Diablo II is and always will be PvM-centric. The PvP community barely make ~5% of the total playerbase and from my experience they were very toxic and relying on hacks/mods for some D2 1337 points.
Please do not consider making any changes to D2R for the sole purpose of PvP. Don’t ruin the fun of 95% for the 5%. There exists many PvP games out there that require actual skill for them. Thanks, Blizzard.
‘ruin the fun for PvM’.
How does the now often discussed FHR change helped in PvM ? Other than making it more trivial ?
Most of the proposed PvP changes does not affect PvM at all.
PvP may be smaller playerbase, but the one that stays with the game for the longest.
And toxic people are everywhere, PvM, other games, whole internet and irl. That has more to do with the decadent age we live in than with D2 PvP.
How are they the smaller playerbase, but the one that stays with the game for the longest? How does that work? Diablo II never ever gets waves of newer players, probably not even D2R. It always were the veterans.
We keep hearing how PvP is what kept D2 alive (lol) but honestly I don’t think anyone buys that.
I agree with you toxicity is everywhere but from my experience PvP scene in D2 for some reason was too extensively toxic. I really think D2R is about PvM (itemization and character building) and that PvP should really not be considered regardless of that.
Why are you making topic like this? Changes could be made to improve both, pvm and pvp. Stop being so ignorant dude. Many people play pvp and enjoy it.
You confused fact with opinion. Pvp being irrelewant is just your opinion. It is important enough so people do pvp tournament and even made multiple private D2 servers just for pvp. Those are facts.
Offline is pvm game. Online is pvp and PVM game. Its mindblowing how ignorant you are. So what if only 5% do pvp? Not to mention that number is most likely made up anyway, you are completely clue less that all parts of gameplay make together good game. Pvp affects game play, group play its add rpg element into game with player killers. Pvp affect trading a lot. So many items can be sold well just because of pvp.
So again, saying pvp is irrelevant is just so ignorant statement… Sure they should not nerf pvm builds just because they are op in pvp, but there are always ways how to improve game to make all sides happy.
Yeah dude, I am totally going to argue that “PvP” playerbase is not the vast vast vast VAST minority. D2R is PvM game, it’s that simple really. Changes should not effect it ever for the sole purpose of “PvP”. A reminder was needed because same 2-5 “PvPers” are flooding the forums recently.
“PvP” effects absolutely nothing. Been playing Hardcore since forever and “PvP” is non-existent there and guess what? Zero effect. What about Softcore? We know “PvPers” play in non-ladder. Guess what is the most dead game mode in D2R?
Why do we have to on other people fun? You don’t like PvP and only play PvM, that’s Okay, I like that better too. You grind and trade in the majority of the game yes. BUT!!! Let’s not be the type of people who say, what’s not fun for me, should not be relevant to everyone else also. I get it why PvP is apealing for some, let them have their fun.
This topic is not on anyone though? It clearly says changes should not be done for the sole purpose of PvP, because they are the very vast minority. D2R is PvM centric game, same 3-5 people are being very loud and asking for core game changes just for PvP. You think this is okay?
You are wrong. And proven wrong by Blizzard, because in patch notes they state FHR change only applies when hit by another player. So it was PvP change only.
You’re also wrong because you obviously did not comprehend what’s in OP. No where did I mention “PvP change only” specifically. I don’t think there are “PvP change only” anyways.
You cry about only 5 perc and that its not worth the time and yet Blizzard did invest time so they disagree with you.
Sugarcoat it all you like you are wrong again
Everyone will advocate for their favoured play style. FHR and block animation change makes PvP less chalangeing, which does not effect you, but effect PvP-ers. So those changes should be rolledback. Skill blance changes are another thing. None of the two sides is actually right. And refuse think in other perspective, or view the game as a whole.
90% of the pvp topic right now are about the anti stun immunity, something that doesnt affect pvm at all… If they revert it, you dont care. If they dont, you dont care either. A logical attitude for you should be “ok, i dont care either way but if the pvpers dont like it, just revert it” no ?