Let's Balance the Sunder Shall We?

So okay, we now have a way to eliminate immunity, fine you win. How about this though. Say I have the charm for sunder lightning which breaks lightning immunity. That -75 to lightning res? Yeah, make that mandatory. Meaning no matter what your lightning res is, it HAS TO BE -75 and stays there while the charm is equipped.

Same with all the rest, make the negatives MANDATORY.

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thats too much IMO. Would be nice if the -res reduces the Max res aswell. I mean, you could not have more than 0% res from that GC element, unless you have +maxres stuff. At Zero res you can get wrecked very easy in some areas IE Chaos Sanc using a Fire Sunder GC.

I have a suggestion for the magic rend charm, get rid of the magic resistance negative(not many monsters do magic damage anyway). Give it a worse version of the Occy random teleport on hit, lets say 33% chance on hit to cast teleport randomly.

Also, I agree with Kessig that seems a little much, how about, with a sunder charm inventory, you cap max the charms resistance at 35%? maybe 45%

Balanced Fire/Lite/Cold/Poison Sunder:

•Sunders Immunity to 95-99% and cannot be lowered or affected by any other effect.

•Lowers your own res by 75-250%

•Only 1 unique GC in inventory at any given time so no Gheeds or stacking Sunders

•Ubers and all Uber enemies are immune to Sunders

•Sunder Charms are as rare as Zod

•Life and Mana are reduced by 25%

•Mana Regeneration is turned off.

•Only lasts for 10 minutes and needs to be repaired at Charsi.

•10 Life drain per second.

•-20 Dex

•-20 Str

Wow and they’d still be ridiculously OP and game breaking because you can just juggle them in and out of your cube as needed :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


People care too much about resists…

Even at 0 resists you can speed farm this game.

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Maybe there’s a way to make the Sunders useful but also force you to make a sacrifice that actually changes the way you play your character. Let me think. They’d Sunder the chosen element but altar your gameplay

Fire: Reduce AoE by 50%

Cold: Reduce Range/Duration by 50%

Lightning: Mana cost of Lightning skills increases by 50% and projectiles slowed by 50%

Poison: You get poisoned for 1% of your poison damage when you poison a target. Does not stack.

Magic: Magic Projectiles Do Not Pierce sundered enemies

Physical: You Gain Melee Splash but suffer Open Wounds when striking a Sundered enemy

Idk just random ideas

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On Occy, wasn’t if I’m not mistaken the teleport always put you within line of sight of the enemy that hit you? As in you couldn’t be teleported past a wall in a confined map?
If a char has no way to teleport back and they get out on the other side of a wall that’s gonna get annoying quiche especially with most melee builds depending on frw to speed up getting around. It sounds like a wonky mechanic to me.

While it might be difficult to code, keeping the 1/5 resist lowering penalty on Sundered targets would probably be enough to make them not quite as great as currently are.

Right now there is a bit of negative to them but I think once we’re all playing and gearing around them that hit won’t matter that much

no… lets not…
there are some ideas you can try to rework into something usable.

this one is not salvageble.
i WANT immunites gone… but if u even try to defend blizzard on this… just leave…

Good idea lets nerf them so you continue to only farm one area.

Not so if they are like gheeds you can’t even have more than one on your char. Luckily the share tab isn’t marked as any one of your chars and you can drop a gheeds in share stash and unequip your chars cheers to their personal tan and take the share one and put it in your inventory/cube. But not in the personal tab with the old gheeds. I had to figure this out when trading my first char gheeds with a new one that I traded for.

So only can have access to one sundered at a time. Also from my understanding the boost would be applied when you enter a zone. So even if you had a fire and a cold someone else dropped on the ground after you both enter the zone, you could drop/swap but until you leave the zone your under the effects of the original equipped charm like players 8 on SP.

And I’d bet you and your clever buddy can’t just bring a fire and cold to the zone and then do the same drop or trade if possible swap and have both bonuses and negatives applied to you both.

I would think as far as your personal tab would be able to identify the type of sundered charms you have and be allowed to stash one of each but only equip one at a time. Also ladder endgame item. This breaks none of my game as I’m happy to make the lvl 95 grind prob won’t even bother with infinity or these charms.

There are other ways of doing this I’d prefer; however, I don’t feel the core idea is that bad.

So I’ll still stay here though, just as I have since 2000 =)

no.,. the core idea IS bad

the MOST MPORTANT things to consider when trying to remove immunites… to
“dont break cold mastery, conviction, and lower resist”


they didnt do that

and on TOP of they they are adding Bs negative resists

fire wont even be effected becuase of the new runeword THEY JUST FREAKING MAKE in flickering flame.

cold mastery is broken AF with it


becuase those are something we can just “get back”
nevermind salv aura for everyone else

melee gets a big FU again… not to mention that we cant lower phsycal resists with facets


oh yeah time to run a freaking safety monarch now"

there is NO salvaging this…

you want an idea that WORKS? and doesnt BREAK THE FREAKING GAME?



no new items… no skill balancing required…
simple, elegant.

but NOO they dont even know how F-ING COLD MASTERY WORKS

Melee’s issues are separate from this discussion so I’d table that.

Yes, Sundered enemies need to not have the 1/5 “protection” removed. That is how you salvage this idea imo. With the 1/5 penalty in place this doesn’t kill builds for certain areas of farming but does make it so that you can farm, inefficiently but doable, areas with all specs.

Edit: I think immunities are fine but I’d like ways to invest into or hunt for ways to break them as well. So I don’t mind this solution but also think it needs tweaks

I personally feel we don’t need Sunder charms at all. It’s a lazy cop-out for having to modify Monster Resistance for EACH respective Monster. If a monster natively has 100 Fire Resistance, set it to 95(where they become highly resistant but NOT IMMUNE). You then allow Uniques/Super Uniques to remain as they are because they’re UNIQUE and roll with Monster Bonuses that should make them difficult to dispatch from a given element. Namely Frozenstein with 285 Cold Resistance should be impervious to Cold Damage. The proposed Sunder Charm makes that irrelevant…

You then increase Magic Resistance on Monsters from 0(in most cases) to 50, mirroring Physical Resistance. They can never become Magic Immune because the only Unique Monster bonus that raises Magic Resistance is Mana Burn(and only 20% so at 50% Resistance, it’d be 70% on a Mana Burn Unique). Frequency of Magic Immunity can remain as is because Bone Necromancers/Pit Zerkers are not S-Tier.

As for Hammerdin(the S-Tier Magic build), remove the Concentration aura perk(it’s no longer needed), bump synergy to 35%, remove the 150% Undead bonus and effectively nerf their damage by roughly 50%. Combined with the Magic Resistance bump on Monsters should bring this readily broken Magic build down a peg or two.

Then with Immunity on Monsters largely removed, you balance out certain skills: Cold Mastery, Conviction and Lower Resist in particular. Decrepify and Amplify Damage can be left alone because Physical/Melee builds have a lot going against them right now.
For Cold Mastery it can largely be left alone given that it’s damage is weaker than the other trees.

Conviction: Reduced to 4%(level 1), caps at 100% at level 25 and works at 1/5th effectiveness against Immunes. Infinity, in this case, would cut Resistance by 48% or nearly half of a resistant monster.

Lower Resist: Starts at -10% Resistance(level 1), down from 31% and scales far better to its soft-cap of -50% at level 25. Works at 1/5th effectiveness against Immunes.

Then there are other skill balancing that could be done to other S-Tier builds(Javazon is just an example).

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yeah except with my idea you dont also BREAK EVERYTHING and u can STILL farm effectively.


you CAN’T give give 95% resist and nOT adress conviction lower resist and cold mastery.

these skills currently addressed by the 1/5th penalty. and by cold mastery and all facets not working until they are under 100%

they dont need to change resistance values
they dont need to change any skills they dont need to make new charsm that do something horrific like REMOVELY PHSYCIAL AND MAGIC RESIST

and they dont need to give a full power infinity to every single caster…

they need to simplely change a few lines of code and make the 1/5th pentaly apply “below 95%” instead of “before 100%”


The real problem is the majority of people advocating these charms and removing immunity is players that are tourists and don’t stick around for the long run. It just screws over players like me who have been around forever and still love the game.

This game was remade yes, but it should still have catered to the original base. Diablo 2 was our game, not these tourists. All new games now get catered to the masses and end up becoming useless dog crap on the ground that a toddler can play.

The big ehh for me is its another thing i have to target farm ON ladder. A big strike for me isnt this new ability to neutralize a single elemental magic that is stopping your pus spitter prison necro or staff smacking enchant sorc from even doing very well with end game Nightmare difficulty, but the fact that its a mf Charm and i aint talkin magic find and i would rather see this ability on a unique item or GASP! a new set of SETS… Norm NM and Hell tier. A coworker said it perfectly and even shut my i would like to see more mid sub IST runeword recipes to facilitate the NM to Hell transition idea down with F runewords. Eloquently put I thought and said nothing and jus nodded in agreement. Id take no more new runewords which would be sad since they could make 4x as many runewords and the game would be the better and just give us some new NOT charms or inventory holder items and why not some new gear? Gets old building chars and step by step stacking various prefixes and suffixes to max out on one most important stat/skill and trickle down for all the support skills we all know where the stats are goin: enough str for gear to hit 156 and max vit, maybe some dex in there if your 1 of 4 chars that goes for max block {NOT coutning HC chars dont come at me you HC mfers} at least that was the last 20 years of diablo 2, lod, d2r we got new builds that could be meta if anyone ever played and twinked they as far as they could go.

These charms on a equipable item would be better OR like the essences how about a collect 'em and cube em and get your SHOT at one of 6 of these?

I want a helm or BOOTS with teleport +1 while were pipe dreaming. Barb is the slowest of the slows even with imporved leap attack its still horrible that even with a skill that gives faster run, you will still need 30-40 more FRW just to be able to run around and even run past monsters when trying to strictly boss farm.

My bottom line ill probably never care as ill probably only ever get one of these from trade via shifted to NL. And im anti trade I have noticed on d2r. Its not the same and using the forum is easier to get direct communication with other players lookin to sell and make trades in game.

The balance is this charm will be another for the 1%ers.

3 sundered relics.

cube the 3 relics.

1 random GC. SMALL chance of not being skiller or higher. and likely 50/50 to be sundered.

spitballin here.

Maybe -75% light res PLUS -75% MAXimum light res also. So at best when you counter the resist you get 0% light res.

Also make the physical charm changed from -25% dr. Seems a lot and melee get hit a lot.
Maybe lower that % DR amount and couple it with something else.
Like minus all resistances.
Or minus defense.
Or minus block.