Ladder ends next week

Item stacking and loot filters ftw. Crossing fingers.


Well, if ladder starts at mightnight / 1am in England, and the news yesterday came about the same time - then i would assume it will be about the same time as those things.

It is not 16:45, so 8 hoursish.

They dont work in PVM either, but ok then you just stick to your narrow minded view.

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I’m excited for the news Pez is about to share today. Along with this new feature (thinking currency tab), they also have a good amount of bug fixes. I hope they fixed the loading screen bug so characters are invunerable to damage until all assets are loaded. It was fixed in Beta, but didn’t make it to launch.


this is very true
long time ago i was trying to revamp thorns for my personal mod and i came to the conclusion that making the returning dmg being aoe for the aura extension, making the aura size relevant, would be the best solution needing only a few tweaks after that

sure with that the build would be density dependent but thats why we have grief/CB and OW

but since it involved hardcode and i was never interested in it i basically put it aside

i would love that too but as pez mentioned “THIS new feature” i think we might get only one of those

hope i just burn my tong

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Are the news comming out today ?

Most sense would be to have the ladder end in a week and then go to PTR and a new ladder season. This way it gives players a chance to test the PTR properly and it keeps seasons as close to the 4 months initially discussed as possible.

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New areas =) Terror Zones in patch 2.5 =) thanks alot blizzard


Not ‘new areas’, just spawning in monsters with a higher level

it would break the game even more and would need a ladder reset every month. would be terrible

btw PTR is live !!! :smiley:

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When do you plan on being more active on these forums? There was virtually no feedback in the PTR forums last go…

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Ah. They know we have a phone, so D2:R mobile might be coming? :stuck_out_tongue:

New feature. Could be a rift like system.
Or some other new end game content.
Perhaps crafting/upgrading items.

I hope the new feature will be awesome!

More of the same from Blizzard. Reinforcing hammerdins and deciding they know better about how the player should play.

YUP! I am sure the botters and d2stores appreciate the extra inventory.

So, chat?
Shut the hell up! face slap

10 year old problem fixes?
Shut the hell up! face slap

Actual changes PLAYERS asked for?
Shut the hell up! face slap

PvP fixes that you broke?
Shut the hell up! face slap

WE will give you what WE DECIDE you want. WE do NOT want to hear your complaints! WE will not FIX anything! Enigma is here to stay to help support botting and d2stores! WE WILL continue to buff the game to benefit botters/hammerdins/d2stores. AND you will damned well like it. YOUR opinion does NOT matter to us.

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omg Terror zones where again 1 player is pushed and the other 7 just fill. 99 can be done in 2 days. Again no Teamplay to 99. This will suck the ladder board, they obviously dont want us to play this game, and buy another one… Thanks a lot!

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Any news on the start of the Ladder or the end of the PTR ?

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None yet. Some guy took a guess that reset will happen in 3 weeks, could be something like that.

I don’t understand the policy they have going on, not providing any news on how is the PTR going or when it will end, will the Ladder start directly after the end of the PTR and stuff like that. It’s good we are getting updates to the game like the Terror zones, but the lack of communication is really frustrating…

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Well its new feature, how can they know? Depends on feedback.