Lionheart Armor Buff It

As I consider PVP end game, oskill maul, and charge charges would become a primary armor for certain builds.

The transition period in this game is short, transitory, why have so many items that are not usable beyond that point?

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For those of us who don’t use RMT, jsp or Hero Editor the transition to Fort., CoH or Enigma isn’t short.

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All the more reason to improve the stats from their current state, bringing them a bit closer to those higher armors.

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Not at all, it’s great as it is. If you can’t make Lionheart work good in hell, I suggest you assess your style of play. That said, they will not alter anything. All you’re doing is theory crafting, which is great for developing creativity, nothing more.

Alternatively, the same can be said if you can make Lionheart work in hell, then you need to assess your play style to improve gear. Why revise play style to a lower level?

Would having 100-200% enhanced damage and some niche o skills be so horrible to have on this armor? 300% enhanced damage from fortitude hardly makes a different for melee chars, IMO.

You only improve gear by grinding with lesser gear. What you’re saying is you’re not good enough to use lesser gear to grind for better gear.

Guitars is right about your experience.

What is your average game play during the week over the past 20 years? I am guessing casual player with a few hours a week, mostly ho humming along in single player, and so therefore content with existing, outdated items, as they match slow game play? Not that suggested improvements wouldn’t be a huge improvement to casual players, as well as those with faster game play.

Over the last 20 years on US West HC Ladder it’s over 30 hours a week. Single player about 10 hours a week. It’s only since D2R dropped that my play time has been diverted to more outdoor activities. Would you like to see the two characters I build last week? I can complete all three acts on hc in under 12 hours with a SSF ww barbarian.

imagine anyone taking your opinion seriously with your account history on websites made by botters and sells items.

“i just found an amazing 3ele/20fcr all res life diadem but it dawned on me that even though it rolled godly, it’s not a pelt, and a 5 skiller pelt with similar stats would be better right? why isnt the player in the video using a pelt? do pelts not come with fcr?” -Bravata

This runeword is way to cheap for those stats. Would need at least an Ohm to warrant 100-200% ED.

Na, there exist other higher stat runewords with low requirements such as insight, obedience, spirit, etc.

Though, an increase of 20-100% enhanced damage would be welcome also. 20% is very small.

Well… there is already buffed version of Lionheart its the Fortitude armor… For 3 low runes the stats provided is pretty decent.

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Wait till you get a load of the new hustle chest or spirit!

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