TL:DR Teleport as is, makes the game worse. Make it not affected by Faster Cast Rate. Make Attribute points increase movement speed so others can have the power fantasy. It’s balanced, see below as to why.
Enigma has always seemed like a last hurrah patch content effort to feed on the energy that currently existed at the time. Was it good for the longevity of the game? No. It forces class choice into an ugly corner. Why? People feel forced to play what they don’t want to.
Considering the targets of D2R content changes, they clearly want to make changes that are more in line with what is better for the game overall. The teleport issue WILL LIKELY be targeted eventually.
Teleport gives a very pleasing power fantasy affect to whoever plays Sorc as it should. This is a good thing… but it allows you to ignore a significant amount of the game, in terms of content, and challenge. I think we can preserve that power fantasy but with a series of changes.
As a baseline i propose to change teleport so that it is no longer affected by FCR and simply functions as a zero FCR teleport, essentially a skill with a cooldown, like Meteor or Frozen Orb. This is still extremely usable and will still make every class very jealous.
Also, this would totally screw bots. Not really a goal but a nice plus.
She’s still going to be able to skip content, just not nearly as easily. With careful timing she can still dodge around a bit and kite most things. She may have to sacrifice some several dozen thousands of damage to focus on survival a little, but she has stupid amounts of damage to spare.
Afterall… why are other classes SOO SLOW in comparison anyway? Sorc is essentially a double threat already just by nature of her abilities but, teleport, nothing really compares in speed, even at 0 FCR.
This would affect other classes to a certain degree however, because Enigma.
I propose that an entire “content patch” is focused on allowing them to achieve higher levels of mobility not necessarily on par with even the nerfed Teleport. But just significantly better.
Why not let other classes experience a little bit of that power fantasy. Particularly classes more aligned with physical prowess, but not necessarily limited to.
I like simple solutions, so it really is as simple as the movement speed stat. But how to implement? Easy enough. Attribute points.
Attribute points already have different values depending on class. So obviously these can be tweaked.
Maximum Assignable Attribute points is approximately 500+.
Keep in mind, no one actually puts all their points into one stat. Vitality is typically too important.
100% movement speed is NOT EVEN CLOSE to double run speed. For some perspective…
Base run speed for all toons naked: 9 yards a second.
Run speed at 100% movement speed: 12.6 yards a second.
Run speed at 295% movement speed: 14.94 yards a second. Yes there are serious diminishing returns.
Paladin Charge 22.5 yards a second.
And the only thing that compares to teleport speed. Paladin Charge with vigor, probably pushing 30y/s, and calling it comparable is a kindness, because, walls and everything else in between.
And we’re stuck on average with less than 12y/s… Again, WHY ARE WE SO SLOW!!!
Some baseline value suggestions:
STR: 0.25% movement speed per point = 125% movement speed at 500 points.
DEX: 0.35% movement speed per point = 175% movement speed at 500 points.
NRG: 0.15 movement speed per point = 75% movement speed at 500 points.
Vit: 0.08 movement speed per point = 40% movement speed at 500 points.
Power fantasy is incredibly important to the appeal of a game like D2. It boggles my mind that movement speed hasn’t been exploited to extreme levels by the Developers to increase game appeal.
Keep in mind, 500 points into one stat is unlikely to happen by nature of gear and vitality requirements. This would also require level 99. So no, we’re not going to have level 1’s zipping around at almost decent speeds. Also by nature of diminishing returns it’s not really super affective until high level anyway.
Even if my suggested bonuses above went live, and Teleport remained as is currently live. Everything that is Teleport will still be significantly better.