Just want everyone know

All I am saying is if World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 works on me, Diablo 2 Resurrected should work fine.

If your rig has incompatibility issues, you should see it on World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch too.

there blizzard itself tells you that you are wrongā€¦not all ofc but lots of us meet the requirements (told by blizzard) and thats the reason they are fixing it. And no, they are not trying to fix it ā€œfor usā€, itā€™s a bug, and itā€™s their fault, blizzard itself said that.

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Comcast canā€™t afford nicer processors?

nah , its about avx, SC, overwatch etc dont use AVX , but in D2R they ā€œinadvertently includedā€ AVX just before the release and thats the reason some cpus cant launch it, and blizzard itself said this is a bug, cause D2R shouldnā€™t use AVX

theres the today update btw just a few mins ago

in my case i7 980, never went above 30-35% load during the betaā€¦ not to mention if I OC it, then it goes to 4,2Ghz, but not needed for this game at all.
GPU RX580 8Gb
16Gb DDR3
ā€¦ nah I ran the beta at 1080p 60fps without problems, 1440p resolution scaled down to 85-90% to achieve 55 fps on averageā€¦

The minimum CPUs have AVX, but what the game is requiring is AVX2.

the problem is that for the average mortal, CPU technical specs are not known. You see they require as minimal one model of CPU and what you do is checking if your CPU is newer or older and how powerful is compared each other. Besides, there are far newer CPUs than the min required that does not support AVX, the AVX thing should have been mentioned in a explicit way.
Then we all tried the beta and it ran perfectly, so there was no doubt we could play itā€¦ but suddenly at launch we canā€™t launchā€¦

Edit: they have admited that AVX was introduced inadvertently, so it would never be our fault after all.

Seriously Blizzard needs to get their act together. This is the biggest launch fail I would say. There was so much hype about it, I am very disappointed. I bought the game one week ago and have been able to play maybe 3 hours all together, it either crashes or I am unable to launch. This is a jokeā€¦

you sure itā€™s the avx error? have you posted about this in the tech support forum? you should not have a problem with avx unless msi did something wonky with the bios to disable it.

At ~12 noon PDT

dat sux bro.

Level 49 on my necro and plowing through nightmare. Really enjoying this, and itā€™s been problem free.

you guys need to chill the F out. They didnā€™t even know there would be a problem, now they have to figure out WHY thereā€™s a problem before they can actually FIX the problem. This stuff doesnā€™t happen in days. RCA processes can take months
this doesnā€™t make them liars
it doesnā€™t mean they allocated time improperly
it means thereā€™s an issue, and theyā€™re working on it.

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I have the same problem with my desktop. I even take it to my friend that know how to fix most pc problems. We could not fix it. All it did was pop up a error screen with different codes every time. When I got home I load the game in to my surface pro and I was able to play but my surface does not met the min specs at all.

They even Change the post topic in tech forum to ā€œolder processorā€ .
Itā€™s makes other looks like itā€™s OUR problem.
Considering their attitude they towards us in the past two week. I believe it wonā€™t be fix in the coming month. Even after ladder .