Like it isnt obvious dev's dropping runes for streamers

F you too buddy what the hell is your problem?

I found back to back Ber runes day 2 of last ladder.

I edited it to say “many streamers”. Does that make you feel better?

My group found Jah in same time.

He’s right though. Overwhelming majority of them do clickbait titles/thumbnails, which is one example of this lying to get views thing he talk about.

Clickbaiting how come to the point you actually are surprised if the title are real nowadays.

It kinda go without saying when talking about streamers people refer to ones with enough followers and clout to gather the developers interest, not anyone and everyone who managed to create a twitch account….

I got clickbaited a few days ago with a video of previews for upcoming movies… It had a thumbnail of Peter Weller in his Robocop suit… I was like CLICKKKK!!!11!1…

Yeah, no upcoming robocop movie with Peter Weller.


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for someone that love the game so much . wtg you wasting your time here go play the game ?

what a fraud

at least us have reason to be here


Well, sir with a small s, I happen to work with computers for a living… And there are often times that I’m twiddling my thumbs waiting for things to happen. So I come here to shoot the breeze, and to see how much complaint barf that you and others spew all over the forums. You don’t disappoint at all when it comes to complaining.


I pull my weight around here as far as helping others when I can. I haven’t seen you try to help person one around here with any issue. So back off.


go play the game you love and have fun bye
dont waste your time here

Well not really correct, streamers do have influence with the devs and thus their actions or opinions partly affect what we get.
Beyond that those who are interested in attempting a race to 99 will have to face the streamers who have a following bringing them gear and setting up 8 player runs for them.
So doesn’t affect isn’t fully true.
Personally I dislike him because he abused a new glitchin his race to 99 and he was fully aware that it was not suppose to work like that.

However on getting bonus drops from the devs sounds like flat earther science to me, tbh with these devs messing up so much I doubt they would know how to.

It’s my third…

You have not excuse, ur not even trying for the sake of the reader

And if you are alluding to my ideas and you disliking them… at least I express them coherently

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dude you just get expose , you have 0 issue too understand now .

but saying too someone from other language he doesn’t try enough for your own taste. is dump

unwise troll just replying with your excuse reinforce what i`m saying you have 0 issue too understand :troll:

:man_facepalming: I suppose it depends on where you get your data…

If we take my personal sample, of every D2R character I’ve ever made, and every LoD character I’ve ever made (hundreds of characters, tens of thousands of hours - yes I was bored in middle school and high school… and college, so about a dozen different versions/patches), those odds should be calculated with a 0% chance of Ber dropping and 0% chance of Sur dropping :roll_eyes:

Why would I waste one moment of my time watching what the streamers are or are not doing while the game is live? Those guys can’t even pronounce words from the games that they make their living from. It’s comical. The only time I see them is if I want to know something and their youtube pops up with an answer and most of the time they’re wrong or incomplete, anyway. Reddit, JSP and sometimes here are better resources for question than those idiots.

not necessarily disagreeing with you, but to cite reddit and jsp is comical. the ratio of misinformation to good information on those platforms is like 10000/1

Why are you salty. The guy is keeping this game alive.

They all buy gear. The cost is balanced out by the percieved increase in traffic for their streams. Same thing happens in WoW Classic. These people aren’t spending dozen hours a day grinding for their stuff, they’re not even running bots. Just buy it and be done with it. And in both instances of bought loot/gold in D2 and WoW, Blizzard is completely complicit in not giving a single turd how it affects the games

Oh please lol

Has he done his job properly as a spokesmen of the community toward blizzard … we would have loot filter and stacking by now

We would even not have this crappy terror zone and sunder charms but proper fixes instead

Llama is a huge nobody in the grand scale of the D2 community, all of these streamers are nobodies, and you’ll find hardly anyone who knows any of them outside of this forum. The majority of this forum that does know who they are only know them because they googled their names when reading a thread like this one. Bnet D2 itself is a tiny pond.

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Well, I do. Dude was the original purist, opposed all changes. Released very biased content. Saw the way the wind was blowing, changed his tune. Kinda hard to embrace the lack of foresight, then the hypocrisy. But to each their own.