid again.

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All of these suggestions are great and would not in any way ruin the authenticity of the original game. Good job!

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I was talking about this with a friend today. I’m not asking for a lot of changes, but some kind of skill bar like console has seems reasonable.

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tbh they just need to add auto boot afk’s.
if someone isnt actively for 10min just boot em out of game.

or do it the PoE way…sell specific tabs for specific item types. gems, runes, jewels, uniques, potions, etc.

I fully agree with this

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I would support monetization like this if I actually trusted Blizzard to take that money and re-invest it into their games instead of Bobby’s yachts.