Just an Important Friendly Reminder

Sorry buddy, but you are just trolling.

Making up stuff does not give you any credibility and you are just like a toddler screaming: “I WANT IT!!!”
Not sure why you are accusing me of all that crap, but it shows that you have 0 argument in this topic besides that you just want it.

If you want to play @ /p8 then get some friends to play with or play SP. Simulating players in a multiplayer game is just simply wrong. But as you are a very unpleasant person, you might be better off just running D2R 8 times yourself, because I can’t imagine anybody wanting to play with you.

You really are a disgusting troll.

Making up stuff? The only things ive spoken about are factual and backed up by the majority of players. Its you who isnt even creating a case or reason for it:

Fact 1: the game is too easy for bnet
Fact 2: you cant play it at higher difficulty with friends (where its needed most)
Fact 3: bnet games are awkward and unfair to the average player (i.e. the great many who multibox reap benefits without even reason to enjoy the difficulty)

All of those are facts backed up bt more than 50% of the speakers. Its you who lives on these forums to spread your unhappiness caused by something in ypir life. Im a long time plsyer that wants to continue playing with those who want 1/2/3. All you want is imbalance, unfairness. You cant even give clear reasons WHY. “Bc its multiplayer” - yet all im focusing on is making it a better multiplayer experience for all?

Keep on trolling and being disillusioned

No one cares that you have a family and kids. Should all games be designed around people that don’t have time for video games? Not sure if you’ve noticed, but that’s what has become of modern games. And they all suck because of it. Find your instant gratification somewhere else. D4 will be right up your alley. No thought in head required. Lots of shiny, big numbers flashing on the screen, no trade and only ploot. Sounds like it’s just the game for someone with no time to play games.

The runes for Grief are mid, so in terms of game design it should be a mid-level weapon. The way I see Grief functioning in a more balanced game is that Grief becomes an easy source of dmg and attack speed before the late game grind of filling in your sockets with IAS jewels and other pieces of equipment that help max your build’s attack speed and %dmg, and before finding that godly final build weapon. Grief should be that weapon that 1) bridges melee builds to end game and 2) allows for build flexibility in non-cookie cutter builds.

I agree with others that Grief doesn’t need a nerf, instead all melee weapons need a base level dmg buff. Make Colossus Sword base 1H dmg 39 - 105 (1.5x norm), 2H dmg 91 - 181 (1.5x norm), Ogre Maul base dmg 154 - 212 (2x norm), etc. I think 2H axes and Spears and Polearms could all get the 2x modifier and all 1H and Sword 2H could get the 1.5x modifier and that would be balanced.

With these new numbers, if you made a perfect (400%) eth (50%) Death CS that would be:

  • 292 - 787 (1H), 540 avg
  • 686 - 1361 (2H), 1023 avg

IK Ogre Maul base would be: 462 - 636, 549 avg
IK Ogre Maul with 2x 40/15 jewels (280%) would be: 585 - 805, 695 Avg

In terms of how melee could perform with this buff relative to caster damage, it brings them up to parity: For that perfect eth Death 2H CS, and assuming 1000% off weapon ED, 100% DS, and Amp dmg that would be:

  • about 13,725 - 27,225 (20k avg) against sundered enemies (95% physical res)
  • and 27,450 - 54,450 (41k avg) against enemies with 0% physical res)

That damage is end game light sorc/java/fire sorc-level, but keep in mind that melee needs to stack AR too, so the effective dmg could be about 25% less.

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You are a open bnet troll. I don’t care about you and your nonsense. Simulating players instead of playing with players is bad for multiplayer games. It pushes player more into private games and less into public games. The game feels empty because of that and is unattractive to new player.

You have no clue what you are talking about and just accuse me of any BS your poor mind can imagine.

Suck it up buttercup. Grow up and stop crying.

What are you even talking about? How is making the game HARDER though a consistent setting flashing indicators? Or ease of playing?

To get P8 you have 1 options, both of which are not realistic for 90% of the player base that wants a higher difficulty:

A. They multibox 8 account
B. They jump into games (or make them) and have minutes of said difficulty. Or SECONDS.

What i am speaking of has nothing to do with becoming like modern games. Blizzard is doing those things all on their own. Im simply talking about a realistic higher difficulty. Which btw people with SUNDERER charms will ne BEGGING for. Mark my words. Ive seen videos if that change goes through the game will be so easy on P1 you dont even have to look at the screen to play. Talk about modern convinces? How dense are you ancient players, cant even see the thing that will help you enjoy D2R the most.

P8 on bnet is 100% possible now, but only the corrupt players, the cheaters and online sellers access it. Or the guys with a expensive settups and unrealistic proccesses to get p8 solo bnet. Its so painful of course those guys will rage if any pleb can access what they paid to do. Lol that why you hate it? Cheater? Multiboxer? Only explaination to not wanting the masses to have what you do

That kinda damage everything one shot. I agree that your idea is optimal. But harder difficulty in game is needed first. I.e. P8 setting in game creation for bnet games

No no,

Depending how grief is balanced, weather by nerf of flat damage to enhanced damage, or revising base weapon damages, or eliminating grief entirely ( I wouldn’t want this over another option), etc,. melee damage achieved by grief should be maintained, or improved, by updates to skills or stats, etc. if needed.

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That’s exactly why the game needs King of the Hells mechanic

The more the game is cleared the harder and more rewarding the monsters will be

Ideally having special events at certain % thresholds

This kind of mechanic would make it useless to have terror zones and would empower party play

Why not both? Increase monster HP and and have them deal a little more damage and the game will feel a bit more balanced.

Melee really should hit single targets the hardest. It doesn’t make any sense that a Java/Sorc/Hdin with their AoE damage, that never misses, and can be cast at range should do more damage than melee.


Bump for friendly reminder

No nerfs to grief are needed. Other items need buffs. Melee already lags behind.

Grief is so overrated it’s silly.
Enough crushing blow will always outperform it with decent gear choices.
Several two handed weapons allow melee to walk all areas without even using a potion for hours at a time, killing anything and everything in sight.
The issue is that people take this relatively cheap option, and call it a day, not even knowing that it is simply not the best weapon for virtually anything.

All i heard your post say is “make melee even worse please”.

With season ending soon, friendly reminder

instead of nerfing grief…what about we give +dmg to all phys melee/ranged RWs?
the amount added will be proportional to the rarity/difficulty of creating such RW

Unfortunately the damage boost needed would be exceptionally high because of the discrepancy between a flat 340-400+ damage provided by grief vs enhanced damage provided by all others. A large enough boost to base item damage, however, will eventually balance out griefs flat damage with enhanced damage ( this occurs when the boost is high enough to bring phase blades to around 90-100 (If I remember correctly) base damage )

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no, im talking about adding +dmg, not more ED
in other words, giving grief +dmg stat to more RWs

As others have said I’d rather base damage and the %ED affixes on magic, rare, set, unique and RW be re-scaled so that Grief stays roughly where it is, but more expensive/rare things actually out-perform it. While they’re at it, it would be great to have ED and AR on melee skills have a balancing pass as well. May be too much for a single pass, since they are all related doing it all in at once would be better in terms of giving devs maximum flexibility.

Your later posts seem that you support this, so maybe revise your OP to help keep things on topic, since “nerf Grief” is dividing support, when most of the responders in this thread are in favor of some rebalancing of melee vs. casters and weapons anyway.

Just seeing this now since it was bumped, but I totally got and enjoyed your StarCraft reference!

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I tried and he didn’t get my reference :frowning:

You keeping up with the ASL? I think a new season is coming up. Flash is coming back.