Like it isnt obvious dev's dropping runes for streamers

I get the sentiment here and share it for the most part, I very rarely watch any streamers and don’t’ really care what they do, but more power to them if they’re able to make money from something they love.

That said, when they have unproportionally high influence on what changes are made to D2R (ie something nerfed b/c they complain, even if there’s not justification, or vice versa) then it does actually effect our gameplay.

I don’t pay attention enough to them to know if that’s actually happened (people on this forum have claimed it has), but I’m just saying I can see the above as a plausible situation. Streamer with big following has the devs ear, then pushes for changes that may not actually make game better, and the rest of us are just stuck with it.


I can match you degree for degree, and your mathematical knowledge.
You should know from statistical analysis that things like this happen quite often actually. It is the source of saying like ‘when it rains it pours’, ‘it always comes like bunches of bananas’, etc.

It you do testing of randomization, you should know that it is not going to look random until the distribution is close to filling out.

Furthermore, if you just take rolls of dice, similar stuff happens all the damn time. These dice just have a lot more sides.
If you…say roll a 6, when is the most likely time to roll the NEXT 6…it’s the NEXT gd roll. This is effectively what you are ranting about, and with your degree should damn will know better.

The last streak I had, I mentioned the list to a friend, and his comment was…enjoy not finding squat for awhile…I laughed and said yarp.


No offense but every time I read you i don’t know what to think of it beside “is he having a stroke?”

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no worry is just you are to cluess to realize english is not my first language, at least on my side this explain the issues ,No offense but compare on your side this can not be fix , :rofl:

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Llama didn’t even find them himself just 2 other people in his reset group found a ber and sur separately

Yes, they “found” it. There is no way to prove they didn’t trade for it. Statistically it does seem more likely they bought it. But no one is going to be able to prove they did or didn’t buy it.

man it’s crazy how far you’ll reach. i don’t know who found them cuz i dont hate watch streamers to make myself feel better about never finding anything, but at least 7 out of 8 of them have to be streaming. maybe check the vod of the people who dropped them and see if it dropped from a monster or a player lmao

edit: i miss the day when sekscalibure was the only person who flooded these forums with random garbage


another cry baby. just play the game and mind your business.

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Kanos latest vod on twitch


I mean unless they paid off a doom knight, RNG is RNG


So if they didn’t find it, it would even further disprove the statement of this topic. Because somebody found those runes.

The devs are a bunch of shape shifting reptilians, one day they ban people for using the wrong woke terms, the next they are caught being the worst creeps and womanizers in the industry.

I think they might be fishy, because they certainly don’t want anyone to play werebear.

Ber cannot drop in NM terror zone. Nice story

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the idea that Blizzard is giving out special drop rates on a per user basis is ridiculous.


I would just like to point out that due to this grievous oversight by Blizzard I can now no longer beat Baal on Normal difficulty. Llama’s ability to find HRs so early into the season is not only sus, but a complete deathblow to my enjoyment of D2R. I honestly wish Blizzard would stop disguising streamer favoritism with RNG of a 20 year old game. If he finds anymore HRs my character will involuntarily delete itself and my car will explode. Blizzard do something about this now.


If it was llama personally finding those 2HR first day barely reaching Hell i would find it highly suspicious and hard to believe. It’s out of this world luck and would be very suspicious the biggest D2 streamer just happened to be that “one in a million” players with that luck.

But it wasn’t. So stop twist and turn facts to try manipulate the results in your favour.

It was his entire speed running team as a whole who found those 2HRs collectively between them. And on top of that it’s not happening every ladder but a one time occasion.

These factors combined make it go from out of this world unbelievable luck to “just” very lucky and not really raising any eyebrows to seasoned players.

You never stop to amaze me with your delusional takes and mental gymnastics, if anything you’re a professor in strawmanning. There’s just no way at all someone who’s good at mathematics and statistics or whatever you claimed you educated at, missing all these relevant factors which completely change the picture. You’re either lying about your education or proof of the statement “education do not equal intelligence”.


OP is just jealous that he doesn’t have his own mass of followers donating their time to help propel him to the top of the ranks.

He was one of the first ignores on my list on the D2:R forums, which essentially was a carry over from the D3 forums, because he would post controversial threads there too in an attempt to stir up :poop:.


Suspicious, but possible. When i started D2R, my second day I found a Ber rune just laying on the floor in back of baals throne with a full game in throne, then within 24 hours I found another Ber from a corpse in a single player cow game ( first drop of game ) then within that same 24 hrs found another Ber in Baals Throne Again. Within that same time a Sur dropped from the elite close to frigid wp, a 15/15 jewel, and shako and eth titans from tristram.

Oh, I definitely agree the statement of this topic sounds ridiculous and is most likely false.

I think a lot of trading happens behind the scenes which some streamers aren’t always honest about. This makes it seem like streamers across the board just have higher drop rates on average.

Even if someone was streaming when they found a rune, I doubt it is very hard to fake finding a rune that you already had.

Many streamers are in general lying creeps who will say anything to get more views. I don’t blame them if that is what they feel is their job, but there is no reason to completely trust anything streamers say.

Well I’m a streamer and they didn’t give me anything… :man_shrugging:t2:

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