Just an Important Friendly Reminder

…That grief needs a big nerf, and two hand weapons need a big buff to balance item choices.


Other melee item choices need big buff to balance with grief. ( Such as universal base damage increase )

The flat damage provided by Grief, especially when utilized on phase blade, completely outperforms the other choices, even when they are more costly to create.

Change the 340-400 flat damage to enhanced damage.

Buff two-handed weapon base damage by 1.5x, and increase range, extending beyond the max of 5 for choices such as war pike and great poleaxe.

And last,
Improve melee damage to perform better than grief performed prior to nerf, via skills etc. because melee is very weak compared to casters. This will compensate for the current BIS melee slot - Grief - being nerfed, and result in it not being a nerf, but rather a balancing of item choices.


Grief is actually what melee needs. Grief is not to powerful, melee simply sucks.
Grief is how Endgame melee Items should look like.
Instead of nerfing Grief we need alternatives to it or a rework of the melee system


I understand melee needs grief, due to it being the most powerful option for a weak class, but because griefs damage outshines all other options, it becomes the only option, which is boring.

Leaving griefs flat damage, and buffing melee will improve melee, but not fix the unbalance of feasible end-game item choices.

Thats why i suggest nerf grief to level it with other items, AND then improve melee skills to perform better than they did with grief prior to nerf. Then we will have better melee performance, and the the ability to feasibly use other existing item choices.

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Exactly… nerfing grief just nerfs melee. People who f’ing complain that grief is the best option and therefore needs to be nerfed are retarded af… melee in end game PvM is pretty gimped compared to nearly all other classes/builds. They just need more options that at least are nearly competitive with grief. But grief at the end of the day is not the best. A rare eth weap with either fools mod or over 400% ED with self rep, open sockets and ias in the right base while nearly impossible to find is better than grief…


Melee does have the best P1 maybe even morst efficient option for PvM. Melee also handles all uber content. I’m not really sure if other builds are any good.

I think that skills or strength should add flat +dmg(Min/max bonus to melee chars. Then we can nerf grief.

Grief doesn’t need a nerf so much as other options needs a buff, and probably a rework to how +damage performs. Major overhauls are needed, but won’t happen because it would upset the delicate community this game has.

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Sounds like a nerf to Zealot, and buff to Barb… when Barb is already stronger/more-efficient than Zealot.
Also, Grief is cool and all for melee, but useless against physically immune, which there are plenty of, meaning while Grief is perceived to be “all that”, the truth is unless backed up with Light Saber, DemonsArch, GrimmerShred, AzureWrath, Lawbringer, etc makes melee useless.
For Zealot, Grief is real cool… until the going gets tough… where Grief become useless.
Barb has Berserk which lets him deal with PI’s while still being one on the best content clearing/MF finding characters out there.
Pally has Vengeance and Sanctuary… but to invest enough in those, and their synergies to make them work… you are no longer a Zealot, you are just some un-viable specialty build with no real use.

I do not like you idea… not even in the slightest.

I’m all for boosting damge 2h weapons deal, but, speed/target needs taken into account…
i think 2h should work much like Smite… essentially useless unit unleashed on a single target, and at that point OP.

But are we going to research zealot speed in SCBW?

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I do not know what SCBW is, and i do not do the maths, I just play the game and observe/compare myself (Zealot) to the builds I am playing with.
I also don’t do PvP, so, cannot comment to anything focused on that.

Aww I thought that joke was going to work, kind of sad now.
Zealots are a unit in the game Starcraft. Broodwar is the expansion pack for starcraft. Starcraft is made by the great Blizzard, as well as Diablo, WoW, and Warcraft all before the evil Activision took over.

Oh… sorry, being as ignorant as I am to all that I still don’t get it.
Guessing I am the brunt of your humor tho… and being totally ignorant to what exactly that humor is… is in itself amusing right?

That’s pretty dim witted

If melee + grief = how melee should be

But grief makes all other melee weapons feel like crap

Then nerf grief… and buff melee skills so that they become as strong as grief with the rest of the melee weapons lol

No! I wasn’t making a joke at you. Just being silly is all. It is okay. You should really try starcraft and broodwar they’re good games too!

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LightSaber, DemonsArch, GrimmerShred, AzureWrath, LawBringer, LastWish… without those Grief has no place in the “total game”.
Grief is a meme that helps you along until stuff gets real… then you need to ditch it for a “real” weapon.
Anyone that play’s melee knows this, and is why anyone that plays melee is against Grief nerf…
Grief math is really cool… until it’s useless… and it’s useless a lot in actual game play.
Grief clears junk, and when real trouble arises, Grief gets swapped out.
I’ve asked you before what character you play and you’ve not answered, and I’ve invited you to come play your melee character online with me… and you’ve not engaged in that either…
Go build a Zealot with Grief, and no weapon swap, and tell me how “entire-game-play” goes.
Heck, I’ll even help rush you… but, as a true melee character I cannot utilize Enigma, so, we’ll need to walk… I’m good if you are… ?

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Ro. 8 Day 1 ASL just dropped on Starcast TV. About to watch that shiz

Just watched game 1. Wasn’t anything crazy. I LOVE me some BW.

Grief does not need a nerf. Base damage on elite weapons needs to be buffed. The reason the other weapons don’t come close is because the base damage is so low that even 300% enhanced damage isn’t enough. If you bump the base, then Grief is still good, but not better than other high end options like BOTD.



Just buff base weapon damage of all weapons by 30 to 50 % and increase %ed on all weapons by ~200-250%ed including rare and magic. This would help melee at ladder start and balance other options to the level of grief while grief is nearly unaffected

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But mostly we need p8 mode on singlrplayer bnet games.

Also those poor shifter souls could use tele in form.

These 2 changes are game changers for the meta and d2r itself