Light Radius reduces Monster Crit Chance%

I was looking at the runeword called Radiance trying to justify using it for something. I realized that its main advantage would have been its +5 to Light Radius, if Light Radius was actually useful.



3 Socketed Helm
Required level: 27
Nef Sol Ith

+75% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense vs. Missile
+10 to Vitality
+10 to Energy
+33 to Mana
Damage Reduced by 7
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+5 to Light Radius

Compare it to Lore, and it becomes obvious that Radiance is the ā€œtanky, mana choiceā€ while Lore is the +1 All skills damage option.



2 Socketed Helm
Required level: 27
Ort Sol
+1 to All Skills
+10 to Energy
Lightning Resist +30%
Damage Reduced by 7
+2 to Mana after each Kill
+2 to Light Radius

Normal Light Radius is 13, maximum is 18.
Monster Crit% should be 5% at Light Radius 13, and 0% at 18.
Thus, Radiance effectively makes you immune to monster crits.

Together with its high mana and DTGM, it would then be the perfect starting helm for Teleporting with a Hardcore sorc.

Wearing Nadir would be a significant risk with its -3 to Light Radius = 8% Monster Crit Chance

No effect on PvP. Light Radius (the light from your torch) is a very PvE sort of thing by its nature.

Hello Anu/Sekscalibure/Omnipwn, instead of changing light radius to make the game difficulty easier like all of your suggestions normally do, hereā€™s a way to make light radius more useful as a utility without making the fight vs monsters easier: Items that grant a bonus to light radius also increase the pickup range for autogold and the manual picking up of items, up to +5 yards.

Youā€™re welcome.


Straight to the personal attacks. I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised.

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You stopped making sense last millennia. Treat people with respect and they wonā€™t destroy you over and over. Iā€™m not anu or sekscalibure.

Keep the thread clean.

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I hope you know that bipolar disorder, or at its worst form of advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage is manageable with proper treatment.


Iā€™d be content with light radius if it performed its purpose:

You can see here it makes basically no difference in D2R graphics compared to a huge difference in D2L graphics:

I donā€™t think it needs any additional nonsensical mechanics for it to be useful, just needs to do its original job. Helps a lot to see that group of archers in the pitch black caves before they hit you with a volley of arrows. :wink:


Yes, agreed. Thereā€™s too much emphasis on numerical changes to things. Qualitative effects are more interesting.

The monster crit chance effect is similar to how the torchlight works in Darkest Dungeon.

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The first thing out of him is an attempt to gaslight you, then an attempt at insulting your idea, then he attempts to diagnose you with a mental disorder, then he cries you personally attacked him.
He is clearly projecting. :clown_face:

I like to use Radiance at lvl 30 with my ww barbs. It helps get the mana pool up to 150 very quickly, which is great for low level ww: combine that big of a mana pool with a Insight merc, and no mana leech is necessary in nightmare when using a good maul and lvl 1 ww.

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Ohi Atomiā€¦ Er Endugu.


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Thanks for having my back. TheDarkJedi-1970 doesnā€™t have many good things in his life. ā€˜Misery loves companyā€™. Iā€™m just gonna report him for trolling and see whether the mods are the same or not.

Right, I see that Radiance is already useful. The hardest part being getting a 3os helm early.

Go right ahead. If you canā€™t handle criticism, you have no business proposing ideas on this forum.


Youā€™re not going to bait me into talking to you :joy: Iā€™m not your friend.

Everybody knows you. We all know what you are.

Keep the thread clean.

Yeah, ok. :joy:

Your first response is a great job of keeping the thread clean.

Bye now Sekscalibure, to the list you go. Feel free to have the last word.

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:dagger: Troll Slayer :dagger: Achievement Unlocked :drop_of_blood::drop_of_blood::drop_of_blood::drop_of_blood::drop_of_blood:

TheDarkJedi-1970šŸ‘“šŸ» defeated.

He wasnā€™t always like this, he use to post mostly helpful tips. Now he only seems to troll. He certainly needs a break from the forum.

3os barb helms drop frequently in normal.

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I see. Good on you for keeping things sober.

3os barb helms (and druid pelts)! Thatā€™s awesome.

Last Post Oct 25, '21

I refunded the game on my AtomicPunk account and can no longer post with it here, and none of my other 7 accounts have D2R on them. Remember when I posted a list of all my accountsā€“that Iā€™ve never been sneaky with my accounts?