I’m Just wondering is Blizzard going to be addressing the Issue of Botting?
The Market is incredibly diluted the first week of ladder.
Nothing compared to what it was 1st and 2nd ladder.
I’m Just wondering is Blizzard going to be addressing the Issue of Botting?
The Market is incredibly diluted the first week of ladder.
Nothing compared to what it was 1st and 2nd ladder.
They’re probably scared to do anything with all of the false bans they’ve done. Appeals would end up flooding their customer support, increasing delays in response time, which means they need more customer support reps, which costs $. Bobby K don’t like spending $… If they want to ban cheaters, that’s great, but at least make 110% sure they were cheating.
Why do you care about the market? Either way you can only trade for what you can trade for?
Beyond that blizzard isn’t doing anything about botting other than the same bot promotion tactics they’ve always used. They will let them make money for another month, collect their names, then ban them after they made their money, then beg them to buy the game again when they put it on sale.
Blizzard will keep making money off of them. They will keep making money off RMT users. You will keep wondering why there are botter and worrying about the market (lol why?). Same stuff different ladder.
I think normal people aren’t playing much. Its just you sellers and botters on this ladder lol.
Bobbys yaht is 2 years old now daddy needs a new one.
He ain’t about to drop any $$$$$$$ on d2r
They’ll ban them then put D2R on 66% sale again so they can buy more game.
That’s how they’re making quick $$$ with D2R. Blizzard love bots.
Is there proof of any sort that false bans happen a lot?
They would never put enough people to work on this game to make this possible.
What a dumb question. The fresh economy is half the reason to play ladder instead of making a new non ladder character. There are already close to no reasons to play ladder, and the fresh start combined with the FOMO of new items carries the entire concept of a ladder season.
I think they reverted the old auto-flag system becuase of the false positive issues they were having with trav/pindle runners. Though I’m not sure.
But a shako is still worth an ist rune? The only economy that has fallen where it changes the value of your finds is how much FG you get. Item:Item trades don’t really suffer that much. What economy collapse are you seeing that is crushing you?
The market crash sets in as item saturation increases. Botting speeds that process up tremendously. It’s never been a matter of getting this or that item. The idea of a fresh economy is that it’s distinctly less inflated than non ladder. Everyone knows that the ladder economy will eventually settle and inflate, but they’re drawn to a fresh ladder to replay that fresh early economy. It’s the same reason players are drawn to a fresh WoW server or something similar. It’s half the reason to play from a fresh start.
Yeah it’s pretty bad. I don’t think they’re going to do anything, as usual. A ban wave in a couple months and then D2R goes on sale again. That’s their business model. Botters are essential to it.
My point is what has actually changed in the in game trading from your perspective. If last ladder at this time a griffon was worth a ber rune and an arreats face was wroth a vex rune what changed for an item:item trader? IMO the same ratios apply right now. So your finds can be traded for the same amount of stuff. What differences do you actually see given real items and real situations you’ve experienced? You’re still getting to play the early grind. You’re still able to use your finds to trade for items you actually need. If you find a griffon it is still a jackpot same as if you found a ber rune. If you need a shako your ist can still buy it.
Edit: The only real note I have seen personally is that the FG prices have dropped for items and that those who care and want to stack FG aren’t getting as much per item. But IMO that doesn’t matter. No matter how much I like using JSP for the fast trading IDGAF about how much FG a person can stack up.
You’re effectively focusing on the similar level of botting/crashing that’s been seen for the past couple of seasons, and that’s true and fair. The larger point is why bother with a ladder season if botting is going to quickly nullify one its major appeals, that being the fresh economy. I’m not sure if the OP intended to speak to this, but it is the crux of the issue.
You’re making a solid point, but I’m not fully grasping it I think. Or perhaps I don’t see where the change is happening in your ladder experience. Because if you’re playing along and you find a vipermagi and you’re going at your normal speed how is this crash (yes this one is faster) affecting you getting that item? How is the market crash affecting your level, trade value, or general game experience? If you were stuck at the phase where you were farming hell mephisto trying to upgrade gear, are you further now because bots found more? How?
The only people zooming ahead are those that RMT and Bot. But your own gameplay is unchanged and market capability unchanged as well.
Like lets say you’re dirt broke just got into hell. If there is 1 Jah rune on ladder or if there are 5000. In neither situation are you going to be able to trade for one, so you’re not even in the market. I just don’t see how it has affected in game trading or discord trading or even traderie trading. You still have to farm something good to trade for something good.
Is it just a comparison to those who RMT / Bot?
The change would be that the economy lasts longer before the crash because item saturation isn’t being expedited from botting. It would make ladders last much longer even for the hardest grinders. Currently, bots in D2 are a given, it’s part of the game, it’s part of the ladder. It’s a reliable way to know you can find runes/item very early into a new season. If the botting was ever quashed, it would take several more weeks to have the same availability to players.
This is relative, and that’s the idea of these fresh starts on the ladder with a fresh item economy. The botting affects everyone’s gameplay unless they’re a true SSF player or playing offline. That market that they’re attempting to enter is being manipulated by botting injecting drops into the game at a more rapid pace than if only humans were playing the ladder.
I still don’t see how that changes your personal experience in how far you are in ladder right now. If the ratio item:item is unchanged. And you have to find the item to trade. How does your experience actually change? Unless you RMT botted goods or bot yourself then nothing has really changed for you has it? The black market doesn’t change your experience it changes the black market users experience though. What was sped up for you or slowed down? What lost/gained value? Aren’t you where you would normally be during ladder?
For any player interacting with the rest of the online game, these things you’ve described are relative. The player’s access to items is relative to the economy. The player’s ability to generate wealth is relative to the economy. The player’s ability to finish a build is relative to the economy. Having capital and wanting to get a specific item isn’t enough to have it. The item needs to also exist on the ladder to be bought. That’s where the botting affects everyone who isn’t playing SSF. Every trade action a player takes on the ladder is going to be affected by botting. It’s been all three seasons now that the item grind on the ladder has been ended in just a few days. Without bots generating the runes and the items, it would take those same players a few weeks to get the their hands on those runes and items.
Again, for anyone participating in the economy, botting has been a crucial consideration for what they can buy and how early it’s even possible for a rune or item to exist on the ladder in enough quantity to be bought equal to demand. It’s literally why ladders wrap up in a couple of weeks rather than in a couple of months.
Well the launch was a slow econ for sure much slower than this one. Mainly cuz bots were rare and much more basic. This economy is accelerated for sure but again for some reason I just don’t see how it changes one’s personal gameplay if others are accelerated.
Are they giving you a shako for less because they already have one? Cuz I don’t see that to be the case.
I feel like my MF’d IST rune went just as far in launch season vs this one. So wherever I was then I would be now.
Now maybe when everything is ROCK bottom that might change and ROCK bottom will happen sooner. But nobody right now is making free games and tossing out shakos and tal armors and ist runes to make space. But up until that point I don’t see how an individuals experience is changed. You have to farm to get what you want and your finds dictate your buying power. It isn’t like you have a stash of unvalued items that would have been valued otherwise because ladder still right now isn’t at rock bottom. You don’t have a mass of runes sitting in your stash. You’re probably not full build or close to it right?
Maybe I’m just too tired to understand. I don’t want bots in the game either, I just don’t think they change your experience unless you RMT or Bot yourself.
There are two major steps to buying an item. The first is having the capital to afford it, the second is the item existing. At the very start of a ladder, no runes or items exist, and so nobody can buy them. That’s when the botting comes into play to greatly affect everyone’s ladder experience so long as they’re participating in trades. If season 3 could have been devoid of botting, there would be dramatically less runes and items in circulation this early in the ladder.
Man I just don’t know. I feel like pre-season had almost no botting at lest not even close to this level and regardless I was near end game by day 5. My high rune drops were lucky and I didn’t even have to trade that much. I had done ubers + key runs + dclone at that time. I just don’t see how my experience differed much from how it would have this ladder. Though I will say it’s pace was slower a bit I guess I just figured it was people shaking off the rust. Because I was practically end game off self finds almost but that was luck too cuz I had to trade the next season, but still wound up at the same spot.